Ch. 11

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Harry Potter

That night, Harry casted a Silencing Charm around him, so only he can hear whatever it is that's within the egg. He opened it softly, before screams and wails exploded out of it, causing Harry's ears to nearly bleed. "That was... Pleasant..." He mumbled, rubbing his ears as the egg was shut.

"Hm... The sound is familiar though... Where have I heard it?" He tilted his head, staring at the egg, before Draco entered the bubble. "Hey Harry, found anything yet? You looked like you were in pain." Harry smiled at his friend, before shaking his head.

"The egg releases a loud screech whenever I opened it. That's why I looked like I was in pain. Though the screech sounded familiar, for some odd reason..."

Draco smiled, before taking down the bubble, the sounds of the busy Great Hall nearly made Harry jump. "Draco warn me first! Sheesh." Draco laughed, nodding as their friends approached their table.

"Found anything yet, Harry?" Hermione asks, sitting facing the two. Ron, Blaise and Neville sat on either side of them and Luna sat beside Hermione. "Not really, all it gives me is just a fairly loud screech. It sounds familiar, though. Like, one of my creatures knows this sound." He said, before instinctively summoning it. His flowercrown appeared, along with his fangs and his eyes turned bright orange.

"Ah, three of them knows it. My Floral Fairy, my Vampire and my Pheonix." He said, before dismissing them, changing back to normal. "That was awesome!" Ron said, before Harry noticed that Simone and Viktor weren't with them. "Where's Viktor and Simone?" Luna smiled.

"Viktor went to figure out his own egg, while Simone is in the library studying for his NEWTS. He said that while he has the time, it's better to study. Though he might be joining us soon."

Harry nodded, before they all changed the subject, eating and chatting quietly between themselves.

A week after that saw the rest busy studying or doing their homework while Harry was flipping through some books on different creature sounds. "It could be a banshee, but then I would've died and that shouldn't happen, so that's out..." He mumbled, turning away from the Banshee and was met with a page on mermaids.

Hmm... He thought softly, reading all the details, before grinning. "I found it guys." He said softly, walking over to his friends, showing them the page. "It makes sense! Mermaids sound weird on land but they sound normal in water." He said, before Madam Pince shushed them for being so loud. "Sorry..." They all said softly, smiling cheekily.

"How are you going to figure this out?" Draco asked, making Harry frown, before grinning. "I'll try diving into the Black Lake. If the second quest involves Mermaids I should try it." He said, walking out of the library and running to the RoR.

Harry stopped by the Lake, staring at the murky water, before sighing. He had changed into a swimsuit, before grabbing the egg and diving into the lake. Somehow, he had a feeling he could breath underwater. But... How...? He thought, remembering that he doesn't have any hybrids connected to water.

Then he noticed his flowercrown. But... It wasn't growing any of the usual roses or petunias, it was growing Water Lilies! Water lilies have air pockets that make them float, and they are flowers, so my Floral Fairy can manipulate them! Thank Merlin. He thought happily, taking a deep breath, the bubbles escaping from his mouth but no water was coming in.

I guess there's a thin protective bubble around my head, that still lets the carbon dioxide out but the oxygen can still be taken from the lilies. He thought, before he opened the egg.

After listening to the egg since I forgot the actual words...

Basically they are going to take something that is very precious to us and put them at the bottom of the lake for us to save... Okay then... I have to tell the rest. He thoughy, swimming back to the surface, where the flowercrown immediately went away, his Vampire coming forward as he ran hurriedly to the RoR, arriving in just 2 minutes.

"Guys I've figured it out!" Harry said, making everyone grin. "Really?! What did it say? How did you figure it out?" Harry grinned, before he summoned the book, opening it to the page. "See? It was a Mermaid's Voice." Harry said, before explaining what they said.

"That's... Rather mild, don't you think? I mean, the first task was against Dragons, actual, fire-breathing dragons! And now you're just going to fetch something from the bottom of the lake?" Ron said, before Harry shook his head.

"I have a feeling its not something, it's someone."

Now I apologise for not uploading, I was busy with school and personal things. I hope you enjoy this, I realised it was a wee bit short.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2020 ⏰

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