Chapter 9

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Alyson P.O.V

A couple of days later Will came to my door and asked me to take a walk with him, so I took my scarf and put it around me as I joined him. I stop walking and turn to him "Why are you here?" I ask in a calm voice "Last I checked I was your boyfriend" he tells me and touch my cheek. "Well, last time I checked you left me at the dog kennel without telling me you weren't coming after all" I push his hand away and take a step away from him. "I'm sorry, when I got home to put my things away, I fell asleep and mom didn't wake me" he started to cry when I wouldn't let him touch me.

We decided to go back to my house and talk there so we wouldn't get to cold "I'm home. Don't disturb me" I yell into the kitchen as I walk past it with Will in tow. "Will! Hi. Do you want to go to the half pipe?" Kayla asked when she saw him and I turn back to him waiting for his answer "Sorry, I'm going to spend time with my girlfriend" he rejects her and grab my hand. I must admit that it made me happy that he rejected her like that "You're still together?" she asked as if it was the weirdest thing ever "Uh, yeah" Will answer and drag me to my room so we could talk.

"So, what did you have to say?" I ask as I sit on my windowsill with him sitting on the bed on the other side of the room. "I wanted to know why you avoided me all those times before the competition" he tells me with his face in his hands. "I'm surprised you noticed considering you were so busy with Kayla" I laugh "What are you talking about?" he asks me looking clueless. "I'm talking about the fact that whenever I tried to get your attention you were to busy with Kayla to even notice I was there" I yell at him in frustration. "That's not true" he tries to defend himself "When we were at school you hanged out with Kayla, so I had to be with Sam and Dink" I growl. "Oh, come on, they're not that bad" he tries to joke "That's not the point. The point is that every time I tried to talk you blew me of for her" I try to get him to see my point.

Will and I had talked a lot over the last couple of hours, but he still couldn't see the fact that what he did hurt me. Since it was late, I told him to leave and said we could talk about it some other time. When I closed the door behind him, I take a deep breath before I get a card box from my closet. I decided that I would give Will his stuff back just in case we broke up and never talked to each other. Filling it with all his things took a long time, but I finally got it all in. I decided I would deliver it at the dog kennel to his mother and then take out my aggression on the slope.

The card box was tied securely to the back of my snowboard and I took the short cut down. Knocking on the door for her to open I brought the box in "Here's his stuff" I say and put it down in the middle of the room. "What?" she looks confused "I don't know what's going to happen, but I can't keep doing this" I try to explain my reasons. "Darling you don't have to explain anything" she smiles at me with tears in her eyes. "Even if you guys break up, I'll still be here for you" she tells me and gives me a hug goodbye. When I was about to walk out the door, I remembered that I was still wearing the necklace he had given me, so I took it of and stared at it. Turning around I gave it to his mother "Give this back to Will please" I smile at her before finally turning around to start my new life.

Will P.O.V

Today hadn't been going to great seeing as Alyson was still mad at me for no reason. It had been two hours since I was at her home trying to fix everything, and something in my head told me that something was going to happen soon. Hopefully it would be that Alyson got over her anger and talked to me.

A couple hours later mom came home from her shift at the kennel "How was it?" I ask from the kitchen as soon as I heard the door. "Eventful" she tells me and puts something down on the dining table "What's that?" I ask as I see the box. She smiles at me with a sad smile "Alyson came with it" she opens it to reveal my stuff Alyson had borrowed/taken through our relationship. Before I could say anything, she took my hand with the palm facing up, then she put something cold in my hand and walked away. Opening my palm, I could see the necklace I had given to Alyson before everything started to go down the drain.

That night I couldn't sleep at all, I had so much on my mind on how I should fix everything. Deciding that I should talk to the people that had been with her when I wasn't there for her through the last weeks seemed like a good first step. So that's what I would do in the morning, but I sent them a message that I would be needing their help.

----- Allyson P.O.V -----

For some reason I felt guilty for indirectly breaking up with Will, but I knew that it was time to put myself before anyone else. Just when I was about to sleep my phone blew up with notifications. Trying to ignore them was harder than I thought so I ended up with turning my phone off.

After a good night's sleep, I felt a little better about the whole Will situation. No matter what my parents or Kayla tried to say I knew that I never would stop loving him, for he was the one I thought I would spend the rest of my life with. That is a huge deal for someone to have when they're only 18 years old. Anyway, I got up from the couch I had been laying on for some time so I could change into something cute. I had promised Sam and Dink that I would meet up with them at the top of the half pipe for something.

Running in heels was not easy, but I had been so busy with redecorating my room that I completely forgot the time. I'm running late and I just know I'm never going to hear the end of it. "Sorry I'm late" I breath out with my hands resting on my knees in an attempt at catching my breath. "No big deal" Sam laughs at me "So, what was it you needed?" I ask as I see them in full snowboard gear. "Oh, we didn't need anything" they said and drove down the pipe "You're dead" I yell after them mad "Don't be to hard on them" I hear a female voice say behind me. Turning around I see Will's mother "Hey, what are you doing here?" I ask and give her a hug "Nothing special" she shrugs with a glint in her eye.

Some time later Will's mother left me there by myself and I decided to get home. "Am I to late?" I hear a male voice behind me, turning I see Will in his snowboard gear "What the hell are you doing here?" I snap at him. "I know you're mad, but I want to explain for real this time" Will gesture for me to sit down on the thing Sam and Dink use to take push ups on. "These past weeks I've been a real douche, and there's no excusing it. The fact that I went back to snowboarding when I did have almost nothing to do with Kayla. I went back because you always came to me with a smile talking about it, and when Kayla told me about the Swift boys, I grew angry. I really wanted to show them and you that I hadn't given up all hope".

We sat there for a while, so I could think over everything he had been telling me. "Alyson?" Will asks and snap his fingers in my face. When he saw that he had my attention he took my hand and got me to stand "I know you kind of broke up with me yesterday, but I have something to ask you" he tells me and put my hand in front of my eyes. "You can look now" Will informs me, I remove my hand and see him on one knee with a beautiful ring. "Will you, Alyson Angel Morgan make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asks me. I put my hand in front of my mouth as my eyes tear up in surprise and happiness "Yes, of course I'll marry you" I yell and give him my hand. After he put the ring on my finger, I gave him a big kiss "I love you" we say together. "Not to spoil the mood, but I'm not going to walk down this hill again" I laugh at myself "That's fine" Will laughs and lifts me into his arms after he put on his snowboard. "Don't you dare drop me" I threaten as he gets ready to slide down "Never" he smiles at me.

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