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Draco Malfoy

Draco sighed as he woke up, even if the sun was shining softly, clouds are puffy and birds are chirping, to Draco felt like it was a rainy night. "Father, what are you doing in here?" He asked, when he felt the aura in the room, which is usually silver, turn soft yellow in a corner.

"Well, I was... well..." Lucius stuttered, making Draco rolled his eyes as he wandlessly pushed Lucius outside of his room. "Go, I'll come by later." Lucius nodded, as the door closed and Draco could hear his footsteps go away. He took out his wand before casting a silencing spell amongst his room before he grabbed his towel.

After the Slytherin's Ice Prince has his bath...

Draco dried his hair using his towel, before grabbing a black, long sleeved shirt, (His family accepted Muggle clothing a looong time ago. They just wear it under their robes) a pair of black jeans and some pink and red mixed eyeshadow on his eyes.

He smiled, before wearing his glasses and grabbing his novel. He had nothing to do today, his schedule was empty until next week, he had a fun time at the QWC, not including the panic those drunken DEs caused on his friends and the Weasleys and his apology letter was already sent to Potter so... there's nothing to do but read, as his home work is done.

"Filby could you get me some tea please?" He asked the new elf, who nodded before teleporting away. He sat in front of the fireplace, reading peacefully.

That's when he heard the rattle of someone coming in through the Floo connector. "Oh god." He whispered, before the fireplace lit up with green flames and out step a red and brown haired, multicolour eyed and fancy wearing...


Harry Potter

"Malfoy! Just the person I was looking for!" He said happily, wandlessly cleaning himself off the muck and ashes from the fireplace and gave his school rival a hug. "I got your letter and I accept the apology. I apologise too for being a dick and believing Ron headfirst. You two are friends, right?"

Draco nodded, closing his book, smiling. "So what brings you to my Manor?" He asked, but before Harry could answer the fireplace lit up again and Sirius and Remus appeared, smiling softly.

"Draco! Good to see you again!" Sirius said, hugging the teen in a tight hug. "Good to see you too, Sirius." Draco said. "Can we talk with your parents, Draco?" Draco nodded, before asking his Elf for his parents.

"Yes Dr- Oh. Sirius, Remus, what brings you here?" Narcissa, who looks really pale, asked, sitting down beside Draco while Lucius sat beside her. "Well, you guys are still DEs, right?" Lucius nodded, while Narcissa shook her head. "Only Lucius. I never took the Dark Mark, as I only followed Draco. I work as the Medic for the Dark." Harry nodded, before taking a deep breath.

"I'm here to join the Dark side." The Malfoys went silent. "Why all of a sudden? I thought- We thought you are Light!" Draco said; making Harry smile. "Here. This will answer all of those questions." He said; handing the list that Dill gave him.

In just seconds after reading it, Narcissa gave Harry a hug, Lucius was cursing Dumbledore into oblivion and Draco was still shell-shocked. "Of course you can join. I'm sure the Dark Lord will accept you all in the group." Harry smiled, before giggling at Draco's still shocked reaction. "Are you alright, Draco?" He asked, making the blonde snap out of it, blushing.

"Sorry, it's just a delayed shock reaction. So... Does this mean we can start over?" Harry smiled. "Hi, my name is Harry James Potter. Would you like to be my friend?" Draco grinned. "I, Draconian Lucius Malfoy-Black, accept you hand in friendship." They shook hands, before giggling softly.

The Malfoys and the two Marauders smiled at the interaction between the two before the wards flared with warning, making them stiff. They all got out their wands except for Harry, who's fists lit up with silver flames. Then there was sounds coming from the fireplace, and out came Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Blaise and Neville.

"Are you guys alright?" Harry and Draco asked, helping their friends up as the adults let out relieved breaths before cleaning the soot off the teens and called for a House Elf to serve them tea.

"Argh, a bit sore but I'm fine. You guys alright?" Blaise asked, making the rest hum with agreement while sipping tea. "Why are you guys here?" Ron perked up. "Well we all came from-" Luna cut him off. "Harry you changed." Luna said, smiling as her eyes cleared, showing bright, electric blue eyes. "I did. Here." Harry said, handing out his lists.

After a few minutes, they all hugged Harry tightly as Blaise growled. "That old fool is crazy! Trapping the last Serphentina, Pheonix, Floral Fairy and Crystal Angel from his own powers, it's a miracle you still have a little magic left as most of it is connected to your hybrids!" Blaise said, making Harry frown. "Wait, my Crystal Angel, Floral Fairy and Pheonix are the last? I knew about the Serphentina cause the goblins told me." Harry said, before Draco noticed the glasses shaking.

Without hesitation, he stepped in front of Harry and cupped his cheeks, making him look into his eyes. "Harry. You are here. You are safe. I'm here. Remus is here. Sirius is here. Your friends are here. You'll forever stay safe as long as we're beside you. Don't look at the past and let's just focus on how to bring down that maniac." Harry nodded slightly, smiling softly. "Thank you Dray." Draco nodded, before they focused on the rest.


:D Thank you for the support!! 💜💜💜💜💜

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