Chapter 5

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When I had finally gotten home I saw the car that belonged to Kayla's friend, meaning she was complaining about everything that happens in her life. I love her I really do, but she is such a drama queen and overreacts on everything she's talking about. I went upstairs to my room to work on something with my computer, but I couldn't find it 'Where is that stupid computer?' I thought to myself as I look in every shelf in my room. It's probably in Kayla's room from when I helped her with homework, Pia and Kayla was talking about the changes in scenario for Kayla right now. "Well, to be fair Will Cloud isn't uncute" Pia states with a giggle 'Aw hell no' I think and barge into the room and glared at them "He's also taken, so back of" I snap at them and look for my computer. They stopped talking about his looks and started to talk about his accident on the slope "It was not an epic fail, it was an accident that almost killed him" I correct them and storm out with my computer.

That night I went to swim in the pool to stay in shape, and to let go of some aggression from earlier today. Kayla came in and threw one of the small floating matts at me "What do you want?" I ask as I start to float on my back. She looked like she was sure she would get her way "You know the Snowboard Sweetheart, right?" she asked me "Uhm, yeah" I answer confused "You have to get her to train me" she demands. I start to laugh and came up from the water "Why the hell should I do that" I ask her as I dry myself "Excuse me, because I said so" she stomps her foot and looked at me as if I was the most stupid person ever. "Yeah.... No" I smile and watch her face "DAD!!" she screams running out of the pool room with me hot on her tail. Just as we rounded the corner we saw dad with Sebastian and Nick in the living room "Alyson doesn't want to get the snowboard sweetheart to help me" she whines. Our father looks up at us "Sorry Sebastian" he groans "For once I don't have time for your whining Kayla, and Alyson you're needed at the food court by your boyfriend" he informs us. I stick my tongue out at Kayla, but only then do I realise that Sebastian and Nick were staring at me for different reasons. Nick was staring at my body or to be exact my boobs and ass, while Sebastian was staring at my face with a thoughtful face. Seeing as I wasn't needed here anymore I ran away from the awkward stares on me, so I ran up to my room to get dressed in my new dress, a jacket, favourite boots and styled my hair and face.

Twenty minutes later I was sitting with Will and the guys eating delicious cheesy sweet potato fries "So what did you do when you came home?" Sam asked me with a chuckle "Well, after they talked about how delicious Will is I went for a swim in the pool" I answer with a smirk. "Oh, and Kayla demanded that I get the snowboard sweetheart to coach her" I tell them between giggles, and that made Will laugh really loud, so everyone stared at us. I punched his arm to make him stop, but when he sobered up and looked at me I could see the playful gleam in his eyes "Don't you dare, I'm wearing a dress" I warn him as I start to run away. I didn't get very far seeing as he is tall and I'm wearing heels today, between my laughing and Will's tickling we failed to notice that Nick came over, normally we wouldn't care, but he was glaring pretty hard at me "Is there anything you need?" I ask as nicely as I can. "My father wants to talk with you tomorrow" he says to me "Thought so, he just can't handle someone threatening his precious team and reputation" I fake pout back and walk away with Will. I could feel Nick's stare linger at my ass, and I wasn't the only one, Will put his hand on top of my behind and that made me laugh.

------ Will's P.O.V ------

When that Swift kid stared at my girlfriend I could feel the jealous monster in my chest come out, so I put my hand on her behind. He should know it's disrespectful to flirt and stare at another guys girlfriend. Even if she is as beautiful as Alyson, who is perfect from the inside to the outside. I gave Nick a glare as I saw him keep staring at her ass then I turned Aly around and gave her a big kiss to show him that she is MY girl.

When we came home mom was putting away the groceries, and Alyson pushed us out from the kitchen to make dinner "If you try to help I will burn down the dog kennel" she threatens and pushed mom out of the kitchen. "That bossy side of you is so hot" I smirk at her when she raised an eyebrow "Good for you, now get out before I shave of your eyebrows" she sassed right back at me. I raise my hands in surrender and slowly back out the kitchen door really scared that she will shave of my eyebrows.

Mom was sitting on the couch laughing "The eyebrow threat?" she mused knowing I could hear her "Oh shut up" I pout and sit down. We could hear Aly sing while she was making the food, that smelled delicious might I add "So, you have an amazing girlfriend" she smiles at me looking proud. "Yeah, she truly is amazing, and she cares so much for others" I smile like a little schoolgirl just thinking about her.

The dinner was delicious, she made chicken bacon Florentine for us. I started to imagine what it would be like when she was making food for me when we were married and have kids. 'Woah, woah, woah' I thought as I realised what I had imagined 'I really do love her and want her to be my ever after' I think to myself and accidently start to choke on the food I was chewing. "Woah are you okay?" she asked worried as she patted my back to help me "Absolutely perfect" I say with a huge grin on my face.

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