His apology/how you get back together

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I sat curled up reading in the library... alone. Draco broke up with me three weeks ago and I hadn't seen him since.
I missed him and being alone just reminded me of the breakup. I sighed and closed my book before getting up and leaving the library. I was on my way back to the Ravenclaw common room when I was pulled aside by someone and when I looked it was Draco.
His hair was a mess, he looked tired and worn out, and before I could say anything he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry, please take me back. I need you, I don't know what I was thinking. I love you, I'm sorry." He repeated as I hugged him back. I hated seeing him like this, it made me feel sick inside.
"Draco calm down, I forgive you." I said and he went quiet for a minute.
"Be mine again?" He muttered and I nodded before kissing his cheek and we stood there in each others arms for a while longer.

I had been avoiding Blaise for four days now. We both said some things we didn't mean but I didn't want to be around him at the moment so when I saw him walking towards me I turned around and started going a different way.
"Y/n, wait. I just want to talk." He called after me and I walked a bit faster until I felt a tug on my arm and I turned to see Blaise holding onto my wrist.
"Please?" He asked and I gave in with a nod. We walked in silence to one of the many abandoned classrooms and he closed the door.
"What do you want to talk about Blaise?" I asked coldly, not wanting to be around him right now.
"This is something I usually don't do but I want to apologize." He said and I looked at him with a raised brow making him sigh.
"I didn't mean anything I said, I just got defensive. I love you and I'm sorry I made you think otherwise." He said and I nodded.
"I'm sorry too, I said harsh things and I shouldn't have said you didn't love me." I said and I was about to leave when he cupped my face in his hands and kissed me.
"Are we back together?" I asked when he moved away. He smiled slightly and kissed me again quickly.
"Yes, we are." He said before he left the room and I followed after him moments later.

I sat in the Hufflepuff common room staring at the fire as the quiet whispers of other students filled the common room.
It had been almost a month without Cedric and I missed him. I saw him all the time but we never spoke. I regretted breaking up with him but he didn't see the problem with flirting with other girls so I guess it was fair.
I heard footsteps approaching the couch and when I looked over I saw Cedric sit beside me.
"Could we talk?" I asked after five minutes of awkward silence. He looked at me and nodded slightly.
"I'm sorry I broke up with you over some harmless flirting. I was overreacting and shouldn't have done that..." I said and his gaze softened.
"I forgive you, and I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have flirted in the first place since I had you. Can we be a thing again?" He asked and I smiled before hugging him.
"I thought you'd never ask, I love you Ced." I mumbled as he hugged me back.
"I love you too Y/n." He replied and we sat there for hours by the fire.

I have taken a week or so away from Harry after I ended things.
I didn't want to end things with him it just was too much with his life on the line and that being all I could think about, but now all I could think about was him so I decided to find him and fix things.
I walked out of the Ravenclaw common room and headed to the great hall for breakfast, hoping to run into him on the way. Soon I saw him and we made eye contact before he looked away so I jogged over to him and grabbed his hand pulling him away from Ron and Hermione.
"Harry we need to talk, it won't take long." I said and that's when I noticed his awful state. His eyes were puffy and he looked half dead.
"Yeah ok." He said and we walked away from the students flooding the halls and to the courtyard.
"Look I know I said I wanted time to myself but I miss you Harry, I should have never broke up with you." I said and he hugged me.
"I miss you too, but I understand why you wanted your own time." He said and I pushed back to kiss him.
The kiss was short but I was just happy to have Harry next to me again.
"So do you want to get back together?" I ask and he nodded quickly hugging me again before we walked into the great hall hand in hand.

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