Chapter Twenty-Queen Mother

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T'Challa and I part ways when the halls split and I return to Peter. Heart in my throat, my suit fades back into just Peter's baggy tank before I crawl back into bed. Gently, I shake him awake. "Hey, wake up. I want to talk to you." I poke his shoulder until he stirs. Tired eyes blink awake and his hand reaches out to find mine.

"Something wrong?" He murmurs and struggles to lift himself out of the warm sheets.

"No. Well, not exactly. Something big just kind of came up and I want to tell you about it. Your mind working yet?" I joke and his sleepy smile warms my heart. He sits up and winces when I wave the light on. "Sorry." He shakes his head to clear it and gathers the sheets closer to him cutely. Brown eyes stare at me curiously.

"Tell me." He says and I sigh. This should be interesting.

" turns out I'm a, uh, a princess." I just say it and then grit my teeth after the words leave my mouth. Peter blinks and leans forward a bit.

"Uh, what?"

I chuckle and wrap some of the sheets around me as well. "Apparently, my mom was Wakandan. She apparently got friendly with the king in the states and got pregnant with me. Thus, I'm...royalty." The word has a bit of a bitter taste in my mouth, but I just think of T'Challa and Shuri. Their faces applied to the word makes it better. I also think of Buxoki and the chances I missed out on with her despite her relative bitchiness. This is the right decision, no matter what it brings about. Although my opinion might change based on Peter's reaction.

"You're related to King T'Challa and Princess Shuri?" He repeats as his eyes bug out of his head. He's definitely wide awake now. I nod the affirmative. "Oh my god. Oh my god. I mean...oh my...god."

"Basically my same reaction. Actually, I asked the king is he was fucking with me. Those exact words." Peter's jaw drops before he exhales in disbelief.

"Well, what does this mean? Are you okay?" He asks instantly and runs his hand up and down my bare arm. I smile and put my hand over his to still it.

"Actually, I'm pretty okay," I answer honestly. "It's shocking more than anything, but I'm working on it," I assure him gently and the urgency on his face fades into just awe.

"You're royalty. Royalty for the most technologically advanced country on the planet. That is so cool." As always, Peter manages to look on the bright side and gets me to smile.

"It doesn't bother you?" I ask as the worry fades off my shoulders and his brows instantly furrow.

"Baby, why would that bother me?" He asks and cradles my face with a hand. My lips press together as I shrug.

"I don't know what this means for us. Whether I'll need to be here for part of the year, if I have new responsibilities, I don't even know if I'm allowed to be in the same room as you! Not that it would stop us if we weren't." I allow my questions and frustrations to spill out in front of him and he takes each of them with care. Soft brown eyes console me as well as the circle of concern and love around him.

"Jo, we'll figure it out. All of that is stuff that we can deal with." He tells me with all the love in the world. "Focus on the fact that you just gained a family and a brand-new history. It's amazing. You are," Peter leans in and pecks my lips, "so amazing." I sigh in relief as I realize just how concerned I was with losing him. Wiggling closer, I drape my legs over his and drape my arm over his shoulders so my fingers can play with his hair. "As long as, you know," He suddenly glances down and nervousness shivers out of him. "you still want to be with me." I can't help the laughter that comes out of me at the question.

"Peter," I emphasize and his eyes lift to mine once again. Joy, love, and amazement roll off me and I note the sudden perkiness of his eyes from it. "I came in here ready to drop everything and run with you because I thought this might scare you off. There is absolutely nothing in this world, the universe really, that could get me to not want you." I answer honestly, my relief making my dislike for vulnerability take a backseat. A grin lights up his face and his arms wrap around me, one around my waist and the other over my knees. "As for amazing...I think you might be just a little bit better than me, Parker." I tell him and kiss the spot just in front of his ear. He shivers under my lips and I can't help smiling. He's still so easy. We both flinch and turn to the door when it swings open and makes a small depression in the wall. The Queen Mother waltzes in wearing a white robe that falls to the floor in subtle ruffles. Shining silver dreads fall down her shoulders and a fierce expression adorns her face. "Oh, Jesus." I breathe and jump out of bed, placing a fist over my racing heart and tilting my head in respect. Thank goodness Peter follows me, although together we're only wearing a tank top and two pairs of underwear.

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