09 | A12

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I blink, allowing my eyes to the bright light which fluorescents cast throughout the hallway. Long and windowless, the corridor is made of walls and a floor both pure white. My first instinct is to run as I always do, but this is different.

They were called in today.

My footsteps echo through the halls as I traverse the airless corridors, my destination in mind not set; I don't know where I'm walking, if anywhere. Suddenly, I hear voices. The first is low and smooth, like silk. It's a woman.

I recognize it instantly.

"Come now, you shouldn't be out here." She chides. When the other voice cuts in, I stop.

"Like I haven't heard that one before." The scoff in the boy's voice has me changing course.

"Then perhaps you should listen," the woman's voice lowers in pitch, "or you will suffer the consequences." A pause.

"And those are?"

"You don't want to find out." Another pause, then I hear the boy scoff once more.

"Yeah, whatever. Maybe stop following me if you don't want the others knowing." He says. When I hear footsteps coming towards me, I abruptly press myself against the wall, not daring to peer around the corner.

Suddenly, the footprints stop, and the woman speaks again.

"Be careful about what you say, A12." The woman says, her voice cold and stern. The footsteps begin again, resuming their path towards me. I dart out into the hall and start waking away as briskly as I can, but it's not fast enough.

As the boy rounds the corner, I smack right into him, my head colliding with his neck. I dart back, looking down and holding my hands up apologetically.

I make to turn to walk away without a word, but he reaches out and grabs my wrist. I look down at his hand. Bronze, with long fingers.

"Woah, hey, you ok?" He asks me. I look up and meet his eyes. They're grey with little flecks of brown in them. A stony, gun metal colour. His voice is low.

"Yes." I say, pulling my hand away quickly. It's not customary to acquaint yourself with others in the compound. He pauses for a second, looking at me, and I wonder what he's thinking.

"Sorry. I was just-" He stops, then covers his mouth with the front of his hand. "Nothing. Just sorry." He says. I nod. he smiles. "Well, you're quite the talker."

He smiles again as if I'm missing something funny.

"I just-" I start, then trail off. He leans back against the wall, propping a foot against it in an astonishingly casual gesture.

"So, where you from?" He asks. He wants to know my subject letter. I pause. She told me that I was never to give it away,

"Probably some hospital room a couple floors down." I say, avoiding the question that might as well have been explicitly asked.

He doesn't pry; instead, he laughs. His black hair falls over his shoulder as he tilts his head back, exposing the column of his throat from beneath his lab coat.

A lab coat.

None of them have lab coats.

Before I can ask him about it, he speaks.

"Cool. I'm from A." He extends a hand towards me. "How come I haven't seen you around?"

I look down.

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