xlix. podcast

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THE VIEWS PODCAST was a piece of work sometimes. sometimes it was the last thing both david and jason wanted to do and other times it was actually kind of fun to do. that night it was something that neither of them really had the energy to do, nevertheless the constant urge coming from david to call up his girlfriend and cuddle for the rest of the night. that entire week had been super exhausting and had taken up a lot of energy –especially the energy of one forty-five year old man, who is dragged along to do anything and everything by a bunch of twenty somethings.

david could not really focus on the nonsense story that jason was explaining about something that had happened at charlie and wyatt's school. he just could not find it in him to find any story at that moment interesting –it was rather tough for him. he kept his eyes on jason, until he heard the front door slam open and a quick fuck following the slam. david cannot help the smile that appears on his face, it is daisy.

one thing that daisy had forgotten, or not bothered to remember, was that the views podcast was now a podcast that was filmed. so her showing in the middle of it, in the middle of jason's story, would definitely remain in the podcast. and especially considering how much joe liked daisy and david together, there would be no chance that he would leave it out. daisy walks into the scene of the white couch with david and jason on it with eyes that looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

" shit, sorry, i forgot, " she smiles awkwardly before moving to go to david's bedroom to just wait out until the end of the podcast. she does not make it far away before jason interrupts her escape.

" daisy, come sit with us. i wanna tell a story. "

so she turns on her heel and makes it to the couch, david's hands automatically coming to grab onto her and pulling her to sit so that her back was against his chest. he did not care what the viewers would say about that –if he wanted to cuddle daisy, he would. david greets her with a kiss to her temple and she just smiles, squeezing his thigh gently in response. the two of them then turn to look at jason.

david narrows his eyes at the older man, " what's the story about? "

" it's about you two. before you started dating, " jason explains and he is so excited to tell the story, daisy can tell from his body language, " but this was what i think about every time i see you two together. it just makes perfect sense for me that you two are dating. "

daisy cannot help the blush that already comes to her cheeks, she just nods as a sign for jason to continue on with his story. david is not even focusing on jason, his eyes firmly on daisy's reaction to whatever whack ass story jason was about to tell them about the two of them.

jason starts on with his story, " let's paint the picture first. it was at one of the only parties i ever go to, last halloween i'd like to say, but yes. we all went to a party together and i was promised that we would be there for what thirty minutes max. it all went down in about an hour and a half in the end. so, to all the listeners and viewers out there, the entire story happened within ninety minutes. "

so apparently the friend group has headed off to one of their multiple halloween parties that they were attending –los angeles took halloween very seriously –and the air was tense. or so that was how jason nash would describe it. everything was completely fine on the car ride there to the party in the tesla, with daisy sitting in front with david as per usual and belting out to any song being played –jason says that the one specific song from that weekend was something by macklemore. it was, when they got the party when everything started to click in jason's head about daisy and david.

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