the ball

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Blue D's POV

"A ball?" Yellow questioned in an angry like accent, but I realize her accent is always with rage "we havent had a ball in 6000 years" she added. Pink has been throwing parties for us to have fun, but... since her shattering... "We havent had Pink in 6000 years" I got rid of that horrid memory, I smiled. Now looking at Pink, who still seem to be encouraging herself to talk to White. "Yeah" Pink said excitedly "when White shows up we can tell her why we needed her help on Earth" It has been a long time since we had a ball, and White could see Pink being a mature diamond. "And... this could also mart of giving of era 3" I explained still smiling at Pink. I couldnt take my smile off, I didnt knew why but it was something to do with the ball. And about White coming if she'd like "Your right, its briliant" Yellow agreed, although shes not smiling. "Thank you Yellow!" She saluted... but in a different way, she turned facing at me "thank you Blue" she appreciated her wide smile. How I miss her smile "White is gonna be there, everything has to be perfect" I expected a perfect ball. But I cant expect that to happen. Can I? "Pink, can you manage this on your own?" I asked, before she could give me an answer I told her "our pearls could help you get started" our Pearls appeared in a beam of light. They were saluting "at your service Pink Diamond" my Pearl spoke. while Yellow's just stood there saluting, and smiling like a cat. (If they even know what a cat is) "Make sure you go over for all of our customs with Pink" Yellow commanded "since she has so much trouble recalling her past here on homeworld" she added. Still her Pearl is smiling. "Yes my diamond" she agrees. "Era 3 Steven!" The Pearl spoke in a happy tone "your already changing the world" Pink smiles "yeah come on party Pearls" Pink commanded. "We are at your command Pink Diamond" our Pearls bowed, Pink sighed "just call me Steven" she whispered, I think disapointed. "Whatever you command Pink Diamond" I never knew why she changed her name. From Pink Diamond to Rose Quartz then Steven? I dont understand these Earthly changes, I think she get these names from the orgamics on Earth. Well, atleast she's planning this for homeworld. Atleast I hope she is. And I hope it changes not only White also Yellow. After the meeting with Pink, we all carried on to our colonies. I couldnt focus on my clony, I simply dont know why. But I guess it was something to do with Pink. I suppose, I could look at what she is doing

Steven's POV

These homeworld rules are boring, no party cannons, balloons, or even liquids? I dont even drink, I meant water but its still liquid? Or even apple juice They say. "So, if balloons, party cannons or even liquids arents allowd What do you do for fun?" I asked them, they stoped. Blue's Pearl was just in silence and Yellow's explained. Gems are just to do their purpose in life and for Pearls their purpose to exist is to acquire their Diamond's every needings or accompany them or make sacrifice to save them. "I like to draw" Blue's Pearl spoke, I'll call her BlueP "of course, you draw quite nice... mi amor" she mentioned the last part quieter. Making BlueP to blush a bit "Yellow!" She whispered, pushing her. As YellowP laughs, covering her mouth. Fun . I thought they dont do fun. We were all laughing, until Blue came. "Pink" she called out. I turned around seeing her, so I just greeted her "hi Blue" think Positive. Blue is just here to check your work, or advantages

Blue D's POV

"Pink" I called, and as she turns around she greatefuly greeted me "hi Blue" chearfully. I simply showed a small smile, but my smile didnt last long "have you got everything prepared for the ball?" I asked. This was really important to her, if it is to help. I need to interfear with her Earthly plans. "Yeah, I got everything under controled" she told, she looked more so relaxed than worried. Her Eaethly plans doesnt fit for a gem being, or mostly a diamond like her "Your not going to look like that, are you?" I questioned, I'm trying to not give her a rude like accent, but for the sake of her corrupted gems we need White. "What... what do you mean?" She asked not noticing what I'am at. I looked at her gem friends, with discuss. "You arent thinking of inviting your Earth friends, are you?" I questioned again, she couldnt answer my question. I didnt wanted to look rude, but I just did. And infront of the crystal gems. "Why wouldnt I?" She questioned me, with rage I seperated him from her Earth friends. I'm worried about her, about these gems. These gems werent supposed to be here but she wanted them. I never knew why, but these gems are important to her. She climbed on top of my hand, worriedly she looked at me "wha... they cant come?" She questioned "arent they a part of my court? Or something" she made a reason. I sighed, these gems are messing with her head. I was worried that they might make her turn her back on us, "oh Pink, you never really had changed" I whispered to myself, disapointed of what she is doing to herself and to homeworld. "I want them to join the ball, theyre my family" she stopped then looked at them "if theyre not coming, I dont want to go you can have the ball without me I dont care what..." with anger I discontinued her thought of speaking "Pink, quit fooling around!" I shouted at her. Forgetting she has problems recalling her memory here on homeworld. "White Diamond is going to be there, we have to present our best possible selves just as our gems have to present us, with their best possible selves" she frowned at me, nothing to feedback "of all this a chance to inspire everyone" I finished. She looked at her friends, then started "but my friends are super inspiring, they'll inspire White too. Together we could make a place for Earth" she explains, her eyes turning into stars. Instead of diamonds, why stars? I sighed again in defeat. "Very well" I still cared for Pink, however they need to be perfect to present for White. "You can bring your Pearl of course, and your pet" I looked at the organic with discuss. I avoided making eye contact, for I knew that wasnt her real name. "Uh... Pet?" Pink questioned confusedly, the organic looked downwards shyly. "I think she meant me" then Pink looked at me. "And for the Amethyst" I mentioned, she looked carelessly as she roled her eyes. "She will need limit enhancer to perform the dance along with the other Maethyst" she is aldo avoiding my requirements for her, I hate these kind of disrespectful gems. "Sapphire would need to entertain with the other Sapphires of course and the Ruby need to entertain with the others" the fusion seemed angry, growling at my thought. "Woah, woah, woah" I stopped when I heard Pink's voice, I looked at her "are you talking about Garnet?" She asked. Garnet? Whats a Garnet? I questioned within my thoughts. Hmm, it seems that fusion means so much to her, and a Garnet seems to be a different type of warrior gem "Garnet? Does that call herself a... Garnet?" I questioned her, doing a sassy pose or face. I laughed at the fact that Pink wants her to be fused in the ball. "What would you let her do? Let her dance with the demantoids, the hesonites, the pirobes?" I questioned with a teasing accent. "Pink, I'm trying to be very generous but you can't expect me to..." "I wont go" the Garnet growled at me. Pink hugged the fusion, and then looked at her "Garnet" she was begging for her to come. "Atleast the Sapphire in there have some sense" as I told her that fact, the Garnet growled. Pink frowned more than before. I realized theres more requirements to be handled "Pink, are you going to ring in the ball?" I tried to avoid the fight, she gave me a confused look. I sighed, this is simply tiring but... it is for the best "I'll take care of it" I turned around "I'll take care of everything" as I walked away. I called out our Pearls for some assistance and help

