Chapter Four-The Public

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Within the next minute, we're zooming down the drive on my sturdy red motorcycle. Peter's arms are tight around me and he's pressed tight against me, just how I like it. I've kept myself from reaching back into his mind, but if the way his arms are holding onto me is any indication, he misses me just as much as I miss him. We arrive on the scene and it's obviously not going well.

Tony's in the suit with no helmet corralling the small crowd that's getting strangely rowdy. Steve's at his side, but looks frustrated himself, although he hides it well. Sam is overhead, most likely keeping watch over the situation. Bucky and Natasha are together on the other side of the shield. They spot us first as I park and dismount. "Hey." I greet them both. "The hell is going on?" Bucky sighs as his plates shift from frustration.

"Some kids were messing around last night and one ran into the shield. Was taken to the hospital with a concussion and broken nose." Bucky reports and my brow furrows.

"That's not possible. The shield I made has give. You'd more likely get a concussion running into a mattress." Natasha crosses her arms with a clearly irritated look on her face.

"Not sure if the story is a completely true one, but what matters is the people believe it." Natasha gestures to the pissed mob that we're luckily out of sight from for now.

"So, what do we do?" Peter questions. Natasha and Bucky glance at each other.

"Take the shield down and the people will calm but be in danger being so close. Deal with the people, who knows what happens." Bucky answers indecisively and we all look over at them. Thoughts fly through my head before I decide on a course of action.

"Okay. I'll take the shield down then go towards the people to deal with them. Peter should stay at my back to block the people from coming forward into the danger zone. Deal?" Both veterans smile.

"Deal, kiddo. Careful." Bucky tells me and both adults jog back to their place along the shield. My eyes go to Peter's mask.

"Ready for this?" I question. Peter shrugs.

"Watching your back is most of what this relationship is...was, so I'd say I'm ready." He tries to tease and I sigh in response before we run the front of the shield. My hand reaches out and absorbs some of the energy so my hand can break the membrane. I grab a pole and tug it out of the ground to disturb the signal. The orb falls and I release the energy. Peter and I nod at each other before I take a breath, then head to where Tony and Steve stand. Now that I'm closer, I see a few of those same cops I healed last night keeping the crowd at bay. They've seriously earned a day off.

"Tony, you can head back. They need you." I tell him aloud before meeting his amber eyes. "Clean up the area as fast as possible. Use Sam to help you. Someone is trying to turn the people against the team and I'd rather no one be put in danger."

"You and me both, Josie." He responds and pecks my forehead before waving to the crowd and heading up. Steve's eyes meet mine with a warning in them.

"Angry people, Jo."

"I got it, I got it," I assure him and face the people in front of me. While not exactly the best at dealing with people, I've grown in the past few months. "I understand you are all rightly upset about what happened to the young boy here, but we need you to disperse for your own safety."

"Safety?" My eyes zero in on a man in blue, pink lips screwed up in a sneer. "You're the one that caused the boy's injuries!" My temper flares at the wrong accusation, but I swallow it. Fear breeds anger. Take care of the fear and the anger will dissipate. Hopefully.

"Actually, that isn't possible." I hold my hands out and create a small shield in my hands. Carefully, I walk past the cops and into the crowd despite Steve's clear mental objections. The people back away from me as if I have the plague. "My shields have give, like an inflated balloon or a trampoline. Here." I offer it to a woman with dark hair who has more curiosity than fear coming off her. Dark eyes meet mine as she gingerly pokes it. Her finger is absorbed slightly but then bounces back with no harm but the hair on her arms standing on end. I smile at her and she gifts me a tentative one in return.

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