Chapter 4

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After successfully getting Buford in the bathtub she started washing him "See Buford, life is never so bad you can't wash your hair" Kayla tells him as she scrubs his head. "But believe me, this is a new low for me too" Kayla complains as she checks out her nails, and because we were busy doing other things like listening to music we didn't notice anything wrong. "Donald!" Kayla screamed, and I heard a splash, looking up I saw all the dogs running around with Kayla running after them bumping into things. They all ran out and Kayla tried to take the dog leashes I was sitting on, just as I was about to move she pushed me backwards. The last thing I saw was her running out, after that I hit my head, and everything went black.

Kayla's P.O.V

I felt guilty for pushing Alyson of the counter, but I was freaking out that all the dogs ran out and away. Chasing them all around the mountain was not fun, and I was getting cold and tired when they ran through the food court and I lost them all. Everyone stared at me as I stood there soaking wet with the leashes around my neck. Suddenly everyone starts to laugh making me feel so embarrassed by the way I look. Nick came over and lead me to their table "Hey, are you okay?" he asks sitting me down "Yeah, I'm great" I smile at him. "Uh... I've been calling you" I tell him even though he knows "Haven't you gotten my messages?" I ask wanting to know the excuse this time. "Oh.. uh, I dropped it in a puddle, so it's probably dead you know" he tells me and gives me the smile that makes me weak in my knees. A ringtone rang through the air, and Nick found his phone in his jacket "Sounds alive to me" I huff remembering I was mad at him. "Kayla, I need to talk to you" he tells me, and I get hopeful that Sebastian wants me back on the team "Me too, I really want to thank you" I smile at him. "For what?" he asks "For telling me the truth, about my dad and the challenges" I trail of to grab his jacket "I kind of just... I'm grateful that through all of this I still have you" I smile and fix his jacket and went for his hands. "You- you kind of smell like dogs" Nick reminds me and backs away from me "I know, sorry" I laugh it of and put my hands down. "Look Kayla, I don't know how to tell you this" Nick starts to break up with me "You don't have to say anything" I start as I try to get him to not break up with me. I seriously want to cry right now "So, I'm not on the team. It just gives me more time to cheer on my superstar boyfriend" I fake a smile. He gives me a tense smile in return "Yeah, that's not going to work" he reveals "Why not?" I question with a pout "I'm a great cheerer" I try to joke with an eye roll. "No, no the boyfriend part isn't going to work" he told me. That hurt, and I showed it through my face "You see I got training to think about, and I can't have any distractions right now" he informs me. Now I was confused "I'm a distraction to you?" I ask as he stands up "I'm sorry Kayla, I wish things were different" he then walks away from me.

----- Time Skip----

After running around the mountain some more I finally got a leash on all the dogs, but when I near the kennel I remember the mess I left. Will and his mother was cleaning all my mess, but Will let go of the table he was picking up when I came inside in shock. "What happened, and where is Aly?" not understanding the situation. "Ask Donald, that dog is mean, and cruel and no friend of mine" I declare. I sat down "This day has been the worst day of my life, I got kicked of team Swift, Nick broke up with me, I chased these dogs halfway up the mountain and ruined my boots" I cry and look at my feet. They looked at me like I was mentally unstable, but his mother ran over with a towel anyway "It's- gosh that's terrible honey" she tries to console me "Thanks" I mumble. I look up suddenly "I'm fired though, right?" I ask hopefully "Of course not, this was not your fault. You should have been trained before you were left alone" she comforts me with a glare at Will. He scoffed "Oh, so this is my fault?" I interrupt him "No no, I take full responsibility and I understand that you need to fire me" I try to get her to fire me. She just smiles at me "Let's get you some dry clothes, something warm to drink and you can take the rest of the day of" she leads me towards the door. "So, you're not firing me?" I really wanted to end this torture of a job, she looked at me in pity "No" she smiles, but I just put my head on her shoulder and cry even more. "Wait, I left you here with Alyson. Where is she?" Will asked me worried making me look around "Uh... She sat on the counter when I last saw her" I tell them after I realised she was nowhere to be found. Her loving boyfriend walked over to the counter and looked behind it, and there she was just getting up from the floor with a bruise on her face and blood dripping from her forehead. "Are you okay?" Will asked her and put an arm around her waist "I have a headache and I'm dizzy, but I would be completely fine if someone didn't push me" she glared at me as she answered. 'That was mean' I thought as I gave her an offended look and walked out of the kennel and drove away, not caring the slightest bit that I was her ride.

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