Yellow D's POV

Building more colonies just bores me. I know we need this to make more gems, and we need this to sustain homeworld. Keep the generation for gem kind, but it just tires me out. Is this... what she feels? Is this how Pink feels? I need to take a break, maybe I could visit Blue? If she has time for my presence. I decided to talk to Blue, or visit her. While I made my way through her blue door, I hear her shouting. With... frustration? Shes not any frustrated with anything what could possibly cause her this anger. "WHY IS BEING A DIAMOND SO COMPLICATED?! WHY IS BEING THE THIRD RESPONSIBLE OF HOMEWORLD DO HARD?! TAKING CARE OF COLONIES SENDING GEMS TO DESTROY KINDS OF PLANETS, UGH!" I'm worried for Blue, but instead of going inside or interfearing with her frustrated day, I kept quiet and listen to her shout. "AND NOW I NEED TO TAKE CARE OF THE BALL, HOW THE GEMS SHOULD DANCE OR EVEN HOW WE PRESENT OUR BEST SELVES TO WHITE, I CANT TAKE CARE OF THESE PROBLEMS ALL AT ONCE" I have to stop listening, she might as well find out I'm eavesdropping from here. Before I could open the door, I heard my name "AND EVEN YELLOW, WHY CANT WE JUST BE TOGETHER?! I know she's a tough gem but why would she love a gem weak like me. We dont have the chance to be together" she stopped. I thought of going inside, stop eavesdropping. I decided to go away instead, I love Blue. I wish she could realize I'm being tough for her, and... why is she frustrated about being a diamond? I know being a diamond is hard but I thought she enjoyed being one.

Narrator's POV

Days of preparation for the ball, it finally started. No one really suspected that Pink Diamond looked different. For they thought ut would be rude to notice her different style. While the gems were dancing Steven felt boredom surrounding but mostly he felt bad for the gems. They were forced to do something they didnt wanted to, Garnet unfused for this ball. Amethyst wore limit enhancers and struggling to be herself. For Pearl she just do what Pearls do, stand and watch the gems dancing no talking but still that is torture for her. And for Connie, she felt bad for Steven not having fun at his own era 3 ball. "Hey Steven" Connie greeted while trying to sit beside Steven on his throne, "dont you mean Pink Diamond?" He questioned, worried he didnt show any smile. Then he sighed, "I'm sorry Connie, its just... I dont like them looking like this" Steven pointed at the gems. Sapphire who was staring at Ruby, dancing with her eyes closed. Amethyst still getting a hang on her feet. Pearl, struggling to keep her mouth shut. (>w< still true)
"And I dont like you looking all depressed and sad, Come on Steven, lets dance" Connie grabbed Steven from his seat. And they headed on the dance floor, the gems noticed what they were doing but they didnt done anything to stop them. "Connie!" Steven whispered but mostly like a shout to Connie, "I'm sorry everyone for... this misunderstanding" Steven looked nervous by the gems surrounding him. Connie held Steven's hand "you could be you, and have Fun!" Steven thought of it for a while, and agreed to dance with Connie. Then they started spinning and laughing. A bright light showed uppon them, a fusion formed. "PINK!" Yellow shouted getting off her throne "what are you doing?" Blue questioned Steven "I was just dancing" just as Steven and Connie realized they were Stevonnie. "Infuse this instant, or I'll have to make you" Yellow growled at Stevonnie, but before she could grab her Garnet appeared "you have to go through me first" protecting Stevonnie. "AND ME!" Pearl shouted and jumped off running towards Amethyst. Picking her up and fused, Opal formed. "And me" and another fusion appeared. The diamonds were furious, mostly they were embaraaed from Pinks big scene. With anger Yellow struck the unfamiliarized fusion along with the others, leaving Stevonnie alone. Grabbing her and threw her inside a tower, Steven and Connie were "together alone"

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