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Harry and his friends walked towards the Great Hall, chatting with eachother or enjoying eachother's company. They arrived at the Lion's table and Gemma joined them, greeting Luna and Hermione before sitting next to Neville.

"So Gemma, what did you See?" He asked, shoving a spoonful of cereal into his mouth.

Gemma hummed, before she took a sip of her hot chocolate. "There's going to be a match. Not Quidditch, but something bigger. Two schools will join us next week. And Harry," She said, making him look at her in the eyes.

"You'll meet your enemy in a graveyard."

A few hours later...

Harry sighed as the bell rang, signalling that Potions, which was now his favourite subject due to the fact that it was easier to identify what was what and Draco wasn't disturbing him anymore.

In fact, the boy helped him understand it better.

"You understand it now, love?" Draco asked as he finished his cauldron, the potion inside shimmering gold.

Harry smiled. "Yes Dray. Now come on, we have lunch to go to." Draco smiled, taking his hands as they left the class together, the rest of the class not really caring about the status of their relationship.

"Guys why don't you sit with us?" Luna called out when the two boys entered the Great Hall, making them smile before walking over to the table, Harry noticing that the houses are starting to mix more with each other than when it was Breakfast, where the students were still hesitant.

After lunch...

"So, we need a place to have our meetings." Fred suggested when they were resting on Hogwarts Grounds, relaxing and working on their homework under the Autumn sun.

"Yeah, we do. It'll be easier to plan our pranks or just hang out." Hermione said, as she stopped writing her History essay.

They all thought about where's the perfect spot, before Harry remembered his Map. "Accio Marauder's Map!" He yelled aloud, his wand raised, before the map came shooting towards his awaiting hand.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." He said softly, before the map unlocked itself, presenting a full view of Hogwarts.

"Maybe we could try this."

A few minutes later they stopped in front of a painting of a man teaching pears how to dance, Harry going back and forth three times.

"What are you doing Harry?"

"Trying to open the door to- Aha!"

He exclaimed as the door materialised, before opening it to reveal a big room with bean bags and small tables, along with a Blackboard and a small beverages table that is always refilling itself. Ron was really happy for that.

"So is this okay?" He asked with with a smile, making Hermione scoff, yet her grin deletes any heat that she carried with it.

"Are you joking? It's perfect!" Draco said, smiling before they all continued to finished they're homework, before it quickly shifted into the talk of Pranks and how they should tighten the connection between each house.

"I mean, the pranks will tighten it but Dumbledore might not appreciate it. He did look a bit more pissed off at lunch." Fred said, before eating some chips from the bowl.

"I agree, plus we might not be able to do much pranking if the whatever Gemma saw is happening this year." Luna said, changing her attention from her drawing of a Lily flower.

"Also, what schools are coming?" Ron asked quietly, scratching his head in confusion.

"The only schools near us are Beauxbatons and Durmstrang..." George trailed off, the realisation hitting the twins a little hard. "It's not the Tri-Wizard Tournament, is it?" Fred said in shock, as the rest of the group caught up to their fear while Harry, who has been left out of the loop for a bit, looked around in confusion.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with the Tri-Wizard Tournament?" Ron and Hermione bit their lips in fear of telling before Luna sighed.

"Basically, it's a tournament where three schools each choose a champion and these three Champions have to go through gruelling tasks and usually the reward is eternal glory and riches. But they don't always go well..." Luna said, before her eyes glazed over again.

The rest immediately grew worried, befire she came back with a gasp. "Oh Merlin, Harry please, don't forget to warn your soon to be competitors."

Harry looked at her confused. "Why? What's going on, Luna?" Luna sighed.

"Someone is going to die."

A week later...

Harry watched his friends shivered slightly in the cold, before he silently conjured a flame in his palm, giving his friends warmth.

"T-Thanks, Harry." Ron said, teeth chattering.

He smiled, before one student yelled, pointing to the sky.

"Merlin's beard! Abraxans!" Harry and the rest heard Hagrid's voice from somewhere, before the mighty winged horses landed softly onto the ground, the carriage safely secured.

The door swung open, revealing girls and boys wearing baby blue uniforms stepping out of the carriage, the boys smiling as the girls waved, before a tall lady came through, her eyes scanning the crowd.

"Welcome, Madame Maxime! So good to see you." Dumbledore greeted softly, before they exchanged cheek kisses and the Beauxbatons headed inside.

However, one boy stayed with the crowd. He stood behind Harry's group, and waited for Durmstrang.

The Lake seemed calm, before a whirlpool appeared, but rather than going inwards, it went outwards, before a gigantic ship appeared, mighty and strong.

The ship was docked near the school, before fierce, muscled boys and girls appeared, followed by a man and Viktor Krum. "Wow it is him... I thought he's graduated..." Ron said, his face showing surprised.

"You're not going to say hi?"

"Nah, we're already friends. Bumped into him at the Quidditch World Cup, after the chaos. He was friendly yet shy." Ron said with a smile, before Viktor came towards their group.

"Hello Von, Hermione. Are these the vest of your friends?" He asked, as they all made their way inside, headed towards the Great Hall.

Harry noticed the Beauxbaton boy walking close to their group, but managing quite a distant. Harry told Draco to go on, he'll catch up, before walking beside the boy.

"And why are you following us, may I ask?" He asked softly, making the boy tense. "I didn't think you'd notice..." He mumbled, before sighing.

"I'm sorry for acting weird, I'm just looking out for myself. My name is Simone Dixon. Nice to meet you, Harry Potter." He said, smiling slightly, yet Harry could still see that he is hesitant. "Welcome to Hogwarts then, Simone. Why are you scared, though?" He sighed, as they entered the Great Hall.

Harry pulled Simone towards the Gryffindor table, not caring about the fact that Beauxbatons were sitting at the Ravenclaw table. "But Harry I'm not-" Harry cut him off with a smile as he sat down with the rest of his group.

"Anyone who doesn't treat me like I'm a god is welcome to sit with me and my friends. And if Dumbledore has a problem with it, well I don't care." He told Simone, making him smile for the first time since Harry first saw him.

"Thank you."



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