Chapter Fourteen-And Into the Fire

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*Steve's POV*

"Keep everything under wraps if you can. We don't want any leaks." I explain to one of the paramedics. He nods and I shake his hand gratefully before that ambulance is out of here. Sighing, I turn to the other two just showing up. I head in that direction with a glance at the depression in the dirt where Jo is. There's an itch in the back of my mind with her out of my sight, but I can't go after her until these people are taken care of. Peter stands from helping make a web sling for a woman and comes to my side.

"Something isn't right." He tells me and looks at the stairs just as I am. Just after the words leave his mouth, Coulson emerges with a limp Jo in his arms.

"Oh god." I breathe and we both run to her. Coulson lowers her to the soft grass just before the top step and I land on my knees next to her.

"I tried to stop her. I'm not sure what's wrong." He says desperately as Peter presses two fingers to her neck.

"Please, please, please." He whispers and I feel my heart stop as he searches for hers. He sighs and looks at me with tear-filled eyes. "She has a pulse. Weak, but there." Peter tells me and I feel like I can breathe again.

"Take her. I've got things here under control." Coulson assures me and I instantly lift Jo into my arms.

"Peter, call the team and have them get here now with the quinjet." I tell him and he instantly does so. We move to the opposite end of the field so it'll have room to land, but Jo stays in my arms. I can't bring myself to let her go. Peter is at my side, staring at Jo with what could only be described as reckless love and hope. "She'll be okay." The words find their way out of my mouth despite the worry and fear in me. He nods at me and swallows. His hand runs over her curls gently and I have to look up instead of at her still face. The quinjet arrives and we board it instantly.

"What the hell happened?" Natasha asks first, opening the hospital bed hidden in the middle of the jet as we take off again. Tenderly, I lower Jo onto it.

"We don't know."

"You weren't with her?" She snaps at me, jade eyes more fire than green. "You know she's just as likely to do something stupid and reckless as you are." I don't have the heart to argue with her. She's right anyway. Tony hands the wheel to Sam and walks over with his scanner in hand.

"Christ." He breathes before blinking and shaking his head. He runs the blue light over her slowly as it gathers information. "She's nearly catatonic," Tony whispers and looks up at me with wide, fearful eyes. Bucky steps forward and moves Peter back with a hand.

"Kid, back off. No one touch her. Her mind has probably done this to protect her from any more outside influences. She's overloaded and crashing." Bucky's eyes trail to mine.

"But she'll be okay?" Peter asks in a rough voice and all eyes turn to me for what to do. I take a breath and move to the front.

"We're not going back to the facility. Set a new course." I say and start doing it myself for something to do.

"Where are we headed?" Sam asks and even his voice is strained. My eyes are steady on the sky in front of me, but my hands shake slightly on the controls.

"To the best."

Sam takes the wheel once I've set the heading and shoves me away, claiming I'm not in the right mindset to control anything. I stand reluctantly and set my shield to the side before looking back at Jo. Bucky's at her side, left hand gently cradling hers since he's the only one who can touch her. Natasha is at her head, staring intently at the rise and fall of her chest while Peter and Tony are at her feet. Tony's hand is flat on Peter's back as he monitors her brain function and vitals with a holograph. Peter looks the worst out of all of us with his red eyes, blood still on his hands and in his hair from running through it. Suddenly there's a shrill ringing and it takes me a moment to realize it's coming from me. I dig around my pocket and answer without thinking about it.

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