Ch. 5

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Harry Potter

Harry smiled as they waved goodbye to the Malfoys, before Remus and Sirius Apparated them to Diagon Alley.

"So where to?" Harry asked Sirius, who smirked. "Knockturn Alley, of course." Harry and his friends laughed softly before they walked to the Dark Alleyway, before Sirius led them to a shop named 'Rica's Wands and Magical Beats'. "Magical beats?" Draco asked curiously, making Sirius smiled. "She sells Muggle music discs and vinyls. There's also those Muggle technology that she enchanted so it can withstand the massive amount of Magic we use." He explained, as they entered.

Blaise, Draco, Luna and Ron looked at the MP3 players on display with curiosity, before Draco took the red and black, Ron took the sunset orange, Luna took a soft pastel blue and Blaise took the silver coloured one before they all payed for the things and Remus teleported the things to Grimmauld Place and they continued on to the Wands section, where a lady was busy reading the Daily Prophet. "Ah! Customers!" She said in shock, before dismissing the newspaper and standing up.

"Welcome! I'm Rica, and I'm so sorry you guys just took me by surprise." She said, making Sirius smile. "It's okay, Rica. Can we get 7 new wands? These apparently don't fit their magic core anymore." He said, as the seven friends took out their wands, making Rica scowl.

"Ah. Ollivander's?" They nodded. "That man is good and kind, but every single wand of his has been contaminated by someone." Harry nodded. "I know. That's why we want to change them." Rica laughed.

"Well you came to a great place. This is one of the greatest wand making shops in the Five Alleys." Draco nodded, before Rica went to the back and blocks of wood zoomed in front of them. "Harry, you try first." Blaise offered, making Harry sigh playfully. "Why is it ALWAYS me?" The group chuckled before Harry went forth and hovered his hand over the blocks, before three wood blocks chose him.

"Three? That's exciting." Rica said, her eyes shining with curiosity and surprise. "Now onto your core, Mr Potter." Harry nodded as the blocks moved aside and replaced by jars containing feathers, liquids and strings.

Harry hovered over the jars, before three jars glowed. "You have a very unique core, Mr Potter. Thestral Heartstring, Basilisk venom and Pheonix feather. Your wand is already quite dark with Dark English oak, Apple and Elder, so this just tops it off. Now give me a moment, I need to measure your height." Harry nodded, before three measuring tapes flew over and started taking his required measurements.

They flew back to Rica, before she smiled and combined the materials and an emerald green glow engulfed the materials, before in their place stool a light brown wand. "15 and a half inches, nice and supple." Harry smiled, thanking her before he felt his magic accepting the wand.

"Now Mr Malfoy, I do believe it is your turn?" Rica asked, making Draco nod as he stepped forth and Harry stepped back. The wood flew in front of Draco, before three glowed and Rica smirked. "Huh. Are all of you going to get more than one?" The group chuckled, before the woods moved aside and the jars moved in front of him.

He hovered his hand over them, and three glowed simultaneously. "Dragon's Heartstring, Thestral Hair and Mermaid Spit. Nice." Draco laughed. "I didn't know there's a core called 'Spit'." Rica chuckled. "There's a lot of things that could be made into cores if they are magical and flows magic well, it just so happens you got everything that's unique. Yours is the second most powerful wand I've ever made other than Harry's." Rica said, as the tapes measured Draco's height and arms.

Rica nodded as the tapes returned to her hands, before combining the items and in a flash of blue, a light brown coloured wand stood in its place. "Birch, English Oak and Spruce, 14 and a half inches, slightly springy." She said, handing the wand to Draco, who, on contact, felt his magic flowing through him. "Thank you." He said, smiling.

(After everyone finally got their wands as I don't want to explain everything, I'm not Pottermore -_-)

They left Rica's Wands and Magical Beats, before Sirius led the group to Diagon Alley. "Come on, you guys still need your Hogwarts items." Harry nodded, before spotting Remus getting slightly distracted by Flourish and Blott's.

He stepped away from the group, which was on their way to Gringotts, after telling Sirius he has an Instant Retrieval Pouch, before standing beside Remus, who was busy checking out a book on Dark Arts. "Hey Moony. What are you looking at?" Harry asked softly, making the brown haired man look at him, slightly surprised.

"I'm just looking at somethings that might help you guys. Well, you mostly, you know, with your creatures and why you got them earlier than most people." Harry raised his eyebrow. "I wasn't supposed to get them?" Remus chuckled.

"Oh, you were, but you were supposed to get them in 5th year. And be able to access them in that same year after your birthday but for some reason you got them earlier... Maybe it has something to do with you being a little bit more powerful than the rest of us..." He mumbled the end quietly, but Harry still caught it.

"That's interesting..." Harry mumbled in response, before the rest of their group appeared. "Hey Harry, Remus. Why are you over there, the books are over here?" Ron asked, as he noticed the two. They nod, before Remus puts the book away and walked towards their group, Harry following suit.

They got all of their needed books, (which was way less than the previous years, even with the other classes). "Why do we have so little books?" Harry asked Ron and Hermione quietly, to which they shrugged as well. "Hello, Harry Potter." Harry heard someone say his name, making him turn to see a girl with blonde hair, eyes slightly glazed with her glasses perched on top of her hair.

Her outfit was a pink and purple sweater with dungarees and soft brown boots. "Hello, may I ask for you name, as I have never seen you before..." Harry asked softly, as Sirius and the rest went to pay.

"My name is Gemma Hester. The reason you have never seen me around is possibly because of the fact I am a year below you at Hogwarts and I rarely hang inside of Hogwarts." Harry clicked his tongue in interest. "Well I guess I'll be seeing you at Hogwarts?" Gemma smiled.

"I'm pretty sure you'll see me sooner than that, Harry Potter. I'll warn you though, please make sure your wand is tightly gripped, and to study about magical ties, preferably about the Goblet Of Fire. Here is an book on the subject." Gemma said, handing him a book.

Harry took the book in confusion, before Gemma chuckled. "I have Magesight, a very special one called 'Conspicuum Magesight'. It helps me see beyond the visible world. I saw that you might need this for next year." Harry smiled. "Thank you. For the warning, Gemma. I'll see you soon." Gemma nodded, before walking in the opposite direction towards the Magizoologist section.


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