xxxviii. the first date

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ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-ᴇɪɢʜᴛ. ᴛʜᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ!

             DAVID COULD NOT STAY still in the driver's seat of his tesla. in fact, he felt like everything going on in that moment was rather dream–like. it was like he was having an outer body experience sitting there trying to regain his breath before going to daisy's apartment's door to pick her up. to go on their first date. that was just insane. a year ago, david was still so hung up and sad over liza. a year ago, he would've never imagined going out with another girl, because he kept his fingers crossed for so long about liza and him getting back together. let alone his best friend. now, he could not imagine getting back together with liza. ever. sure, liza was his first love and he would always love her, but daisy . . . daisy was something else, that's for sure. david could not be more excited to finally see what becomes of this newfound interest.

he sucks in a sharp breath and practically storms out of his tesla to run to the front door of her apartment. they had agreed on david getting to surprise daisy, because neither of them could decide on what to do and david had gotten a bright idea. he wanted to surprise daisy and treat her to the best unplanned first date she would ever have been on, so that is why they're in this position. david shakes his head before knocking on the door and he can hear shuffling behind the door leading up to a loud thud and a fuck.

          " just come in! "   daisy yells from the other side of the door and david lets himself in to see her grasping her knee on the floor, glaring at a shirt that had been left on the floor. he just lets out a laugh and the glare then turns to him. " it was in my way. "

" i can bet, " he smiles and offers a hand to her so that she can get up, which she gladly takes. david asks daisy with a smile, " you ready? "

daisy glances down at her outfit. david had given little to no hints on what they were doing so she didn't really know how to prepare for the date. she was just wearing a white crewneck and some white corduroy trousers to keep it casual yet cute. daisy narrows her eyes at david and sticks out her tongue to rest between her teeth, " well yes, i mean if this outfit's okay. "

david nods eagerly, " you could wear a trash bag and i wouldn't question it, dais. that's perfect. you look amazing. " his words cause a scarlet blush to appear on daisy's cheeks and she has to look down at her feet that were still bare so that he can't see the blush.

        " uh, i'll go get my shoes and my bag and we can go? "  she says coughing slightly and begins to walk towards her bedroom before spotting her forever–tired dog napping on the couch in her living room.  " actually, dave, can you fill jean–claude's water bowl? cause i don't want it to end while we're out and i think it's ending. "

david responds very quickly and waves his hand,  " i was thinking that maybe we could take jean–claude with us? we don't have to, but he can come with us. "

         " oh, okay then. do you wanna get him ready, while i get my stuff? his collar and leash should be by the door, "   she smiles and he nods proceeding to get whatever jean–claude needs to go out with them, while she goes to get the rest of the details of her outfit.

he smiles at the polaroid pictures daisy has on the wall by the front door of her apartment. there's pictures of charlotte and jean–claude in mexico, zane and matt in a various restaurants, jeff and todd from new years and david's favorite picture—the two of them from when they were celebrating david's ten million subscribers. david was hugging daisy and she was on her tippy toes whispering something into his ear, something that david would probably forever remember. but those words were meant to be spoken about at a completely different occasion.

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