Chapter 31- Let The Invasion Begin

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A/N- I know, I usually put these at the end but- Pfft! Haha! Oh god, I just realized that I always use 'I know' to start my author's notes. Anyway, short chapter and I knida have to warn you. When writing this, unlike usual when I have the ending planned out first, I had no idea how to end this. So that being said, all of this came off the top of my head and some of it may be good while the rest is just crap. So, I have a question, how many of you actually read these? Like I've asked for comments and stuff but I never get any. Also, MARSHALL WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!? I still need the damn math notes and we have a test TOMORROW! Btw, you missed the teach getting really pissed and giving up. I could continue a lot more but I'm going to stop here and let you read. Enjoy. (Maybe?)


Shinigami from all over the world had come together today. Many from Japan and America, since they seemed to be the demon epicenters. I was so nervous I could barely eat, but I forced down a waffle and some fruit to keep my energy up. All of the humans nearby had been moved away, as to protect them. I paced the room as Rin came in.

"So, today's the day, I guess. I'm not going to try to make some stupid speech you're not going to listen to anyway. But, good luck and please stay safe." He said.

No one said anything. Rin turned to me.

"And don't do anything stupid."

"God, why does everyone keep saying that?" I growled.

"Because you always do stupid things. Do you need any proof? Because I have a lot. Losing control fighting that kid, getting yourself stabbed and dieing, chasing after Inari with no backup, and stabbing yourself at the beach. And that's just a few."

"Okay, first of all, the first one wasn't my fault. The second was because I was saving you! The third, I had no choice. And the last one.....I'll admit it was kinda stupid."

"My point exactly."

"God, you two bicker like you're already married." Ratio teased as he walked in.

"Shut up!" Rin and I snapped at him.

"Okay, okay. But anyway, dad's here and it's almost time. Dad's trying to get Hajime to tell him stuff about the Great Dragons. And Hajime really doesn't want to talk. Misaki, you might want to help Hajime chill out." Ratio said.


"Let's go."


Though Hajime trusted me, Rin, Ratio and all my friends, he didn't seem to trust any of the other shinigami. He certainly didn't feel obliged to answer anyone's questions. He followed me around and stood there quietly as I went around talking to some various shinigami.


I turned to see Rokura and Inari running towards me. I caught Rokura in my arms.

"Wow, you two are looking older." I said.

Rokura looked about ten now, and Inari looked about fourteen. Rokura smiled brightly, but caught sight of Hajime and hid his face against me. He may look older but he was still shy. I had to put Rokura down.

"Who is this?" Hajime asked.

"This is Rokura and Inari. Rokura is my familiar and Inari is Rin's. Rokura's a cat demon and Inari is a fox." I answered.

"I'm Hajime, a dragon demon." Hajime said with a smile.

"You're like us?" Inari asked.

"Yes. I've also been protecting Misaki, like you."

"You protect Onee-chan?"

"Yes, when she was a little girl. But she doesn't need protecting anymore. Unless she does something stupid."

"Ugh! You're the third person to say that just today! I don't always do stupid things!"


"Mom? Dylan?"

My mom came towards us in a shinigami uniform and a sword at her side. Dylan was looking around in awe at all of the shinigami and their weapons.

"Why did you bring Dylan to a battlefield!?"

"He wanted to come. He can help pull the injured to the med team." My mom said, not seeing my anger.

"Onee-chan, who are they?"

"That's my mom and my friend Dylan. Dylan, mom, this is Rokura and Inari, mine and Rin's familiars."

Rokura stared at Dylan hungrily. He jumped at him, turning into a cat. Dylan stepped back but Rokura as a cat landed on his shoulder.

"He smells like bacon!" Rokura purred as he licked Dylan's cheek.

"Hey, that tickles!"

"I guess Rokura took a liking to you." I laughed.

"Misaki, you might want to find Rin and the others. Hana, take Dylan somewhere safe." Hajime said.

"What? Why?"

I turned around but Hajime had disappeared. I ran to go find my friends. Everyone was moving, turning towards something. I ran until someone grabbed my wrist. Ratio had stopped me and was staring at something. My friends stood in a line with Rin a few feet in front of us. In front of him, it looked as if the air was trying to rip itself open.

"It's about to begin."


Fun fact: Hajime was never actually supposed to be in the story. I just threw him in there and he worked perfectly. He is also based off of two characters from a game that I'm not going to tell you about because I would be horribly embarrassed. Bye~!

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