Chapter Six-Ellen

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Chapter Six


Sighing, I get up and slip on leather pants, a red, flowing shirt, socks, and black ankle boots. "Too early for this." I murmur and walk to Peter and I's adjoining door. Since he doesn't know about Ellen, he won't have gotten up yet. After taking a deep breath and adjusting my shirt so one shoulder is showing, I walk through the door. A pile of brown curls is the only thing showing from the red and blue comforter and the sight brings a soft smile to my face. I do my best to walk over quietly and gently shake his shoulder to wake him up. "Peter. You've got to get up." I beckon and very slowly, those warm brown eyes open. The first thing he does is smile.


"Yeah, it's me. We're headed out on a flight. Got to get up and get dressed." His brows furrow confusedly and he sits up.

"Where...where are we going?" He asks as he rubs his eyes awake.

"Los Angeles. We're going back on the Ellen show." I tell him and this jolts him awake. He loves Ellen. He's out of bed and I have to smother my smile at his Hello Kitty underwear as I head back to my room.

"Hey, wait." He calls and I pause. Framed by the early morning light, curls messy and shining gold, he's fucking tempting as ever. "You...look really beautiful." He tells me and my cheeks heat.

"Thank you. I'll see you in a few minutes. Quin-jet." I instruct and shut the door behind me. "Mer!" I call and she comes bounding through her doggy door to my side. She receives a kiss on the head from me before I glance at her food bowl. Peter made a little automatic system so we wouldn't have to wake up to feed her, and I note the bowl is nearly empty. "What a good girl you are." I praise and laugh at her little butt wiggle. "Going flying again, Mer. Hope you don't lose your breakfast." Her ears perk up, but her butt just keeps on wiggling. We walk out and trot down the stairs. Suddenly, Mercy yelps and I spin to find Bucky has snatched her up. I shake my head as she realizes who it is and immediately rains kisses wherever she can. "Glad Mercy is the one you pick up nowadays." I tease as he releases her back onto the ground. Mischief dances through his blue eyes as we hit the ground floor and I only have a moment to start shaking my head before he's scooped me up as well.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." I breathe as he grins at me.

"Morning, kiddo. And I didn't realize you missed me picking you up." I raise an eyebrow.

"I'm sorry, is that what I said? Your hearing failing you in your old age, Bucky?" His response is to drop his arms before quickly bringing them back up to catch me.

"Oh no, seems my old man arms are too weak to carry this much smartass. Oops." He sasses right back and I smile despite myself. We reach the jet and find Steve with Sam, of course, already here and descending the ramp.

"Little early for attitude, you two." He scolds, but his tone is light and eyes bright. "Is this going to become a thing again?" He extends a hand and gestures between the two of us. Bucky swings my feet back under me and I shove him playfully away.

"She just missed my surprise lifts," Bucky explains and winks at me. Steve nods.

"Oh. Thought it was Peter's job now anyway." He murmurs and grins when my mouth drops. Bucky laughs a rare, booming laugh as Sam ooo's in the corner. My cheeks heat.

"Steve! Can't believe you." I chastise just before Natasha boards, backpack slung over a shoulder. Her jade eyes scan us interestedly.

"Miss something?"

"No," I answer quickly before the other three can. Her eyes widen a little and lips twitch before she lets it go. Finally, Peter arrives with a sandwich in his mouth and another paper towel wrapped one.

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