Opinions on PDA

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Draco- he doesn't mind if it means guys(and some girls) will back off, he is almost always beside you and he'll do anything to keep others away from you.

Blaise- he hates it, the only time it ok is when you hold his hand first but hand holding is as far as he'll go.

Cedric- He loves it but you're shy so he limits it to hand holding, hugging, and maybe a kiss here and there.

Harry- if you're ok with it he is too, though the farthest he'll go is a kiss.

Ron- he's awkward about it so he usually only holds your hand while walking together unless you kiss his cheek on rare occasions.

Fred- He is all for PDA, hand holding, kissing, hugging, cuddling, even making out, but you don't love it as much so he only gives you a peck or holds your hand most of the time.

George- He doesn't care for it much so he'll hold your hand or hug you but that's about it.

Newt- you both are quite awkward about it so he'll hold your hand but that's as far as either of you will go.

Theseus- He doesn't like making you do things that make you uncomfortable so he usually lets you do what you'd like, hold his hand, kiss him he doesn't mind as long as your comfortable with it.

James- though he loves attention he knows you prefer not to display your affection so the most he will ever do is hold your hand and kiss your forehead or cheek.

Sirius- of course he loves it so if you're up for it of course he's going to hug you, kiss you, hold your hand, cuddle and make out, as long as you're cool he's cool.

Tom- he loathes PDA, if anything he'll let you hold his hand on his good days but if you try anything else he becomes grumpy and moves away from you. Unless there is a guy trying to take you from him then he'll full on make out with you so the guy will leave.

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