Giant woman

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Stevonnie's POV

The music was getting slower by the second, then we saw a green light, shining so bright (that rhymed😅) we saw Green Diamond

Green D's POV

"This is..." we looked at our hands, they were green. "We fused!" We realized. Surprised from this new experience, how? This is so... extraordinary. I didnt knew how fusion frlt like

Stevonnie's POV

I gasped "GIANT WOMAN!" I shouted, stars were forming in my eyes. Of course, I forgotten about my past childish days, but I couldnt forget about this one. "Well look at that..." a familiar voice came "did you brought these two together, Steven?" I turned around and saw Peridot and Lapis fused into "Turquoise!" I greeted hugging her. Its been a while since she visited us, when they decided to rebuild the barn to the nearest warp pad and their meep morphs. "Am I late for the party?" She asked, looking down at me. "The party was just getting started!" I told her smiling. Then I saw Green Diamond still unsure about this whole fusion thing. I've seen more different fusions, but we've never seen a diamond fusion before. I admit that they both look cute together


Sorry for the short chapter, I was running out of ideas. Mostly when Turquoise came in #LAPIDOT4EVER
If some one wants to help me make the next chapter, I would love to accept the offer
I just need more IDEAS. I'll add another chapter after this after you give me more Ideas

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