What makes you break up

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Draco- He broke up with you because he thought you'd be a target for the death eaters around the time he was marked. He didn't explain and left you heart broken.

Blaise- you felt like he didn't love you so you brought it up and he got defensive. You two got into an argument that ended with him breaking up with you and storming away from you.

Cedric- the two of you broke up because he was flirting back to the girls who flirted with him. Originally you wanted to just have a conversation but he didn't see the problem so you ended it and walked to the girls dormitory ignoring him.

Harry- you were stressed with the fact Harry could die any time so you confronted him and explained you thought it'd be best if you broke things off for a while. He understood and let you go but his heart was still broken afterwards.

Ron- He would continuously blame your bad moods on your house(Slytherin) and complain you didn't have time for him, but when you did make time for him he pushed you away so you eventually got fed up and broke up with him during dinner one evening.

Fred- He pranked you a lot and would laugh with others at your embarrassment, and at first you didn't mind too much but when the pranks became consistent you tried talking to him about it. He claimed it was all harmless fun and you were overreacting so you pranked him the next day and broke up with him in front of the whole school as everyone laughed at him, exactly what he would do to you.

George- you became very closed off and self conscious when you heard girls mutter about you and when George tried to talk to you about it you snapped and almost ended it there but George calmed you down and convinced you to stay with him.

Newt- you two never broke up but you did have a heated argument. He was so wrapped up in his creature studies and you said something about it. You explained how he never had time for you and asked for him to take a break, but He claimed that he needed to study more if he ever wanted to become a magi-zoologist so you stormed off to collect yourself before you said something you regretted.

Theseus- when it was getting closer to his last week of school at Hogwarts he mentioned that it might be better to break up than try long distance. You argued that you could manage but in the end he won and broke up with you leaving you heartbroken.

James- he was drifting further away from you and more towards Lily so you became jealous. one day you were talking to him only to notice him staring at Lily so you told him to go after her instead of leading you on and left him there.

Sirius- you caught him kissing some girl from Hufflepuff. You went over and pulled the girl away before slapping him and ending things then and there without hesitation.

Tom- you found out he was still planning on making a horcrux so you spoke to him about it. He said it wasn't your business and he could do what he pleased so you said that if he didn't stop you would leave him and he chose to continue so you ended it without another word.

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