'You could say this was an independent love song'

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He knew something wasn't right, from the moment Dianne got back from her visit to Amy in Wales. She told him she wanted a girly weekend, so a group of the girls went to Wales to go to a spa. He had spent the weekend pining for her, not that he would tell her that.

She was ratty, and he knew not to question it. He sat there as she moaned about the state of the kitchen, he didn't tell her that it was highly hypocritical of her. She was the messiest person he knew, she left her clothes and her toiletries around the house. This morning alone, he had nearly slipped on her t-shirt, tripped over one of the adidas superstar trainers she insisted on leaving in the bathroom. It wasn't fair that she was having a go, but something told him not to fight her on this occasion. She got like this, right before her period. It wasn't this bad though, not usually.

The fight had started because she told him that he made the pasta wrong, having very specific instructions on what she wanted, he just wanted to make her happy. He had forgotten the pepper or something, telling him it ruined the meal. He thought it was a bit cheeky, but went along with it, now she was fussing about the state of the house, even though half of it was her crap that was littering the bedroom.

'How many times have I asked you?' She moans, staring daggers at him. 'Don't leave your wet towels on the floor.' She says, kicking it with her bare feet.

'How was your weekend?' He tried to change the subject, he doesn't want to get annoyed at her, but he can feel it bubbling inside him. 'Was Amy well?'

'Yes.' She snaps, 'Now piss off, I need a shower.' He obliges, normally she would invite him in. Not today apparently. She misses the eye roll he gives her, as he closes the door too. Just as well, he thinks to himself, she would probably murder him.

Whilst she's in the shower, he decides to tidy up the wardrobe. 'Now I wish we'd never met.' He sings, 'Cause you're too hard to forget.' This is one of his favourite songs, it might be a few years old, but it is still a tune. 'While I'm cleaning up your mess, while he's taking off your dress.' He doesn't realise, but he's started singing loudly. 'And I know that you don't, but if I ask you if you love me I hope you li-li-li-lie to me.'

He is unaware that Dianne is out of the shower, he's brought out of his daydream as she turns his music off. 'Do you have to sing that loudly, it's irritating, and I can't hear myself think.' She accuses, she's shooting him a look that tells him not to argue, but he doesn't care. Not anymore, she's been in a crappy mood.

'Why are you in such a bad mood. I'm trying to be nice to you, but I can't deal with you.' He sighs, her gaze isn't softening.

'I have a headache.' She huffs, not letting him speak, 'I'm going to bed.' She tells him, even though it's barely 8PM at night. He migrates to his office, unsure of what to-do. As he tries to edit his latest video, he plays back the events of the day. He doesn't see why she kicked off, from the photos off Instagram, she seemed to have a wonderful weekend away. She's only kicked off like this a few times, they squabble but this is something. He had got used to her mood swings. He had put up with Zoe, nothing was as bad as that.

He debates weather he should join her in bed, eventually deciding that he would. Grabbing a clean pair of tracksuit bottoms from the dryer, he creeps upstairs. Their bedroom is dark, but he finds his way to the bed. 'I'm sorry.' She mutters, turning over to face him. 'I didn't mean to get that snappy.' He smiles a little, turning the bedside light on, watching as her eyes adjusted to the sudden light.

'It's okay.'

'No, it's not.' She tells him. 'I shouldn't have taken it out on you.' He wasn't expecting an apology, but it was a welcome olive branch. He didn't hold grudges, especially not against her, that just wasn't him. He loved her.

'What's getting you so stressed.' She sighs turning over, at first, he thought that she didn't want to make eye contact, putting it down to embarrassment. He heard a rustling, suggesting that maybe that wasn't a question. Then he was met with a sob. 'Di.' He says, kissing the tattoo on her neck. 'Stop crying, what's the matter.'

She turns her light on, turning over to him, with something in her hand, thrusting it into his It takes him a moment to get his head together. As it all connects in his head, he starts to wonder why she is so upset. She is the one that wanted this, they both did but it was her idea. Truth be told, he thought it would take at least a year. 'I can't help it.' She sobs, 'It's such a surprise.' He understands that, they had been causally trying for two months, he thought he had time, alas he didn't. Given her age, he thought it would take longer, he thought they would probably be after they got married. Someone else had other plans though. 'I want it, but my mood is just all over the place.'

'When did you find out?' He asks softly, wondering if she had been carrying around this secret for a while.

'After I kicked you out of the shower.' He abandons the test on his bedside table, pulling her in closer. 'It had been on my mind since Saturday, and I finally brought the test at the service station on the way home.' She confesses, she probably should have told him this, he could have sat in the bathroom with her, as she found out. 'It's messing with my hormones.' He nods.

'It's okay.' He grins, his heart beating a mile a minute. He had always imagined him having a baby, and over the last few years he could only see it with Dianne, they were going to be a family. 'Are you happy?' He hears her sob a little.

'I am so happy Joe.' She sniffs. 'Honestly I am, I just can't.' He laughs, knowing what she means.

'We are going to be parents.'

A/N Thought'?  If you know which show I got the title of the song from and the scene (tbh i'm still not over it, hence why i'm mentioning it) you are a LEGEND! Also, I'm going to put it out here that I am REALLY struggling with the colder than ice prequel, so I legit don't have a clue when it will be out.

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