Ch. 6

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1st September, Kings Cross

Harry and Draco arrived by Floo, before moving aside, letting Narcissa and Remus Floo through. "Are we all here?" Harry asked, before they walked through the barrier and met up with the rest of his friends, including Luna, Neville, the Twins and Blaise.

They all got into a compartment that was enlarged, as the train was enchanted to fit the students, before Harry looked out the window as the train whistled. "Bye cub, I'll send your package tomorrow, alright?" Remus said, making Harry smile. "Bye Remus!" Harry yelled out as the train slowly left the station, the group waving back at their parents and guardians.

The group chatted about pranks, what was going to happen at Hogwarts, before the trolley lady knocked lightly on the door. "Anything from the trolley dearies?" Harry, Blaise and Luna stood up and got candies for everyone, each knowing what their personal friends like, and the rest remembering the choices as they're now a team.

They played Exploding Snaps and chatted, before the automated announcement rang through the train. The boys all changed in the compartment as Luna and Hermione went to the toilets to change.

When they all got off, Harry could sense that something was slightly wrong. "Harry, what's wrong mate?" Ron, who noticed that Harry was acting rather strangely on the carriage ride, asked, making Harry shook his head before plastering a fake smile.

"Nothing Ron." Ron, Hermione and Draco all looked at each other with annoyance. They know that he is hiding something but at the same time know that he'll never tell them in fear of dangering them.

Harry smiled softly as he stepped into the Entrance Hall, feeling like he's finally in a place that's not so odd. Harry walked over to his group before they all walked off to the Great Hall, but since three members were in different houses, they were about to go to their tables when Ron pulled Blaise, Hermione gently pulled Luna and Harry took Draco's hand and the three forced them to sit with the rest of Gryffindor, before Neville sat on the other side of Blaise, Fred sat beside Draco and George sat beside Luna, to protect them from the other Lions.

"You're our friends, and honestly having different tables for each houses sucks. I've seen multiple different housed groups around Hogwarts so what's wrong with you guys sitting here?" Harry said as the rest of the houses stared at the two Slytherins and one Ravenclaw.

After the Sorting was finished, Harry noticed that there was no new teachers. "Huh. Wonder who's the new teacher, since they're kinda late..." Harry mumbled, before the door banged open, revealing Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody, a retired Auror, top on his game when he was still working for the Ministry and a friend of Dumbledore's.

"Welcome, Alastor! He is your new Defence teacher!" Dumbledore said happily, as the man sat next to Snape, eyeing everyone before drinking from his flask. "He seems pleasant." Hermione said, as the food appears and they all dug in, the similarity of how Blaise and Ron ate made Harry laugh softly.

Harry casted another glance at the man, before eating his peas in silence. The rest chatted with each other, Harry joining in a few times but other than that stayed quiet.

After desserts had been devoured and all students were yawning slightly, they all walked back to their dorms, the two Slytherins promising to meet them in front of the Gryffindor's door while Luna said that she'll meet them at Breakfast. Harry immediately passed out in his bed after a quick shower while Ron and Neville, who weren't really tired, chatted with Dean and Seamus, who, apparently, had gotten together at the end of their third year.

The next morning...

Harry woke up the earliest, at 4, before deciding that it was way too early to wake any of them up, but he can't go back to sleep, so he grabbed his cloak and the Map, before going out of the Griffindor tower, heading towards the Astronomy Tower.

He sat at the edge, letting his feet dangle above the ground, as he watched the stars and the moonlight illuminating the Forbidden Forest, some of the creatures occasionally popping out of the leaves to watch the stars, like a Hippogriff that was flying around, or the Centaurs in a clearing.

Harry could see them since they were out in the open, but he would occasionally catch some other unidentifiable creatures flying around too.

He sighed happily, the Cloak covering his body gave him warmth and comfort while the moon shone brightly, his face illuminated by its light and the stars accompany him in his loneliness, like a piece of his parents and guardians are with him. His bright green eyes shone with comfort and happiness, content with the silence and the night sky.

When the night sky became purple-pink, he decided to head back to his common room, mentally promising to return to his safe spot. Harry sighed silently, whispering the password and smiled slightly as he saw that only Neville was awake. "Where did you go, Haz?" Harry raised his eyebrow at the nickname but shrugged it aside.

"I went for a walk, I woke up way too early and couldn't fall back asleep." Neville nodded, before going back to reading his Herbology book. "Nev, should we wake them up or bathe ourselves first?" Neville pondered the options, before setting his book aside and got up.

"Let's bathe first, since it's obvious that Deamus would take very long baths..." Neville said, subtly implying as they glanced at the closed curtains containing the two boys.

The two boys chuckled softly before Harry decided to let Neville bathe first. He took ten minutes, according to him because he couldn't find the soap and the shampoo got into his eye. Harry took his towel before taking out his wand and healed Neville's red eyes. "There. Feel better?" Neville nodded, smiling.

After Harry and finished and they had both woken up the others, the two decided to glad downstairs first, meeting up with Hermione, who was pleasantly shocked to see them downstairs. "Well at least you two have decency. Usually Harry waits for Ron." Harry smiled sheepishly. "I wait cause I always want to talk to him about stuff or wait for Hedwig with my mail. Today I have nothing to talk about or any mail." Harry said, making Hermione shake her head.

"Not quite. Luna sent me this. She said it was from a girl named Gemma. She also wrote one for me and Neville." Neville and Harry took their letters, Harry reading his aloud.

Good Morning, Harry.

I Saw something when I arrived at Hogwarts. I'll tell you at Breakfast.



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