Ch. 9

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After basic debriefing for the Tournament...

Harry sighed softly as he dragged his feet towards the ROR, before knocking on the door softly, Draco opening the door for him.

"You okay, love?" Harry shook his head. "'M tired..." He mumbled, yawning as Draco directed his body through the sleeping bags, cushions and beanbags, before Draco laid him onto his own sleeping bag and they both cuddled to sleep, soft snores filled room.

Harry's dream

"M-Mum...?" Harry said in shock, as his mother smiled at him, before patting the spot beside her. "Wh-What are you doing here?" Harry asked, sitting beside her. "I've been watching you Harry. Your father is too. He wasn't really pleased with the way you yelled at Sirius yet he understood why you're angry." Harry blushed.

"I'm sorry, for treating Sirius that way. At least he's now apologising to most of his enemies." Lily chuckled. "That's also another thing. We're proud of you. We were angry too when Dumbledore casted all those things on you." Harry raised his eyebrows. "I thought you knew?" Lily scoff.

"No we didn't. It all started after our death. I'm so sorry for that, Harry." Lily said, making Harry smile softly. "It's okay Mum. At least I now know you're not the reason behind my mistreatment." Lily smile, before Harry noticed the sun was nearly setting.

"It's time for you to wake up now, Harry." Harry nodded, before Lily kissed his forehead. "I'll see you soon Harry. Remember that your father and I love you." Harry smiled, before he felt like his body was being shaken.

Harry opened his eyes to be met with Draco's, before he broke into a large smile as tears flowed down.

"H-Harry?! What's wrong?!" Draco asked, panic lacing his voice.

"I-I met my mum." He hiccuped softly, before they all gave him a soft hug and they changed the room into a lavander scented pool.

After they got ready, they all went their separate ways to their classes, but that's when the shit hit the fan.

"U-um, Professor Snape...?" Collin Creevery called out softly, making Snape stop his lecture and raised an eyebrow. "I came to tell you that Harry Potter needs to go to the Champions Wand Weighing now and he has an Interview with the Daily Prophet's reporter Rita Skeeter." Collin said, making Snape sigh.

"He can go after class." Collin whimpered softly at the harsh tone, but managed to say aloud 'He needs to go now...' Snape sigh again, before nodding.

"Fine. Leave your things here, Potter." Collins whimpered again. "He needs his stuff..." Snape slammed his fist onto the table before yelling out,"FINE. MEET ME HERE AT 8 POTTER TO FINISH YOUR POTION!"

Harry nodded, packing up his things and walked along with Collins.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you last year." Harry said softly, making Collins smiled softly. "It's alright Harry. I'm used to it." Harry frowned at the nonchalant tone Collins used, before he got an idea.

"Collins, do you want to take a picture?" Harry asked, making Collins look at him with bright eyes.

"You'd let me?" Harry nodded, before taking out his pen. "And I'll sign it." Collins squealed, before Collins took a few pictures and Harry signed all of them, before telling Collins that Dean could help him enchant the pictures to move.

"Well, thank you for cheering me up, Harry! And here is the place. See you soon!" Harry smiled, waving goodbye to the third year and walked inside, where the infamous Rita Skeeter immediately took his hand and plopped him in the middle of Viktor amd Cedric as Fleur was in front of him sitting in a chair.

After the pictures were taken, Rita approached him with a gleeful smirk, her quill and notepad floating behind her. Harry sensed what her intentions were and smiled.

"Rita, before you can interview me you have to ask Luna first."

Rita's face contorted into confusion, as Harry took out a piece of paper.

"If you agree to the terms, we will continue."

Rita took the paper and Harry smiled as her face changed from confusion to shock and finally into anger. "So. Your publicist is Luna Lovegood, head editor and publisher for Quibbler." Harry grinned. "Yep. Now you must agree or you can't have an interview with me."

Rita gritted her teeth, but before she could do anything, Ollivander and Dumbledore entered the room, cutting their conversation short.


Harry walked into the RoR and smiled as his friends all waved or greeted him. "You look like shit, Haz. Are you okay?" Harry nodded, before sitting next to Hermione. "Mione, what are my chances against a dragon?" And that started a lets-question-Harry segment.

"A DRAGON?! But I thought the contestants weren't supposed to know the first challenge?" Ron said, making Harry smile. "Hagrid showed me. He went on a date with Madame Maxime and brought me along, under the Cloak of course, and I saw them."

The rest laughed softly at Hagrid's little stunt, even on a date with the enemy he tries to show support to his own team.

"Well what are you allowed to bring in the Arena?" Hermione asked, making Harry take out his wand. "Only our wands. Nothing else." Hermione grinned. "You know how to cast Accio, right?"

Three days before the tournament...

"Harry! Harry wake up." Harry sat up with a start, a piece of parchment stuck to his face as his glasses lay askew.

Draco laughed softly as he smarten Harry's appearance, before Harry sleepily asked "What's up...?" Draco seemed to remember his original reason looking for Harry and pulled on the younger boy's sleeve, dragging him all the way to the Shrieking Shack.

"D-Draco where are we going!?" Harry asked as they dodged the swinging branches and leaped into the opening and crawled all the way into the living room of the Shack, which was alight with the two people Harry still calls family.

"SIRIUS! REMUS!" He screamed with happiness, as the two older men laughed softly while they engulfed him in a tight hug.



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