Chapter Ten-Back from the Grave

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Later that night when Peter and I are warm in bed with Mercy at our feet, I slowly hear the door to the yard open. My eyes snap open and I'm instantly going through my options. When I hear feet getting closer, I roll over Peter and wave the lights on. My next move is to drop a wall in front of Peter, Mercy, and I in case they have guns. I'm breathing hard and adrenaline is pumping through me as I scan the two figures in front of me and Peter groggily rises from bed.

"Pull weapons or make another move and I will bring you to your knees without moving a muscle." I threaten, finding nothing reassuring about the two people clad in black.

"Jo, what's going on?" Peter asks in a worried tone.

"Well, you certainly weren't lying when you said she was sharp." The man says just behind the other figure.

"Josephine, it's only us. We wanted to remain anonymous coming into the facility." Kathy says and anger ripples through me and the room. I drop the shield and they lift the black masks from their faces.

"You thought it would be alright to break into my room and nearly get murdered for the sake of your anonymity? No wonder someone is searching for others to hire." I spit instantly, my heart still beating a mile a minute. Kathy's eyes narrow, but she's silent. A wise move right now. The man steps forward and has a surprisingly kind face.

"Technically, your door wasn't locked. Not breaking in." He corrects and I huff. "Phil Coulson. Nice to meet you both." He extends a hand and I cross my arms over my chest. Peter, on the other hand, pops out of bed and shakes his hand happily.

"Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Coulson. I've heard and read a lot about you." I huff again and walk to my dresser to grab a pair of sweatpants. I shoot Mercy a pointed look on my way. So much for a guard dog.

"Mr. Parker, yes, I've heard a lot of good things about you too," Phil responds as I turn back around and re-cross my arms across my chest. "Ms. Leigh-"

"Jo." I correct. Kathy frowns.

"You could at least try to show a little respect-"

"Respect for who? Neither of you have shown me any!" I burst, walking over so I'm eye to eye with Kathy. "You come here under the guise of familial bonds just to trick me into joining some team and, may I just say, did a shit job of it. And all that under the orders of this guy!" My hand waves to the extra while Peter shakes his head with wide eyes. "This man who is supposed to be dead, who waltzes into my bedroom in the dead of night? No. I'll respect you once you've earned it." I end and the room is silent. Anger and leftover panic are marring my emotional read of the two, but I hope they feel every bit of it.

"Well then. Thank you, Kathy, you may go now." Coulson instructs with careful eyes on me. Kathy's eyes widen.

"But sir-"

"Go out and get those donuts we like. The ones with the crunchy stuff on top? Get whatever you like too." Kathy sighs at me and walks back out. Coulson turns to Peter who is hilariously still in his underwear. "Would you mind giving me and Ms. Leigh here a moment? I'm sure she can handle herself and anyway, I have no intention of harming her." He requests, but Peter looks to me. I nod. He nods back and squeezes my hand before leaving. We meet eyes and I wave a hand towards the couch.

"Want to sit?" I offer and head that way myself.

"Thank you." He accepts and sits on the opposite end. He stares at me with a pleasant smile on his face and I stare back. I reach out with my mind to Steve. His mind is familiar and since I know where he is, it's easy.

"Steve," I call, impressing my emotions on him enough for him to understand. It's hard to reach through walls like this, especially when I can't see the person. My mind snaps back and I hope that was enough for him to get the message.

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