'Till death us do part'

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Sobbing silently, Americus grabs her dads' hand, wondering how he can be so cool about it, when she is barely able to keep herself from wailing. The room is filled with the whole family, it's no longer just the grandchildren, Milo and Caleb have appeared, as have Zoe and Alfie. Joe doesn't have the effort to care where everyone came from, Dianne cared for each one of these people, they were family and they deserved the chance to say goodbye to her. Dianne would like this, having everyone here. No one says anything, the monitors continue to beep. Until Max decides to start.

'I love you so much mum.' He tells her, grabbing the person next to him into a hug. It's Jasmine. Joe is fixated on her face, she's the only one who understands what is on these monitors, what is happening to the woman he loves most in the world. She keeps a poker face. 'Thank you for being the best mum ever and being the best nana to the kids. I love you so, so, so much. Don't you worry, we promise to look after dad for you.'

As if inspired by her brother, Amy starts to talk. 'You really are one in a million, I am so glad I had you as my mum. You always knew what to say, when something went wrong. You always said the right thing.' She pauses, her eyes scanning the room, locking eyes with her brother. 'If I am a fraction of what you were like as a mum, I will be happy.' Emily pulls her close, grabbing at Mia's hand. Whatever their little family was, it was their family. They were all one another hand. Americus meant what she said, Dianne truly was the best mum.

'I remember when I was little, and I fell over.' Emily starts. 'Mum was at work, and I had really hurt myself, we were at that park by the old house. It was just you and I.' Dianne remains silent, unable to move. 'And you told me that everything was going to be okay, because I am a strong Sugg woman.' She grins a little, looking at her cousin. 'And you were right, we are. We are going to be okay, don't you worry.' She pauses. 'I'm sorry you won't see your great-grandchild, but I promise to make sure it knows about you.' The whole room stands there, stunned, this wasn't the time to bring it up. She places her hand gently on her stomach, no one would have been able to tell that she was pregnant, had she not just announced it. It made sense, Joe mused. She had been married, the baby was the next logical step. 'I'm gonna miss you so much.'

'You truly are the best nana.' Jasmine joins in. 'You inspired me every day, and I won't ever forget you.' Joe moves towards the head of the bed, sitting down at the top, mindful of the wires keeping her alive. He gently moves her hair off her face, slowly dragging his hands through it, not wanting to let do. He listens as everyone tells her how loved she is, and how they promise to look after him. She truly was the best wife anyone could have wanted, she was inspiration. He doesn't know how he has the energy to keep going, all he wants to-do is lay with his wife. He can't, there isn't the room. He watches as her chest moves slowly up and down, knowing that soon it will stop.

'I love you so much Dianne.' He says quietly, he said all he needed too before the family got back, but he needed to tell her again. 'I promise you I will be fine, you've given me three beautiful children, and thank you for raising them with me. They've turned out to be such amazing people.' He tells her, his gaze not leaving her face. 'They will look after me.' He looks around at the family they have created, knowing that they will be okay. 'It's okay, you can go, you go be with her.' He tells her, as she lets out an audible sigh. 'It's okay Dianne, they will look after me.' He whispers, as the machines fall silent.

'Till death us do part.'

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