'Hey you with the pretty face, welcome to the human race'

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'One last push.' A voice coaches. 'Come on Dianne, baby is nearly here.' She falls back into the bed, wondering why she thought this was a good idea. A hand gently clasps her sweaty hand. 'Come on, you are so close.' She nods, baring down and screaming. Her scream is suddenly matched with a much more high-pitched mewling. 'Congratulations Dianne, it's a boy.' She observes the people in the room as they pull the baby from between her legs, a doctor noting something down on a piece of paper. Her heart is racing, and she looks to Joe who has tears in his eyes.

She watches as the baby is wiped off, crying as it happens. Dianne watches, tears in her eyes. She isn't sure if it's tears of joy or fear. The baby she has spent months bonding with, singing to and being kept awake, it was here.

'Is he okay?' Dianne asks the midwife, who smiles at the little boy. The woman is about fifty, and she's seen this so many times, yet she never gets bored of this sight. It's always a special moment.

'He's perfect.' Dianne nods, as she feels a sudden pressure, like she's about to give birth all over again. The midwife see's the brunettes fear, she probably doesn't know what is happening. 'That's your placenta.' She tells her. 'Once that's delivered, we will stitch you up.' The girl nods, closing her eyes and baring down.

'Can I hold him?' She asks, a little apprehensively. She isn't sure what she is going to-do, but after twenty hours of labour, she wants to meet the little person she has been caring for. The one she gave up alcohol for, losing her career. Yet, in that moment, she can't blame the defenceless little creature.

'Have you made a decision?' The nurse asks, after ten minutes of Dianne looking at the baby. She's worked in this unit long enough to know that the baby is getting hungry, and she needs to be fed soon. 'I can tell baby is getting hungry', she clarifies for the first-time mum, 'you can either breastfeed, or we can make up a bottle. Typically, the baby needs to be fed within the first hour.' The baby is tucked into her chest, and Dianne is suddenly overcome with emotion.

'I'll feed him.' She breathes, looking up at the older woman. She feels a sudden urge to be near the baby, now it is no longer part of her. 'I don't know how to.'

'Don't worry Dianne, no one does at first.' She reassures the woman, instructing her to unbutton part of her nightdress. She obliges, as the midwife senses the embarrassment from the woman, she's been in this situation before, as she instructs her on what to-do. She let Joe sit in, smiling weakly towards him, as he sits in awe to what the love of his life has just inflicted on herself.

Before long, Dianne is in a recovery area. The place where family and friends come to visit. The pair of them have asked people to visit when she is home, they don't need the fuss. At the moment, it is just the three of them. The pair sit there, making small talk. In reality, they are both so awestruck they just don't know what to say. They take turns holding him, before sending pictures to their loved ones. They will announce it on social media eventually, but for now it is just them.

They make their way to the car, it's nice not having people following them. This moment is just so precious, so perfect. Dianne is sure that she's never seen Joe drive so safely. She's so sore, and even holding the baby is painful.

She lets him take care of her, from carrying the seat in from the car to making her a cup of tea. He doesn't think he will ever get bored from looking at his face. In some angles, he looks like Dianne. In others, he is all Joe. In the twenty-five hours he has been alive, he thinks his phone storage is now 90% the baby.

Dianne had facetimed her family, her parents were booked on a flight for next week. The baby was born three weeks early, but there were no complications. Joe knew how much she wanted her mum there, but he hoped that he was able to make up for it a little bit. All his family were coming over tomorrow, they wanted these forty-eight hours together.

'What name are we going for?' Joe asks her gently, looking into the basket. He watches his son stretch and let out a mewling sound. In that moment, he doesn't think he has ever been so proud. Not even strictly could match up to it.

'Max.' She tells him. 'He looks like a Max.' He nods slowly, picking him up and kisses his head.

'Welcome to our world, baby Max Joseph Sugg. We may not always get it right.' He stares into his sons open eyes. 'We may not get it right, but I promise we will try our best.' He looks over to his fiancé who is in floods of tears.

'Hormones.' She tells him, as she catches him looking.

'But remember this, baby Max, we will ALWAYS love you.'

A/N Thoughts? Also if you haven't notice, this is a double update so check out the previous chapter............ 

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