Chapter 2

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The next day I was at the dog kennel with Will when Kayla burst through the door, looking out to see if someone saw her. A dog owner was giving Will instructions for his dog, and when the man left I couldn't miss the opportunity to tease her "Wow Kaykay, first day and your already late" I giggle at the glare she gives me not at all faced. She started to diss his flannel shirt, I let her go on for a little bit before I'd had enough "Hey! I bought him that shirt" I glare at her. Will turned to me with a smile, then back to Kayla again "You don't have time for fashion statements when you're giving a fifty-pound bloodhound a bath" he smirks.

When he was done with teaching Kayla the basic things we both started to open the dog cages "Uh, what are you doing?" Kaykay asks nervous "We're letting the dogs out to meet you" I answer "Oh, no that's okay. No need" she orders ushering them away from her. "They are depressed, and they only got out on the sleigh rides" Will tries to make her feel guilty. I block her out knowing this is the perfect opportunity for her to make everything about her, Will gives me a look as if asking whether or not she's serious. "Whatever just fill the food bowls first" he orders her "I can't" she whines "Come on Buford" I take the dog "I'm allergic to dogs" Kayla protests "No you're not" I deny and get to work.

Kayla was busy with something When her phone told her she had a voice mail "Heard about last night" he starts "You are no longer part of the Swift snowboarding team" and the voice mail ends. She turned around to go and I followed her to the food court where Nick and his goons were. "Your dad kicked me of the team" Kayla explained, but Nick didn't seem surprised at all almost like he knew it would happen. "Nick you have to talk to him" Kayla demands "Babe, it was either you or us. What was I supposed to do?" Nick tries to calm her while looking at me with a nervous look. It suddenly makes sense as to why they did it and why he never answered her calls, Sebastian and the boys did it on purpose, so they had a reason to kick her off. "We can't take the chance, Fire and Ice competition is right around the corner" her 'lovely' boy toy told her "Yeah, and the team will suffer without me" She yells. Nick turns around so fast I thought he would get dizzy "No we won't actually" he confessed "Oh look at the time we got to go" his goons mumble and hid behind the wall. Finally, Nick told Kayla the truth, you know the one that would come ack to bite her in the ass. Kayla looked truly broken when she found out. "Go home but wait for me, we'll talk to dad together" I hug her and walk towards the Swift boy and his goons.

"Yo, guys stop right now" I yell when I see the boys, they looked back at me and gave me smug looks. "To what do we owe this pleasure, Princess?" The long-haired goon asks as I stand in front of him. "I'll kick you in the balls if you call me princess one more time, and I came to warn you. I have a message for you, the snowboard sweetheart is coming back" I growl. Walking away was harder then I thought "Why do you think you can talk to us like that?" Nick asked me "Because I'm not afraid of you, and if you try anything I'll expose the night of Kayla's accident" I walk away from them.

My dear boyfriend was waiting for me at the dog kennel, so I took our things and explained everything. I also assured him I would be ready for our date later, I felt horrible for walking away from him right then, but I had a duty as a sister first.

Kayla was waiting in her room when I came home, so I went upstairs to get her, so we could talk to dad. "So... Guess what dad" I start and step aside, so he could see Kayla's betrayed expression "How could you?" she screams at him. "Honey, you're all worked up, j..just calm down" he stutters out "Calm down?" she laughs at him "I actually thought I was good, only to find out I was bad" she started to cry. "You're not bad, but you're not great either" he tries to save himself, I could tell it really hurt her that dad lied about all this. "And you knew that, yet you didn't let her learn, but let Sebastian rig the competitions for her" I finally spoke up. "Why do you care if you win or lose? You're out there having fun, isn't that what counts?" dad asked trying to see the positive side of it all. "This is not fun dad, for Kayla this is the complete opposite of fun" I get angry that he's trying to brush it away like it's nothing. "Don't care about people's opinions. They'll always be jealous, but you should feel no shame because of my success and business" he told us. Kaykay finally turned to dad "I don't dad, I feel ashamed because I was acting like something I'm not" she snaps at him. They fought some more, until it looked like Kayla would walk away "I was just trying to protect you. I love you, you know that" he cries out, but she just storms out. "She knows that, she's just confused and sad" I smile and pat his arm, "I love you, and I know you have good intentions" I hug him and walk to my room.

The date was  finally here, and it would be amazing to set all the drama aside to focus on me and Will. Speaking of Will, he had me with dinner and a movie, and it was honestly the sweetest thing ever. "I know I have told you this before, but I really love you and I would like it if you would wear this necklace to remind you of it everyday" he smiles at me. At the same time, he opened a rectangular box to show me the necklace with 'Angel' engraved on it. "Oh my god, it's beautiful" I tell him as he puts it on me, "You didn't have to do that" I say and gives him a kiss to show my gratitude. "I love you so much, and you didn't have to get me anything to show me you loved me" I told him as we walked to his house.

We decided to watch a movie in Will's bedroom, and after I had taken one of his to use instead of the skirt we were ready. Through the movie me and Will would stare at each other than laugh if we got caught or give the other a kiss. This was really good, to just forget all the Kayla drama and just spend time with my boyfriend. Cause I knew that no matter what I did Will would be there for me, to either back me up or to pick me up. That is what a boyfriend is supposed to do, not what Nick did to Kayla just because she wasn't as good as them.

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