20 | banishment

643 22 8

The darkness is ripped away as a hand falls upon my temple, and I shriek.

Thrashing, my eyes frantically blink open; light floods in and I find familiar brown eyes peering down intensely into mine.

Sweat rolls down my forehead, and my breathing comes in rags.

Newt stands next to the hammock in which I lie, both of his hands on my shoulders as he pulls me up to face him.

"Hey-" he says, leaning in close so I feel his warm breath on my face, "it's okay."

Without another word, he wraps his thin arms around me. I bury my face in his neck, inhaling the familiar homey scent. Only when he pulls back do I realize I'm shaking. When I look up, he's staring at me expectantly.

"I'm sorry, what?" I whisper, my voice a breathy pant.

"I asked what you were dreaming about." He says. I look away, unable to answer immediately.

The homestead is fully lit with the midday sun beating humidity into the space. All around me, the hammocks are empty. The Gladers must be up and working already.

"You didn't wake me?" I ask, hoping to avoid the previous question as I gesture to the empty homestead. Newt runs a hand through his hair.

"Not earlier, no." He sighs, "it seemed only fair as I kept you up last night." I look up and see a playful, almost teasing flicker in his brown eyes.

It's a small reprieve from the heaviness of the previous topic.

"Charming." I say. Newt leans forward.

"You gonna tell me about your dream?" I pause, searching for the words.

My friends. You. Dead.

"I-" I start, but am cut off by a bloodcurdling shriek. I jerk away from Newt, instantly swinging my legs over the side of the hammock.

In a flash, I'm out the door. For another moment, there's silence, and then Newt exits the homestead behind me, and the yelling resumes.

"HELP!" Someone calls, "HELP ME!!" I look around for the speaker, and my eyes settle on a blur at the far edge of the field. Someone's sprinting towards us, hollering to the gods above all the while. I sprint toward them, eyes still adjusting to the brightness.

It's Thomas- he runs toward me, eyes wild with panic. Instantly, his face causes my mind to flash back to the dream, and I shudder.

When I look back up, I see that someone is chasing him- I recognize it to be Ben.

I yell back, sprinting towards him, Newt in tow. Up close, I almost shrink away from the horrific sight.

Ben lunges for Thomas, his eyes glazed over in jarring absence. His mouth foams at the edges, and a horrible dark purple is spreading beneath his skin. With a small gasp, I recognize the symptoms as those from my dream.

"Thomas!" I yell as he reaches us, but it's too late. Ben is on top of him, tackling him to the ground until he's pinned.

"This is your fault!" He screams, "we're here because of you!" Spit falls from his mouth as he suddenly stops, straightening quickly. Newt and I take a step back. Thomas lies on the floor, staring up.

"Ben.." Newt starts, arms out.

"You and this shank right here- the girl." He yells before lunging at me. I have only a moment to shriek before I am tackled to the floor, completely helpless and unprepared.

"Get off of her!" I hear Thomas get to his feet next to me, yelling at Ben, who has gone mad- completely rampant.

"Your fault- this is your fault!" is the last thing I hear before a swift blow is delivered to my left collarbone. I cry out in pain as an instant sharp, stabbing agony begins radiating from my neck.

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