Chapter 8

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Kayla was yet again whining about the fact that Skye was with Nick, but I was ignoring them both because of the episode at school. Anyway, she drove down the pipe and was perfecting the tricks we taught her before she could go onto the more advanced tricks. "I don't think you should teach her the Cloud 9" I talk to Will for the first time that day "Why not?" he turns to me and ask "She's just doing all this to prove to Nick that he was wrong, and to make him jealous" I snap at him. He scoffs at me "No, she's not" he denies "She is, and you're playing along with holding her hand, doing everything for her, and coming back to snowboarding for her" I tell him everything I've wanted to say since the beginning. "I didn't come back to snowboarding for her" he denies yet again "Uh you did, you may not think so, but no matter how much I asked you never came back, but as soon as she asked you we see you on the board" I want him to realise his actions.

He just ignored me and rode down the pipe and over to Kayla to talk about something, but before I could ride down to them I saw Skye trying to show Kayla who the boss is. So I couldn't but smash her ego while I was on my way down, and I even sprayed her and Nick full of snow just to be a bitch about it. When Will walked to the top of the pipe I knew he was going to go against my wishes and teach Kayla the cloud 9. I decided to not be here for it so I walked home after telling Will to call me later, something I hoped he listened to. On my way away from them I started to cry, just because I was tired of having to compete with my sister for my own boyfriends' attention. Accidently I bumped into both Sam and Dink since they were on their way to Will and Kayla "Woah, what's wrong?" Sam asked me as he put his hands on my shoulders. I look up at him "You should ask them, if they even acknowledge what they did" I tell him and point behind me at Will and Kayla talking together.

Instead of going home like I was first going to, I went to the dog kennel to help Will's mother "Hey, I'm here" I yell when I step inside the door. "What are you doing here?" she asked me and gave me a hug "I need some advice" I tell her with tears in my eyes "Oh, honey what's wrong?" she sat me down on the couch. "I'm having problems with Will" I tell her "What kind of trouble?" she asked me with uncertain eyes. "No matter what I tell him or ask him he just ignores it to be with Kayla, and I'm happy he got back to snowboarding, it just hurts that he went back for her." I start to cry. "Oh honey, I think you have to make him realise what he's missing, even if it hurts you for a little while" she gives me the brutal truth and it turns out to be a great advice. A little while later she said that she had to close for the night, but I told her I'd wait for Will here seeing as I had sent him a message to meet me here and he had agreed.

I must have fell asleep on the couch while I was waiting for Will because that's where I was woken up the next morning by his mother. "He was a no show, wasn't he?" she asked me even if she already knew the answer "You know what? Why don't you go home, get some real rest and I'll see you at the competition tonight" she asked, but we both knew it was an order. "Yeah, I'll do that" I smile at her and take my things with me home. Surprisingly Will was waiting for me at my house "There you are" he jumps of my bed "What the hell do you mean?" I ask him as I back away from his hug. "I came to get you here this morning, but you weren't here, and from what your mother tells me you didn't get home tonight" he tells me as I take of my snowboarding gear. "If you remember I asked to talk to you at the dog kennel, but you never showed so I fell asleep" I snarl at him "Aly, I'm so sorry, I was really busy with Kayla" he tries to find an excuse. "It's always about her, well congratulations go be with her" I tell him as I start to push him out of my room "What?" he asked me confused. "Get out" I tell him when he tries to explain "We're over, but I'll still compete for your team, now get out" I practically yell as I push him out and lock the door.

When I came to the competition I saw that the boys got their gear and I took mine to go change, but when I came back Will was telling Kayla that she could just stay on the Swift team because she wasn't going to race for us. That means he finally understood what he had let go and was making an effort to be forgiven by me and that made me very happy.

First, we saw the guys at the halfpipe and let me tell you they were really good, but Will was by far the best at it. Finally, it was the girls turn at the halfpipe and I was first, despite the fact that I knew I was going to win I was nervous and fidgety "You're going to do amazing" Will and Sam tell me with a pat on the back. That made me smile and took my turn on the pipe, even if Skye did everything she could it ended up with a second place for her. For round two Skye was first and it didn't surprise me that she upped her game plan, but I was still confident about winning. "Alyson Morgan has given a great effort, but it would take a miracle for her to win" the announcer tells the crowd. Dad walked over to Kayla and started to apologise on underestimating her and not supporting her, and I was happy that he finally opened his eyes and saw her for who she is. After that he came over to me with a hug and a big, proud smile "I'm so proud of you Alyson, but why did you hide it away?" he asked confused "I didn't plan for it to stay hidden for so long, but I started because I wanted to be a success without the help of you or your name" I explain my reasons without hurting his feelings. Kayla came over and we shared a group hug, and over dad's shoulder I could see Sebastian saying something to Nick while pointing at us. Nick looked mad "Anything?!" he suddenly yells, and everyone turns to them "You know dad, believe it or not, some people are proud of their kids just for who they are" he snaps at his father loudly. "Without making them win medals or cheat" he yells in his own father's face "Wow, hey, careful" Sebastian pokes Nick's chest. Nick slaps his arm away "Here's an idea" he starts and walk to the middle of the crowd "How about we tell Kayla what really happened with her and Will's sleigh" he questions but his father tries to stop him. "I steered Kayla into that sign, so dad had a reason to kick her off the team" he confessed to everyone "What?" Kayla asks in shock. "I was just following orders" he tells her "Yeah, like always" he turns to his father "So tell me dad, you proud of me now?" he asks knowing the answer. Sebastian looks around from me, to dad, to Will and then to Kayla and then to his own son.

"Everything I've always done is for you, I mean everything was to help you achieve your dreams" Sebastian tries to smooth things over "It's not my dream, it's yours" Nick tells his father. After that he turns to Kayla "I'm sorry Kayla, I hope you can forgive me someday" he looks like he is ready to cry, so I walked up to him and gave him a hug "You did the right thing at last" I tell him with a smile "If it helps I forgive you" I confess to him and step back. Kayla smiles as he walks past, then she walks looks at Sebastian with such disappointment in her eyes and she walks away. "I'm going to crush you" I hiss at Sebastian as I get in his face then turn to get ready for my turn "You're going for it, aren't you?" Will asked me as I walked past him. I stop without looking at him "Like Kayla says, nothing is impossible" I tell him and keep on walking. "Alyson must feel an immense pressure right now, not only is the woman's title at stake, but also overall team victory. With team Swift leading Alyson Morgan must do something spectacular to win both the women's event and get her team glory over Sebastian Swifts club." The announcer tells the audience. I get ready and mutter the phrase Will and I always used to tell each other "No fear" and then I start to ride with the cloud 9 as my last trick and it gave me the victory. Everyone cheered for me and my team came over in a victory hug, finally we managed to show the Swift team that they are not unbeatable.


A new chapter will come soon enough.

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