How he falls for you

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It was third year and you both had Care for magical creatures together and he would always joke around with you making you laugh. The day he got injured and overreacted you were there to put him in his place and for some reason he found it nice you cared enough to visit him in the hospital wing even if it was to get him to shut up about a small accident.

It was the end of the third year and the two of you had become more of acquaintances than anything but he found himself being drawn to where you happened to be and when you were stressing over exams he reassured you in his own subtle way. After that you two talked more than usual and sometimes you'd even study together.
One study session you had managed to make him laugh and he knew he liked you but he didn't know if he was willing to make it more than a crush.

It was almost five months after he had approached you for the first time. In the beginning he'd have to struggle to keep a conversation going since all you wanted was to read and stay in your own bubble. Soon you slowly opened up to Cedric and when he had managed to pop your bubble and become a good friend of yours he realized he wanted to be one of the only people able to make you laugh. He adored your smile and felt proud that he was able to cause it.

In your second year Harry started hanging around you and your two friends, Ginny and Luna. At first he didn't even know why he would be with the three of you but after getting to know you better he considered you one of his friends so he would come to you just to chat or when he needed help with some work he put off till the last moment. You would always sigh at his procrastination skills but helped anyway and one day he realized how pretty you were and found himself wrapped up thinking about you.

He fell for you a few months after officially meeting, After that visit to the hospital wing Ron would find some excuse to come and disturb you as you tried to work. He'd ask questions and one afternoon you snapped. You asked him what he wanted from you and he explained that he wanted to get to know you better so you agreed to hang out with him that weekend.
The day you two met up it was at Hogsmeade and he dragged you into Honey Dukes and you both went on a spree buying anything in sight. You two had a great time and he loved your company.

He had formed a crush on you within days of the incident causing you two to speak to one another.
He felt awful about what had happened and followed you around carrying your books or your bag, he would constantly apologize even though you were over it. One morning you got tired of his constant presence and asked him to go away though he didn't he only began talking to you about future pranks and within a few hours you were putting your own thoughts into the conversation and the two of you planned a prank on George who was shocked to say the less.

George founded a crush on you before the two of you had ever spoken.(he just thought you were cute)
After the first detention you were dragged into many more with the Weasleys and occasionally Lee.
This time George has dragged you and his brother do play a prank on Snape. It backfired and hit a poor first year and McGonagall gave the three of you detention though George didn't mind because that meant he got to be with you.

He fell for you at the end of third year when you showed your love for the magical creatures. He liked how you would rant about the proper care for creatures and how gently you'd hold the creatures in class. He never thought he'd find someone as passionate about creatures as him so when you took time out of your day to research them with him it made him even more fond of you.

He started falling for you in fourth year, two years after meeting.
After that awkward first encounter Theseus would go out of his way to sit beside you during classes. It was awkward just as the first time but over the span of a year you two had become close and when you were put in the same Potions class in fourth year he immediately took a seat beside you.
The two of you got along quite well and you'd even get him to joke around with you and he loved your laugh.

It only took James a few days to start crushing.
After a week or so from being around you James immediately dragged you into all the messes he and marauders got into. He thought you'd get tired of him and the trouble he got into but surprisingly you went along with it. You would join in on the pranks and hang out with the guys as if you had been there the whole time and James couldn't help but crush on you.

A month after fifth year started Sirius formed a crush on you.
He would normally sneak up on you in the halls or in the library and sling his arms around your shoulders. You pushed him off and would call him a nuisance though he didn't mind if it ment he got to see you. Towards the middle of the year you gave up and let him cling onto you as you went about your work and though your friends teased you only shrugged it off. Sirius even got to the point where you let him hug you and play with your hair while studying and he loved it.

You were the one to fall for him actually.
After another month of trying to get rid of you, he gave up and you'd bud into his research and list all of the reasons he shouldn't make a Horcrux. He eventually stopped researching them around you so you would shut up and it worked, but one afternoon you were with him while some seventh year Slytherin messed with him and when he snapped and pulled out his wand you stopped him from killing the other student. You stood in front of him with his wand in your hand as you sent him a sharp glare as he glared at you in return. You took in his features and once he stormed off you felt your heart racing though you knew deep down you shouldn't fall for a boy like him.

How was that? I don't even know if this is any good but here you go.

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