xli. wednesdays

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ғᴏʀᴛʏ-ᴏɴᴇ. ᴡᴇᴅɴᴇsᴅᴀʏs!

DAVID WAS NOT DOING WELL that tuesday evening. he had been so stressed out the entire day, thanks to the immense amount of stress that yesterday brought him, and the next vlog that still needed go be filmed and edited. david did recognize the fact that having such a vigorous work schedule was tough. having to film three videos that he needed to be better than good with a bunch of funny bits and stunts that was very stressful. he didn't have almost any time for personal time, for his own fun and to just hang out. and honestly? he didn't have enough time to build the new relationship with daisy.

even if daisy did hang out with him constantly, when he was filming, it wasn't the same. when you're in a relationship with someone, especially with someone you've been friends with for years, you want to spend even more time with them. but daisy, at the same time, was very adamant about the fact that david had to work on his vlogs—he was not allowed to stop putting his everything into the vlogs.

daisy was sat on the couch, cuddled up against her boyfriend, listening to jason talk about his kids. she was smiling widely, playing with david's hoodie's strings aimlessly. david looked down at the girl, with absolute admiration. she was wearing his old vernon hills hoodie and his sweats, because she thinks his clothes are more comfortable than her own. and also, she couldn't deny that wearing her boyfriend's clothes was something she had never been able to do.

david interrupts the conversation going on with a cough,  " guys, i think i need to stop posting three vlogs a week. "

and that sentence was enough for all of them to just shut up. including joe, who never shuts up when he's around his friends. daisy looks up at david with her brows furrowing and her hand going to scratch at his cheek. there was an unshaved stubble growing there, because he had been to busy to shave. daisy pulls his chin down so that she could see his fave properly, " babe? you okay? "

" yeah, dave, you good? what's up? " jason asks, the dad in him jumping out. the forty–five year old took a long look at david, with furrowed eyebrows. david looked like he did everyday, maybe a little more exhausted and stressed than usual, but there was no visible sickness there.

" i'm just so fucking stressed and tired. and i have to free time anymore to do stuff that doesn't involve the vlogs, " david sighs and leans into daisy's touch, " i know i've been posting vlogs for so long now. but i just don't know. i do don't even feel that motivated to film right now, because it just stresses me out. and i can't relax, because all i can think about is the vlogs. "

       " maybe you should take a break? "  jason suggests and david shakes his head, obviously not liking the idea of taking a break.   " take a break and go out on a vacation somewhere. "

david continues shaking his head and sighs,  " i think i worded that wrong. i don't want to stop making vlogs, because that is what makes me the happiest and without all of that, i wouldn't be here. and i can't take a break that sounds bizarre. i just don't know what to do. i miss being able to go out with friends and not having to worry about whether or not i would have enough footage for the next vlog. "

natalie sits up a little straighter on the floor, looking at dave with concerned eyes.  " look, dave. i think we—and by we, i mean everyone that follows you—kind of saw this coming. you haven't been sleeping, you've been beyond stressed . . . i kind of expected it to happen, when daisy was in boston and mexico. "  queue the awkward blush on the faces of daisy and david.  " the point i was trying to make was that maybe make your load of stress a little less. post twice a week? or once? "

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