Chapter 3

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Will woke me up with breakfast on the bed, and it was so sweet of him. Especially considering everything else he does and still do for me. "I love you" I smile at him and kiss his palm, "I love you too" he kissed my forehead and held me tightly in a hug. We went out to our secret snowboarding place, so I could a little more, just to stay in shape. "Do you still know how to do the cloud 9?" Will asked me "Of course" I yell as I walk up the ramp to do it. The secret place looks kind of like the ramp by the food court, only a little bit smaller. He looked truly horrified when I did our trick, as if he thought I was going to die. "Relax Will, I helped you make this trick, I know this almost as much as you" I reassure him. He smiled at me and carried my board over to his house again, because we hid it here as to not reveal my hidden identity.

When Will finally had to go to work the I asked him if he could update me on Kayla's progress as he was going to work. Instead he dragged me out of bed and with him, so I could look for myself. Surprisingly Kayla was at work mopping the floor when we got there, Will laughed at her when he saw only to stop when I punched him. "Good morning Boo" I smile and give her a hug, then I helped her with the dog cleaning and floor washing.

Sam and Dink came in like they always did every day, with Sam looking a little bit out of it. Probably because he tried a new trick, but by the looks of it he failed somehow. "You got a new assistant?" Dink tries to flirt with Kayla "Back of my sister Dink" I growl from my spot on a shelf. "What the hell are you doing up there?" Will asked me as he threw me over his shoulder and sat me on the reception desk. After that they talked about omens and weather forecasts, Will just looked at me with a confused look "You both are crazy" I smile at them an jump on Will's back. Sam smiled, and Dink looked offended while Will walked over and talked some snowboard technique that I had heard a million times before. "Yes yeah, look my head is pounding and I'm starving" Sam tells us and eats one of the dog treats "That's a dog treat" Dink says, and I turn the bowl. They look disgusted, but I just started to laugh "Yeah, I think we need some pizza therapy" Will informs as he puts me back on the counter. Kayla runs forward "Wait, where are you going?" she asks him "To get pizza, I'm hungry" he say as if it's obvious "Will..." I simply warn him with a glare. He hands her Donald's leash "Here, secure Donald in his cage, and there's a list of things you need to do on the counter" then he holds his hand out to me. I give him a glare telling him I'm disappointed in him "I'll be here with Kayla to help" I snap at him and walk over to the bathtubs for the dogs to fill them up. He tried to give me a goodbye kiss, but I was angry, so I avoided it, so he would understand what kind of mood I was in. "Why are you mad at me?" he asks me as he looked into my eyes "If you leave Kayla and me here something will happen" I tell him, and all I get in return is a smile.

Will left anyway, and Kayla went straight for her phone to call her boytoy, from the look on her face he didn't answer. It went straight to voicemail, and you could see she was past the irritated phase, now she was pissed off. "Hey Nick, It's me... again. Just call me when you get this... Bye" she said in a sickly-sweet voice. After she hung up Kayla slammed the phone on the counter I sat on, she noticed the picture of Will and me together before the accident. "Okay, come on" she drags Donald over to his cage and closed it and as a response he growled at her "I hope we're not going to have a problem here.... Donald" she challenges him. Funniest thing ever is the way Kayla tried to get Buford in the bathtub "Don't just lie there" she whines at him. By the way, you should know that while this happened I was sitting on the counter laughing my ass of. I promise you, I was going to help her, but then I remember all the times she never helped me, so I didn't. She never had to work for anything before, she was always handed everything on a silver platter, while I worked for almost everything I had. She glared at me and gave me a look telling me this was all my fault, even though it wasn't. I just smiled a fake smile and continued to work on some choreography for dance. It was kind of boring to find it, but that is what a captain must do. Besides it makes it possible for me to make dances that challenge us, instead of the dances the former coach made us do. They were just us twerking and sexualising our body so he could look at us, he was one of the men that lived by the quote 'We can look, but not touch'.

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