xlii. first night

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ғᴏʀᴛʏ-ᴛᴡᴏ. ғɪʀsᴛ ɴɪɢʜᴛ!

     DAVID COULDN'T BELIEVE how lucky he had gotten in his life. the time was nearing eleven pm and he was driving back home from the first official daisy and david wednesday date night. they had both agreed upon going out to eat at a fancy restaurant and going to watch spiderverse, where neither one was allowed to use their phones unless it was an emergency. david had been a very much in–love boyfriend at the dinner before the movie, constantly wanting to hold her hand. but in this moment, he thought he would go into cardiac arrest from how happy he was being with daisy. she had passed out, thanks to the popcorn coma she was induced in, within ten minutes of the drive.

daisy's hand was enclosed with his, her head leaning against the window and her slightly ajar mouth blowing warm air to the window. if you asked david that what he thought was the world's most beautiful view, he would've said that. daisy wearing a pretty red dress with her hair curled up, but having david's jacket wrapped around her, because the two of them were clichés. it wouldn't be a successful date if there wasn't some form of sharing a jacket.

before passing out, daisy had put on her playlist and that's why shawn mendes' fallin' all in you was playing through the tesla. david thought that it was the most perfect song for the moment.

because he thinks that the drive back to his house was the moment he realized that not only may the feelings he had for daisy be a little stronger than he had initially thought, but he could imagine spending the rest of his life with her. which was ludicrous. the two had gone out on two successful actual dates—in david's mind, he also counted their late night drives to venice as their dates—and had been official with each other for almost a month now. there is no way he could even think about the l–word. but perhaps the fact that daisy was his best friend before all of this also had an effect on his feelings. he knew daisy inside and out, he could name her nervous ticks, pet peeves and favorite things. in fact, he thinks he could word–to–word tell daisy's life story, because that's just how well they know each other.

david shook the thoughts out of his mind as the car began to get closer and closer to the house he called his own. he stole a glance at his sleeping girlfriend, before making sure to park the car and shook his head with a wide smile. using the hand that was still enclosed with hers, david shook her gently, " bub, we're here. "

there was no reaction or whatsoever from daisy apart from her turning her head away from david. he smiles to himself before releasing his hand and going to her side of the car. he wasn't going to wake her up now, because he would feel awfully bad for doing such a thing.

" bub, you gotta wake up, " he smiles opening the car, careful that her body wouldn't just drop to the ground from the lack of preparation. the feeling of david's arms making sure she doesn't fall forces daisy's eyes to flutter up. " mm, nice to see you awake. you wanna stay here for a while or are you gonna go home? "

daisy lets out a whine and her face falls into a pout. she shakes her head and lets her eyes flutter shut again, " can i just stay the night? "

           " are you sure? "  david asks with a smile. he wouldn't say no to his cute, sleepy girlfriend and anyway, it wasn't like he would have a problem with sleeping next to her. daisy didn't even open her eyes, when she mumbled the quiet and nearly incoherent yes before leaning her head against david's lower stomach.

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