Chapter Two-Work

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Grinning like an idiot, I walk out of my room and laugh when Mercy realizes I've left her and zooms out next to me. "You'd like to see Peter too, wouldn't you Mer?" Her butt wiggles a bit at the mention of Peter and I hum my agreement. We head to the gathering room and she finds Bucky immediately, jumping into his lap joyously. All eyes fall on me when they see her and the room is suddenly encased in happy affection. Ah, I missed them. Especially now that I know Steve is no longer in a shit mood. Tony hands me a cup of coffee and pecks my cheek as soon as I walk in.

"Fight the jetlag, Josie." He encourages. "Want to spend all the daylight I can with you." I accept the cup happily and lean into his embrace when he puts an arm around me.

"Uh, we." Sam corrects and kicks the kickstand of the recliner so Bucky's legs hit the floor with a hard thump.

"You know what, Wilson-" I roll my eyes and look back at Tony while they argue.

"Back at you. Thanks." This time Steve steals a spot next to me since Bucky is now preoccupied on the recliner with Mercy and Sam. Tony is happy as long as I'm next to him as well. Natasha has most likely left to take a shower like I did.

"So, tell me what happened while I was gone." I request and take a sip of the warmth.

"Other than this guy becoming more of an ass?" Sam quips and Bucky sends Mercy to him, effectively shutting him up with kisses.

"Well...Thor and Loki left a few days after you. Think they missed you too much." Steve flatters me and I smile at the memory of my friends. "Said they'd come back this year, though. Fought off some aliens near Queens, Buck pushed me into the river when he found out you were gone, then got pushed into the river himself. Missed you and Nat." Steve lists and I roll my eyes at that last bit.

"Mmhmm, very cute."

"How'd you fare, kiddo?" Bucky asks. I blink and think for a moment.

"Pretty well, I think." My eyes reflexively go to the door, but Natasha's not here. "Didn't have to deal with aliens but did have to take down a group that could spit acid." Steve stiffens next to me and I smile over at him for his concern. "And clearly took care of it. Natasha showed me the Louvre, and Athens, Buckingham Palace. Even a little of Russia."

"Glad you had fun as we rotted back here, Josie." Tony pokes fun and I sigh at him.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure you were suffering as you languished in this mansion." I tease right back and he shrugs, smirking.

"Well, I'm a bit disappointed you didn't gain any flab while you were galivanting and cavorting." Tony pokes my stomach and I giggle, waving him away.

"Natasha trained me in this guy's absence." I elbow Steve lightly. "So, hopefully, I'll only be gaining more muscle. Not your job to make me obese Tony." I remind him and look pointedly at Steve as well. He shrugs at me.

"Like seeing you healthy, Jo. Still remember when you were thinner than my arm." Steve responds and I rest my head on his shoulder, the memory of my scarred, thin body feeling decades old.

"Mm, it's not healthy to be obese, so let's not overfeed me like you tend to try to." My elbow digs into his side before he knocks it out of place with a chuckle.

"Good luck with that." Sam chortles, now having a happy Mercy curled in his lap snoring softly. "You expend a lot of energy in the first place, Jo. Absorbing abilities means you need to absorb more carbs." He smirks at his little joke as I roll my eyes. Bucky snorts.

"How long you spend on that one, Wilson?"

"No longer than you in bed, Barnes."

"ANYWAYS," Tony interrupts the children. "little lightning bug, you decide what you're going to do yet?" Tony asks, amber eyes alight with interest. My eyes turn to Steve and he inclines his head to me. It's my responsibility.

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