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Harry Potter

He wanted to continue reading, but he heard the door knock. "I'll get it, Uncle Vernon." He said, closing the door to his room, ignoring Vernon before he grabbed his ass. Again. "Ah~." He moaned, before Vernon groaned, clenching his fists.

"Vernon don't you dare." Petunia warned, before Harry opened the door. "R-Remus!?" Harry asked in shock, as his half-godfather smiled weakly at him, before Harry saw the moon peaking out from the clouds. "Shit! Remus get-" Vernon cut in, shoving Harry out.

"You are not coming back unless that werewolf is finished!" Vernon growled, making Harry moan again as Vernon fucking shoved him and made him scrape his knees. Goddamit I'm a masochist too? Merlin how many kinks do I have...

Harry thought, before running after the werewolf into the woods. He looked around, listening to the howls, before he heard another, much scarier. "Don't tell me that's another one..." He mumbled, running after the direction of the whinning and growling that's coming from the middle. He was lost, before he fell down a fairly steep hill. "Fucking hell this is disastrous." He said, looking at his tarnished hoodie and jeans.

He heard a winning howl, before footsteps coming closer. "That's what you get for running, Lupin." Harry heard an unidentifiable voice, before the sounds of someone running away. "Remus!" He hissed, running to the sounds of the soft whimpers and whines. "Remus!" He found the ex-professor, still in his Wolf form, badly injured and bloody.

The Wolf whined softly when he saw Harry, making Harry's heart break. "Such a misunderstood creature. I wish I had my wand, maybe then I could call the Knight Bus." He mumbled, before his hand glowed gold. "W-What!?" He screamed in shock, as the light left his hand and surrounded Remus.

The light show lasted for three minutes, as Harry just stared in awe as Remus slowly transformed into his human form, his scars... gone. "R-Remus! Are you alright? Do you feel anything weird?" Harry asked the werewolf as he finally touched the earth, to which the man smiled softly.

"I'm alright, Harry. Thank you for that. What happened to you?" The man took in Harry's small scratches and dirt covered self. "Fell down a hill but other than that I'm fine." Remus' eyes widen. "A hill!? Harry James Potter you shouldn't be fine you should have at least a sprained arm!" Remus asked worriedly as he casted a cleaning spell on Harry.

"But I'm fine! Now let's go back to the Dursleys!" As soon as he took Remus's hand, they were both right in front of Number 4. "Eh!? Did you just Apparated me?" Remus's eyes were wide too. "N-No, I didn't. You took my hand, you Apparated me." Harry shook his head. "I could not! I have no wand and I don't have an Apparating licence." Harry said, knocking on the door. "Let's go to Gringotts after I get my things." Remus nodded.

"We can stay at Grimmauld Place until you need to go to Hogwarts." Harry nodded, before Dudley opened the door. "Harry you're back!" Harry nodded, smiling before Dudley let them in. Harry went to his room, getting his things and Hedwig's cage, telling the owl to go to Grimmauld Place with a note to Sirius.

Harry went to get his school supplies before Remus teleported the things, not including his wand, to Grimmauld Place. They both said goodbye to The Dursleys, to which Vernon grumbled 'Bye', as Petunia and Dudley hugged Harry, crying, and Remus Apparated them both to Gringotts.

"Um... Hello. We are here to check on Mr Harry James Potter's vault, please?" Remus asked the Goblin, to which he nodded,  before another Goblin appeared. "Mr Lupin, Mr Potter, come with me, please." The goblin said in a female voice. "Please, call me Harry and Remus." The goblin smiled. "And call me Dill." The goblin said, before leading them to a room with 'Research Inheritance, Vaults and Other Things' on the wall.

They entered the quite chilly room, before a pedestal rose from the ground, a dagger and a bowl appearing with it. "Please keep the blood dripping until ten drops into the Bowl, Harry." Dill ordered, making Harry nod as he grabbed the black and green dagger.

He sliced his pointer finger slightly, keeping the blood dripping until ten, to which Remus healed it instantly.

The goblin mixed the blood with a glittering liquid and a hair of a Unicorn, before the blood shone and a parchment appear from the bowl.

Name: Harry James Potter

Father: James Charleus Potter

Mother: Lily Marie Potter nee Evans

Godfather: Sirius Orion Black

Godmother: Narcissa Floral Malfoy nee Black

Inheritance: Crystal Angel (blocked), Vampire (blocked), Floral Fairy (blocked), Serpentina (Last Of His Species) (TRIPLE BLOCKED) (5% broken), Pheonix (blocked)

Abilities: Healing (Crystal Angel: slightly broken), Immunity (Vampire: BLOCKED AND CAGED) Nature Manipulation (Floral Fairy: Blocked), Parselmagic/Parseltounge (Serphentina: Slightly broken), Regeneration (Pheonix: FUCKING BLOCKED)

Lordship: Potter, Evans, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin.

Heirship: Black, Malfoy, Riddle, Hogwarts.



Harry was gaping at the end of it. Dill herself was worried. "Oh dear. Harry, we can't continue unless you get rid of the potions and black magic." Harry nodded, smiling slightly.

A few hours later...

Harry groaned as the last potion, the Trusting potion, was deleted from his system. Suddenly, a piece of paper appeared in front of him.

Harry Potter

Potions: Trust, Loyalty, Compulsion,  Controlling, Submissive, Reluctancy, Magic block, Growth preventer, Love potion and Sight potions all were given by A.P.W.B.D and directed to Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley.

Marriage contract: Harry James Potter and Ginny Molly Weasley, not consented by both sides, written illegally by A.P.W.B.D and Molly Weasley.

Vaults: 400 Galleons taken by Harry Potter every August the 25th for school, 500 Galleons taken by A.P.W.B.D into the Dumbledore account, 600 Galleons taken by Molly Weasley into the Weasley vault, 600 Galleons take by A.P.W.B.D converted into Muggle money and given to Vernon Dursley.

Harry's eyes hardened like rocks. "Dill. Take everything back from their vaults, exact amount since the first time they took my money, with interest." Harry said, his eyes holding a glint of mischief Remus used to see in Sirius's and James's eyes when they're talking about Snape.

He smiled. He is their child, after all...


;) Goodnight

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