'For better'

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The hospital seems busier today, as Joe gets off the bus. He's sure that there are more people on the bus than usual. He always gets the bus, because parking is too much effort. There is no guarantee he will get a space, and then there is the extortionate car park fees. Not that he wouldn't pay for them, but he has a bus pass. Him and Dianne used to go on day trips with the bus pass, going up to London to the V and A museum, unsure what possessed them to go there except for the fact that neither of them had ever been. There was so much that they hadn't done, so much they want to do. Things that they wouldn't do, not realising how short life really is.

They had done a lot, but the world was a very large place, and their bucket list was only half complete. The other half wouldn't be complete, now that Dianne was in hospital. Joe wasn't going to do it on his own, it was their bucket list, not just his. They had so many amazing memories, Joe just wished he had a bit more time. He could have gone on strictly the year before, Dianne was still a pro. He would have had her for an extra year, he can't imagine them not being together, even if they hadn't been partners. When they met, they instantly had that connection.

It was different from the girls in the club, there was a connection but that was fuelled with alcohol. That was a connection of two people, both plied with alcohol. They all wanted the same thing, quick fixes from reality. Hands running over their bodies, desperate for only what was underneath the clothes, and nothing else. It was fake, it ended as soon as the alcohol wore off, often waking up in an empty bed with a note on the side. He never texted the number they left, he didn't care. He knew that he didn't want a relationship because they had shagged once. Just has he was doubting this logic, wondering if maybe he should call them, because he was getting on and he still hadn't met anyone, and the majority of his friends had. Then he met her, and he knew then that she was the one. As cliché as it seemed, she was the one.

He was greeted by one of the nurses, they were getting to recognise him, he had been there every day for the last two- and a-bit weeks. He was the cute old guy who truly loved his wife. He wanted to bring her flowers and chocolate, but on the first day they told him he wasn't allowed. He couldn't bring Dianne anything too heavy, and even now, she wouldn't want a book. Chocolates and flowers had been the obvious answer. It would give her something to look at, to smile at when he wasn't there. Instead, he settled on those trashy magazines she swore she hated, but always found their way into their recycling bin, when she thought he didn't notice. As time went on, more and more marriages failed. They watched them fail, they watched each tiny step, from the beginning steps to the volcanic eruption at the end, where everything was lost to the dust. Joe, however, had been determined to keep his wedding vows. 'For richer, for poorer. In sickness and in health.' He knew that this was the in-sickness part, he made those vows in front of everyone. More importantly, he made them to the woman he loved, and he was damn sure that he was going to keep them.

She woke up when Joe got here, letting off a little smile, before wincing in pain. She presses a button; the one Joe knows to be the pain relief. It's similar to the one she had when she was giving birth. Except, that was a happy circumstance. This wasn't, she wasn't bringing new life into the world, she was leaving it. She was part of a slow process, where it only had one conclusion. Joe just wished that he could take it away from her. He wished that it was him in that bed, he wished that she was healthy. He knows that she is in pain, it keeps him awake at night, worrying about her. The bed is so cold without her, but he can't bear the thought of her being alone in hospital. She seems to be more alert today, she has good days, like today, and bad days, like yesterday.

Joe manages to get a conversation out of her, talking about their time on strictly, besides marrying the love of his life and having their two children, that was the best experience of his life. Until recently, they had been going to cute little tea-dances. They had still been waltzing through life. He hadn't danced since she got sick, it wouldn't feel right. She was his dance partner, it would almost feel like he was cheating on her.

The doctor comes in, and this time Dianne is awake. He closed the curtain, Joe sitting on the foot of the bed, trying to avoid all the wires and monitors on her. The look on his face tells Joe that this isn't going to be the conversation he wants. 'I'm really sorry.' He begins, looking between the pair of them. 'We've reviewed your tests, Dianne.' Joe watches as relief seems to spread through Dianne's face, anticipating what is to come. 'There really isn't any more we can do; your body isn't responding to any of the treatment.' Joe studies his wife's face, a look of relief is spread throughout the face. 'It's now about keeping you comfortable.' He continues, looking down at the paper in his hands, these are treatment plans for palliative care. It hits Joe, like a football to the stomach. He knew it was coming, he just didn't know it would hurt this much, you can anticipate how you are going to feel but actually being told the news, that is a whole new ball game.

'Can I go home?' She asks, internally pleading with the doctor.

'Once we've got your treatment plan sorted.' He tells her. 'You can go home, it might take a few days though.' She nods, a ripple of relief spreads throughout Joe's body.

'Thank you.' She breathes, desperate to be able to spend time with those she loves.

A/N Thoughts? Wasn't going to update today- but it's purple day! In case any of you don't know what it is, it celebrates epilepsy (or something along those lines). So happy purple day!!!

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