Chapter Thirteen-Out of the Frying Pan

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Sound fades in and out, but I hear Peter and Steve talking to one another. Someone's hands are holding my hair out of my face and handing me a towel, but my eyes are closed to prevent the room from spinning. Once everything in me is in the toilet, I shut it and sit on the lid as it flushes. I look in front of me as I wipe my mouth and find Steve kneeling on the floor. Mercy sits next to him and sets her head on my knee. Even she looks worried.

"Sorry." I tell him and barely hear my own voice. "I'm sorry." His mouth moves but once again the sound is muted. Suddenly, Bucky is there and they're talking. His metal hand rests on my cheek and I lean into the coolness before it's gone. He wets another hand towel and drapes it over the back of my neck. "Thanks." I murmur at the two men with concerned, furrowed brows in front of me. Bucky hands me a small cup of Listerine and I swish before spitting it out.

"You said her memories are mixed up too?" Bucky asks and Steve nods.

"I'm not sure how many minds she was in today. Jo? You hearing me, sweetie?" Steve asks with a gentle hand skimming my calf as if to make sure I don't disappear. I nod slowly.

"Yeah, it's getting better," I confirm and set a hand on Mercy's head to ground me. "At least thirty is the answer to your question." Steve deflates.

"God, Jo." He breathes.

"Can we be angry and disappointed with me later?" I joke slightly, but neither man's expression changes. Seems like this is a situation I can't joke my way out of. My eyes go to Bucky who seems slightly cooler under pressure. "Other people's memories are surfacing in my mind. They'll fade, right?" He forces a small smile onto his face.

"Time will tell, kid. The best thing for you is to keep to yourself for a while. No minds but your own." Bucky tells me firmly and Steve pulls his hand off me. Peter comes back and holds up a box of saltines. I raise an eyebrow.

"Cap told me to get these. You need something in your stomach." He sets the box on the counter next to me and reaches for my hand, but Bucky catches him. I pout irately.

"Needs to just be in her own mind a while, bud." He warns and releases him. Peter nods instantly.

"Okay, whatever you need, Jo." He agrees and puts his hand on my thigh instead, over my over-sized shirt. I smile and run a careful hand through his hair.

"Well, I can't stand to be in here anymore." I sigh and move to get up, accepting Bucky's left arm when offered. "I want pants and coffee."

"Wish you'd try to get more sleep," Steve says as I stoop to grab some sweatpants. I slip them on as Bucky shoots me a knowing look. He understands.

"Well, when your mind is occupied by other people's worst memories, we'll discuss it." I sass back before reconsidering slightly when I see his bright, shining blue eyes. "Actually, could I talk to you a second?" I look to Bucky and Peter who glance at one another hesitantly.

"We'll be up in a minute," Steve assures them and after I'm sitting on the bed, both head out. My fingers fiddle with the rings on my hand as Steve sits beside me. Mercy boards the bed as well and wiggles her head between my arm and thigh for ear rubs. I comply and am glad for something to occupy my hands. "We've had quite the day, Jo." Steve starts, his voice quiet in the silent room and apologetic.

"You could say that." I laugh softly. "Still not our worst blow out yet." I return with a small smile. Steve lets out a harsh bark of a laugh.

"Right, it's not like you ran away and did something dangerous."

"Hey, I'm trying to apologize here. And I didn't run, I drove." I correct and we're both quiet before we laugh again. He looks over at me and the atmosphere gets a bit more serious.

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