How you first Met/Spoke to one another

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Welcome to my Preference book!

If you have any requests PM me or comment!
Also for all of these pretend Tom can love because I said so. Ok? Ok.

Draco- (first year)
I walked through Diagon Alley behind my mother as she took me to collect school supplies for my first year at Hogwarts.

"Y/n why don't you go into Ollivander's and get your wand while I go collect your books, ok? I'll meet you outside the store when you've finished." She said and I nodded before skipping into the store. The frail old man looked at me and then approached the table.

"I assume you're here for a wand then?" He said and I nodded with a smile.
He asked me a few questions which I gladly answered.

"I think I might have just what you need." He hummed before going off through the boxes of wands. He returned with a box and set it in the table as he opened it and pulled out a lovely wand.

"A birch wood 12 1/2 inch wand with a Phoenix feather core and slight flexibility. Try it out." He said and I did as told. It seemed to cause a breeze around me and he smiled.

"Seems like the wand chose you, now why don't you run off back to your mother, the wand is free of charge." Ollivander said before I walked out inspecting the wand. While I was looking down at the wand I bumped into someone. I looked up as I stumbled back to see a boy about my age with platinum blonde hair and steel grey eyes looking at me.

"Sorry about that." I muttered and he shook his head.
"It's whatever... I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. And you are?" He asked and I cleared my throat.
"I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you Draco. I'll see you at Hogwarts then, I've got to find my mother." I said before leaving him standing there as I searched for my mother to find her walking out of the book shop.

Blaise- (third year)
Potions was my least favorite class by far, not because of Snape; well he was part of the reason, But it was mostly because of Blaise Zabini. That boy was infuriating. Yet there I was, beside the boy I couldn't stand.

"You'll be brewing the cure for boils today with the person sat beside you. I don't want any mistakes to be made or I will deduct house points." Snape instructed and then students began talking among themselves and I only turned to the silent Blaise so see him watching me silently.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." I huffed as I opened the textbook in front of me and found the instructions on how to brew this potion.

"If I took a picture it wouldn't be as annoying as yourself, so I just might." Blaise replied as I shot him a glare. I looked away as I saw a smirk tug against his features.

"Ok then, believe what you want Zabini but you should feel honored to be around someone as amazing as myself." I said sarcastically before walking off to collect the ingredients. I felt his gaze on me as I walked to the shelves and grabbed a get containers. I turned around swiftly and caught his eyes before he looked back at the Cauldron with a blank stare.

Cedric- (fifth year)
Being as shy as myself I didn't hang around the more popular students, instead I tend to sit alone in the library reading or doing homework. But today the world seemed against me.

Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff heartthrob had been trailing after me and Helga knows why. Before he didn't even cast a glance my way. I sat at a table in the library when I heard a chair being pulled out beside me.

"Hello Y/n, mind if I sit here?" Cedric asked and I looked up to meet his dark grey eyes.
"What do you want Diggory? All of a sudden you want to be friends when you didn't even know I existed a day ago." I said as I closed my book.
"I knew you existed, I just never approached you, but now I am. Plus I feel as if I should be friends with another fellow Hufflepuff." He said with a sweet smile. I couldn't help but return the smile.

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