Your first kiss

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Draco- he kissed you at the end of your first date. The two of you were outside as the sun was setting and when it started snowing he moved you closer to him and made the decision to kiss you. It was only a quick kiss on the lips but you were blushing afterwards.

Blaise- He took you on another couple dates over the summer and on the third date he kissed you at your front door after the date was over. He also asked you to be his girlfriend and you said yes.(why wouldn't you though?)

Cedric- it was on your second date. The two of you had decided just to have a nice day at Hogsmeade and before you had to return to the castle Cedric gave you a simple peck on the lips.

Harry- it happened late one evening in the library. Harry was failing his potions class so you decided to help him study but he broke the concentration by asking you to be his girlfriend. You said yes and he gave you a short but sweet kiss.

Ron- he kissed you in the great hall a week or so after your date. He only did it because some Ravenclaw boy was flirting with you. Afterwards he asked you to be his girlfriend with cheeks almost as red as his hair.

Fred- He kissed you as he parked the flying car in front of your house as he dropped you off after your date with him at the burrow.

George- When the two of you snuck back into the school after your first date he kissed you. You were surprised to say the least but when he asked you to be his girlfriend you agreed without hesitation.

Newt- you kissed him actually. The two of you were in the Hufflepuff common room just talking when you decided to lean over the table and kiss him. He stopped talking and went completely red.

Theseus- he kissed you after your second date, a month after the first. He was walking with you outside in the courtyard and randomly pecked your lips making you blush.

James- he kissed you in front of the Hufflepuff common room door. It was late and the two of you had been in the library studying but before he left he kissed you quickly.

Sirius- it happened during lunch in the first week of seventh year. The marauders didn't believe him when he said he was dating you so to prove it he marched over to your spot at the Slytherin table and kissed you making you flustered as everyone looked your way in shock.

Tom- he kissed you in the hall a couple days after your first date when a boy was flirting with you. He stormed over to you and whipped you around only to smash his lips into yours. The guy got the hint and walked off and the two of you got to kiss so it was a win win.

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