I'll still miss you (bokuaka)

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Akaashi POV 

I sighed as I sat arms tightly folded in the hallway. The sun was setting and as it fell behind the clouds and the melting orange and pink glow fell across me. Usually me and Bokuto would be cuddled against each other on the couch at this time and even though I would complain as he hugged himself closer I'd secretly wish he'd do it more. However tonight was different because instead of cuddling with me he would be leaving for a business trip without me. It was only for a month but whenever I thought about it or whenever he mentions it my heart starts to hurt and my chest gets tight. 

I tapped my foot anxiously waiting for him to finish packing his suitcases and duffel bag. I wanted to go help him but every time I got close to the door I would hear him packing and my eyes would well up with tears. It isn't like me to be emotional because I'm usually the composed one in our relationship but this is different for me. I'm not calm or composed, my heart is racing with anxiety and I can't stand the fact that I'll be away from him even though it isn't even going to be that far or for a long time. Suddenly I felt warmth on my face and as I reached up a drop of water fell onto my hand. I had been......crying? I hadn't even noticed but my face was soaked with tears. I rubbed my eyes frantically but finally all I could do is put my head in my face as I tried to let it all fade away. 

Bokuto POV

I was actually stressed. I'm usually so carefree and as Akaashi puts it maybe sometimes a bit of a child. This packing was getting to me though and even though I was almost done I didn't want to be. I wish I had just a few more hours to spend with him, to just love on him until the time runs out. I threw another shirt into the suitcase and ran a hand through my messy grey white hair. I knew I had to go but whenever I looked at the clock I got angry. Time just kept passing even when I was begging for it to stop for even a second. Every day when I left for work I would miss him the moment I left, and every moment of that day until I could see his face again. As I paced back and forth a month seemed....impossible. How could I spend so many days away from Akaashi and for what? A business opportunity? 

I stopped and rubbed my face, of course he was worth more than any business opportunity but at the same time I knew it was beneficial to do this. Sure it seems wasteful now but when me and Akaashi move and maybe even have a family the extra money could do nothing but help. I nodded to myself and shut the suitcases. I smiled at the thought of a family with Akaashi and made up my mind. This would be difficult but I love Akaashi to much to waste an opportunity that could help us financially. I want him to have the best life with me and this is the way to do that. I decided to check on him and spend some of the little time before I leave with him. 

Akaashi POV

I was still leaned against the wall when I heard the bedroom door open. I panicked and turned around so Bokuto can't see my tear stained face. His footsteps were loud as he walked towards me, my heart was racing, he can't see me like this. Then I felt his strong arms wrap around my torso, I opened my eyes and tried to steady my breathing. His warmth made me feel better but my chest hurt knowing he'd be gone soon. I wanted to reach my arms up and run my hands across his arms that were gripping onto me so tightly but my hands were so shaky he would definitely notice if I tried. 

" Akaashi my love, what are you thinking about?" He whispered in my ear. 

I smiled even though more tears welled in my eyes because I knew he was grinning even though I wasn't looking at him. Little things like this make me fall in love with him more every moment.

"I'm just thinking goofball....don't worry about it" I said trying to sound calm like usual. 

He laughed lightly and I could feel my heart cracking. I know I'll break down if I try to pretend I'm ok, but I don't want him to worry himself.

" Ok fine I'll leave your thoughts to you but....you know I love you right" he said gently while planting a kiss on the back of my neck. I don't know why but those words broke every part of me that has been holding back. I finally allowed myself to let out a huge sob.

Bokuto POV 

Suddenly after my words Akaashi's body shook in my arms and I heard him let out a small cry. My eyes went wide in shock. Akaashi usually is calm and keeps his emotions to himself he has only cried once in front of me yet now he was sobbing in my arms. I felt my eyes getting watery hearing his sniffles. I gripped him tighter and turned him to face me. His green eyes were puffy and tears streaked down his sculpted cheeks as he tried to hide his face. I kissed the top of his head and rocked us back and forth as I hugged him.

" Akaashi shhhh...shhh my love....why didn't you let me know you were upset" I said calmly trying to be soothing. He rubbed his nose and tried to talk through his sniffles.

"I-I didn't...wan-t to d-discourage you f-from leaving" he said through the sniffles. 

My heart melted. Knowing Akaashi he had kept these feelings hidden for a long amount of time. I felt guilty that he felt like he had to hide his feelings from me so that he could make could me happy. I just squeezed him tighter. I kissed both of his cheeks and pulled a tissue from my back pocket. I gently wiped away his tears before looking him straight in his eyes. 

" My darling flower...I love you and seeing you sad pains me, i promise to stay only for as long as I need to and then I'll come running back into your arms. You know I will right?"

Akaashi POV 

I nodded my head shyly but this sadly didn't calm me. I didn't want him to go. I desperately wanted to just kiss his lips and make him stay....but that wouldn't be right. I wiped my face one more time before I placed a kiss on his cheek.

" here I'll get your bags out here" I said in a quiet voice.

He reluctantly let go of me and I stumbled down the hall and grabbed them. My hands trembled as I did however and I desperately tried to stop them. I came back and handed him his bags and gave him a tight hug burying my face in his chest.

" Stay out of trouble ok....and call me at least once a week" I said trying to sound firm as usual.

He laughed and I knew he was smiling. I could hear it in his laughter.

" Trouble? You know I never get into trouble.....and of course I wouldn't be able to live without hearing your voice" he said cheerfully.

I squeezed him one last time before letting go and as we walked through the door I put my heart to my chest to try and forget the throbbing pain in my chest as he slipped on his shoes. He turned to me and kissed my lips softly one last time before walking out the door. 

As I heard his footsteps fade I fell onto my knees in the entry hall scattering our shoes and quietly said what I wish I'd told him.

"Bokuto, it doesn't matter if you sprint back to my arms........I'll still miss you" 

Hey all I know this is way to late I'm sorry for the delay this was just very important for me to write well because I wanted it to be emotional. Alsoooo I'll be posting a kagehina oneshot as soon as I can thank you for your patience. With that I hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next oneshot



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