daydream (iwaoi)

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Oikawa POV 

As I sat in Iwa Chan's room I felt myself falling asleep. He had been doing homework for the past hour and I slowly had begun to get tired. I walked behind him and let out a huge sigh. 

"Iwa channnn you've been doing to much homework" I said pouting. I hear him scoff.

" well I need to get it done and there's no other time" he said annoyed. 

" But you aren't giving me any attention and I'm getting tired" I whined. He ran his fingers through his hair and stretched.

" idiot...I'll give you attention when I'm done so please let me finish" he said as he turned back to his work. 

I pouted feeling sadness rise in me but I sucked it up and pulled up a chair behind Iwa Chan before trying to look at my phone.

Iwazumi POV

I sighed internally as I went through my math homework. With volleyball I barley had time to finish homework so now that practice was canceled I finally had time to get it done. I felt a little guilty for ignoring Oikawa because he is my boyfriend and I do care. As I went to do another problem I felt Oikawa lean into my back. Before I could say anything i heard him whisper.

" I know you don't like it when I'm touchy but can I stay here Hajime" 

My eyes widened. He never whispered like that and he almost never said my first name. 

"Tooru..are you never are quiet like this" I said worry evident in my voice. I felt him let out a small laugh.

" I'm fine. I just need to be close to you right now."He said gently. I felt guilt rise in me. I had ignored him when he needed me the most. 

Oikawa POV

I closed my eyes against Iwazumis back. His back was warm and I felt my muscles loosen. He was the only one I could relax around. The only one I could let my guard down with. Soon my thoughts became a blur and I felt myself slowly slipping into sleep. I tried to open my eyes again but I just couldn't. The feeling of tiredness was to much and after a few more moments of trying to stay awake I gave up and silently fell asleep.

Iwazumi POV

After he didn't say something I tried to turn to check on him. As I looked to my back I blushed as I saw my boyfriends sleeping face. His eyes were closed as he let out soft breaths and I noticed  his Lips were ever so slightly parted. He looked so peaceful in his sleep and I felt my heartbeat speed up. I liked seeing him at peace especially when it was with me. It was something he felt only with me it seemed and I wanted to keep that. I realized how uncomfortable this position would be for both of us so I decided to wake him.

Oikawa POV

I woke up as I felt Iwazumis big warm hand squeeze my arm. I hummed as I woke up. I rubbed my eyes before opening them to look at Iwazumi.

"sorry Iwa Chan I fell asleep " I said with a yawn. He shook his head.

" it's fine. I'm done with my homework now though and I thought that you'd be more comfortable sleeping on the bed" he said shyly.

I smiled. He found it hard to display his emotions but to me it was cute. Besides behind all of that he was genuine and caring. My boyfriend was truly the best. I grabbed his hand and I walked him over to the the bed, I slowly laid down before he slide next to me. His arms engulfed me in a tight embrace. I blushed but before I closed my eyes i asked timidly,

" will you still be here when I wake up again"

I felt so weak asking but I truly was scared of the thought. He gently brushed his fingers over my eyelids making me close my eyes and he said,

" of course. I have to protect you while you daydream."

Hope you enjoyed! Comment what you'd like to see me write and follow if you want



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