Ch. 8

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Luckily, McGonagall allowed Harry and his group to sleep in the Room Of Requirements, due to the fact that Durmstrang were sleeping in both Gryffindor and Slytherin common rooms.

"What do you do at Hogwarts, if you don't mind me asking?" Simone asked softly, as the group were huddled together, their sleeping bags surrounded by pillows and beanbags.

When Harry said he wanted a comfortable room he wasn't lying.

"Well, the usual stuff, but mix in some crazy Dark Lord shenanigans due to Harry. He is very adventurous yet if it weren't for him Hogwarts might be a little bit more boring." Hermione said, eating some popcorn.

"If you don't mind me asking, Simone, why do your accent sound like ours, eventhough your from French?" Ron asked, making Simone chuckle.

"I got Beauxbatons because my father is French. Because of that, my name was written down for decades. My mother is a Hogwarts graduate, yes, but sadly Hogwarts was too late as I was already chosen for Beauxbatons. Its nice to see what could've been, you know." Simone answered, before yawning.

"Well that's our cue. Lights out everyone." Harry said softly, before he put away his Crystal horns. (Simone and Viktor was shocked but they got used to it)

Harry stared at the ceiling, as the soft snores of his friends filled his ears, making him feel comforted.

" This is... Nice." He whispered softly, Draco shifting slightly beside him but didn't wake. Yeah, this is nice... Harry thought softly, his eyes closing slowly, before only the sounds of soft snores and slight mumbling from Neville and Luna could be heard.

The next day...

Harry shook his friends awake, before they changed the ROR to a bubble filled pool, to which they had fun with and then headed off to classes, Durmstrang following the schedules of Slytherin and Gryffindor while Beauxbaton followed Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff.

When they went to dinner that night, they weren't surprised to see the Goblet of Fire being in the middle of the Teacher's Table.

"Well are you going to enter?" Harry asked Viktor and Simone, who both simultaneously nodded and shook their heads.

"I don't really like being center of attention. I'm already attracting attention by being half Veela, why would I want to the literal center?" Simone said, while Viktor just simply shrugged. "It vould be fun."

"How about you, Harry?" Harry shook his head while sighing. "I don't have a choice, do I? Someone might put my name in , considering Luna and Gemma both Saw me entering the tournament. We all already know this. Luna even changed the title to 'The Four Faceoff' in the Quibbler." He said, drinking his Pumpkin juice after explaining everything.

The next day, after lunch, Harry and his friends watched as 7th years put in their names, the age line not fased." We've done it!" The Twins entered the room, holding vials with clear liquid inside.

"You two did not just brew an Aging Potion. And suceeded." Harry said, as he watched them grin. "Yeah we did."

Harry, Hermione and Draco rolled their eyes but let them do it anyways, knowing it would backfire.

It did, and the whole hall got a good laugh as the Twins playfully rolled around on the floor scolding each other, before they both followed Draco as he promised to brew the cure.

Harry and the rest laughed slightly, before they all wandered back to their room, Harry noticing Karkaroff standing in the shadows.

Odd... Harry thought softly, but put the thought away and laughed as Luna pointed out that Fred and George had Whackspurts around their beards that got stuck.

During the day of the picking...

"Welcome, to the Picking!" Dumbledore said, as the torches dimmed and the enchanted sky were darker.

"From Durmstrang!" He continued, before the flames glowed red and spat out a piece of parchment, to which Dumbledore caught.

"Viktor Krum!" The Durmstrangs cheered as Viktor raised from the Gryffindor table, smiling softly. He stepped onto the pedestal, Karkaroff patting his shoulders before he was sent into a room.

"Now, from Beauxbatons." He said, as the flames spit out a parchment. "Fleur Delacour!" A sweet, fair skinned girl stood up, as the girls and boys around her became mistified by her beauty. "She's a Veela, that's why." Draco whispered, holding Harry's hand. "I love you too, Dracy, don't worry." Harry said, smiling, before she too headed into the room.

"And representing Hogwarts, Cedric Diggory!" Cedric cheered, as Hufflepuff hugged him amd patted his back, before he headed off into the room.

"The first task starts in a week you all, I hope you get a good nights rest and-" He was cut off by the fire turning green, before out came a parchment piece. He caught it with confusion, before that confusion turn into shock.

"Harry Potter." The hall went silent, before Harry banged his head against the table. "Harry no, don't do that it'll bruise." Draco chided lightly as he blocked the banging with his hand, before Luna signalled that Harry should say his words now.

"I vow, in the name of Lady Magic, that I, Harry James Potter, did not participate in this tournament with consent, yet will try to not die." He said, wand raised, before a glow of green shone through the hall, blinding most puplis.

When the light cleared, Harry could still be seen smiling slightly at the rest of the hall.

"Well... He still has to participate." Harry sighed, but said goodbye to his friends and walked into the room, surprising the other competitors.

"Are they calling us?" Harry shook his head at Cedric's question, but before he could say that he's the fourth champion, the teachers burst into the room, yelling and talking angrily among one another.

"Harry! Did you or did you not put your name in the Goblet of Fire?!" Harry's eyes widened as Dumbledore grabbed his arms, his eyes shone with worry.

"N-No I didn't, professor, I already vowed." Harry mentioned, making Madame Maxime scoff. "That vow of yours, it could've been a fake!" Harry's eyes shone with anger at her mockery, as Cedric and Fleur held his shoulders softly yet securely.

"I doubt it. Based of the way the Goblet didn't react in any bad way towards Harry it is proven that his vow is real." Mad Eye said, stepping out of the shadows, followed by Snape.

"He is correct. Plus, even if Potter has the tendency to get himself in trouble, he wouldn't be insane to partake in a tournament that will guarantee his death in more ways than one." Harry, who had calmed down slightly as Fleur gave him words of comfort and apologies on behalf of Beauxbatons, smiled at Snape, to which the man nodded in acknowledgement.


<3 Love you guys.

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