'Just lying smiling in the dark Shooting stars around your heart'

270 11 3

'Well we did it.' The redhead sighs, falling back into the pillow. 'We got a ten.'

'And there I was thinking you meant us having sex.' Dianne rolls her eyes, turning over to face the naked man.

'Aren't you a charmer. There I was innocently thinking about strictly when all you can think about is sex.'

'Nothing about you is innocent.' He teases, making her grin.

'Excuse you.' She retaliates, watching him pull a face. 'Get your mind out of the gutter.'

'Can you blame me? Your smokin' She rolls her eyes, connecting their bruised lips together. 'Also, that was a pretty decent way to celebrate. Three times.' He wiggles his eyebrows, he's met with an eyeroll. 'One for each ten.'

'You have issues.' They lay their in silence for a bit,enjoying one another's company.

'What are we?' She asks, getting out of bed. He doesn't reply, instead his eyes scan her body, admiring it in her full glory. 'Joseph, did you listen to anything I just said, or were you just drooling over my tits.'

'It wasn't just your tits.' He promises, as his face soon collides with a pillow. 'Sorry enough larking about.' He says, watching her put her bra and knickers. 'What do you want us to be?'

She sighs, as he reaches out of the bed, grabbing the clean pair of boxers and pulling them on under the duvet. 'I don't know.' She sighs, he wants her to be her boyfriend, but he knows she's worried about taking that chance. He knows she's been badly burnt before, and she's worried he would do the same. He wouldn't, but she didn't know that for sure. 'It's with everything.'

'It's okay Di, I get it.' He promises, stretching out. He doesn't get it, but he's not going to put all of this in jeopardy. 'I bloody ache today.' She grins.

'Welcome to the life of a dancer.' He rolls his eyes. 'We've got street this week.' He groans. 'Don't even think about starting.' She threatens. 'I'm in it to win it this year.'

'I know, and I don't want to let you down.' She grins, as she zips up the case she had been sitting on, he scans the room.

'You ready?' He nods, as his phone vibrates. 'The uber is here.' The journey from Blackpool is made up of them making stupid jokes and taking stupid pictures. It's the first night they spend away from one another in a long time.

Monday morning swings around a lot quicker than either of them wanted, both not ready for the week ahead. This was a venture into the unknown, neither of them knowing any street dance. It occurred to her that this was a metaphor for her life, she had been nervous to try this, a step into the unknown, it was a risk. It would be a risk with Joe, was it a risk worth taking? She was the pro, what if she made an idiot of herself? What if she hurt herself? She thought it was fate when Joe got sick, maybe this was a sign that they shouldn't be together.

This dance seemed nothing but trouble, maybe it was a warning sign for the direction of their relationship was going in? The end of the week couldn't come quick enough, she wanted street to be over, praying to god that she wouldn't be out of the competition. They were so close, so close to the end.

'I'm so glad that's over.' She sighs, cuddling up to Joe. She notes how nice he smells. At first, she thinks he's asleep, but a sigh leaves his mouth. 'You okay Joe?' He turns around, staring into her eyes. After a pause, he starts to speak, words leaving his mouth before he can process what he is saying, what he is asking of her.

'What are we doing?' He asks,

'We are in bed.'

Joe rolls his eyes, unimpressed at her idea of humour. 'You know what I mean.' He doesn't want to pressure her, but he doesn't know how long he can take this. He studies her face, they've been dancing around one another for weeks now. Believe it or not, he had feelings. Every time they laid like this, every morning she would wake up in his bed, every time he saw her toiletries littering his cupboards, it hurt a little more. He wanted to be able to have a definitive answer. Were they friends with benefits? Or were they something more?

She couldn't keep denying that she hadn't caught feelings with the goofball she was lying in bed with, if it was that simple she wouldn't have given it a second thought, they would be together. But they weren't normal, there is so many factors to consider, which could have dire consequences for her. She didn't know if she was ready for those sorts of decisions. She couldn't convey her feelings to Joe, she had mentioned it to Amy, but both were at a loss as to what to-do. It's not uncommon for dance partners to date one another, but this was strictly, there had to be a degree of professionalism.

'Oh Joe.' She sighs.

'Forget it and just go to sleep.' She does just that, turning up over and listening for Joes breathing to steady out, soon joining him in the land of dreams.

She's up before him, gently sneaking out of the bed and making her way to the bathroom, sighing as she realises she's lost track of the day's, strictly is mad she barely even knows what month it is. Reaching into the cupboard, grabbing the unopened pack of pads. As she gets ready, it occurs to her how much of this stuff is hers. It's her toothbrush, her ibuprofen, her shampoo, her conditioner, her hair dye. She takes Joe's body wash, telling him that his smells better.

She stands there for a moment, watching Joe sleep. She hasn't felt like this for a long time, and it terrifies her. She knew that things with Anthony wasn't going to last, it was a very on-off relationship, it was problem after problem, she would take some responsibility. It wasn't a lie; the long-distance shit didn't work but she didn't have it in her to fight for it. She didn't care enough.

With Joe, it's different. He makes her laugh, he just gets her. She knows how fragile he is, and she doesn't want to keep him dangling on a piece of string, he doesn't deserve that. She knows she has to decide soon, because she will lose him if she's not careful.

She know what she wants, but strictly complicates everything. She doesn't want to lose the work, but she doesn't want to lose Joe. It's a toss-up, would they be able to keep it secret? There were so many questions, yet in this moment she knows what she is going to-do.

Grinning, she looks at her phone. 7:22AM, perfect time. She jumps into the bed, careful to avoid actually hitting Joe.

'What the fuck are you doing.' He murmurs, sleep caked in his voice. 'You lunatic.'

'I want breakfast.' She grins, 'Up you get.' He turns to her.

'It's my one day off.'

'I've got to be at pro-rehearsal soon.' She points out. 'And I'm hungry now.'

'Make it yourself.'

'Now that's just rude.' She grins. 'Would you really deny me a breakfast.'

'Yes.' He grins, swinging his legs off the bed. 'Yes, I would.' She jumps on his back, kissing his cheek. 'What's that for? I'm already making you breakfast.' She grins, knowing exactly what she is going to get for breakfast, bloody cereal. He may even go as far as pouring the milk into the bowl for her. She just wanted to have the company whilst she ate her food, it's weird eating in Joes living room on her own, and she knew his feelings about her bringing food onto his bed, overly cautious that she is going to spill it.

'I just want too.' She grins, 'Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?' She says, sliding off his back, watching his face change.


'If you'll have me?'

'Are you kidding me?' She shuts him up with a kiss.

A/N Thoughts? If you know the title song, you're awesome.... I wasn't going to update today but I'm procrastinating, like my assignment is going to write myself, and some idiot decided to book a train where they have to travel across London at like 10 at night. Well. Done. Me. Couldn't have booked it at a normal time like every other normal person🤷🏼‍♀️, and now I have like four hours to spare before I have to catch my train- oh and I'm avoiding all forms of social media because she sent me her shopping list too late (who even wants to eat spinach?) and I am refusing to go out again- so there you go! If you made it this far, well done

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