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"Make sure you come back alive.."

"I will, (Y/n)-sama. I promise you that I will." Smiling, Haise placed a kiss on my forehead and wiped my tear away. "Please don't cry. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know.. I'm just worried because this is a group I used deal with back then. I'm just a little surprised that they didn't let me go.." I sighed as I looked down. "I don't want anything to go bad, that's all.. Takara needs you.."

I felt his finger under my chin as he moved my head up and kissed me passionately. He gently dropped his briefcase and held my cheeks in his palms. I moved my arms around his neck, leaving no space in between.

"Mama! Let's go! It's pancake day!" I heard Takara, pulling on my sweats.

Giggling into the kiss, I pulled away and looked down at our daughter - her cheeks puffed out to show she was getting impatient. "Okay Takara, I'm on my way." We both saw Takara stomping towards the kitchen, causing us to chuckle. "Duty calls." I joked.

"Yeah.." Haise smiles sadly. "Are you sure about calling off the engagement for now..?"

Gripping my forearm, I nodded. "Yeah.. I think we should take it easy for now.. I wanna know you for who you are now, not because we were engaged in the past. I did fall in love with you all over again, so I want this time to be different."

There was a small silence between us. "That's fine." He picked up his case that was his weapon and walked off to headquarters, getting ready for the operation I was taken off on. "Take care of Takara-chan, (Y/n)-sama." With that said, he left.

I sighed and walked back inside the house I now lived in, sharing a room with Haise while Takara had her own room. I looked around, making sure no one was around, only to take out an old picture Kaneki and myself. All I can do is protect Takara now.. I can't risk anything else - even if it means I can't have a love life.. I thought, stuffing the picture back into my pocket. "Takara, come and help me make pancakes!" I yelled out, hearing my child giggle happily as she ran towards the kitchen.


Smiling, I picked up Takara and sat her on the counter near the empty bowl. I can't let anyone get to her.. But I can't let her live an isolated life neither.. I sighed as I saw Takara mixing the batter, slowly making a mess. The fuck do I do..?


"(L/n)-san, finish cleaning your training room then you can leave."

"Yes sir." Hearing my superior leaving, I sighed loudly and looked behind me, seeing my training room destroyed. "The next time I see those idiots, I'm gonna show them no mercy.." I muttered, cursing under my breath. Sighing, I had gotten a broom and started to clean the room slowly, not wanting to go home alone. It's been awhile since I was taken out of a case. Then again, that was when Takara was just a newborn. I didn't want to believe he was fully gone. So I avoided being a mother, only to get knocked into my senses by Arima.


"You're being pulled out - effective immediately." My eyes widened, looking at Arima in disbelief.

"You're kidding right..?" I mumbled, not believing he would take me out of a case. Shaking his head, Arima continued to do his paperwork. My anger got the best of me, causing me to strike at him. "Why the FUCK would you take me out of this case? I can easily take that ghoul out. So why make this—"

"—You are currently a new mother, correct..?" Arima cut me off. I looked at him in anger. "Her name - it's Takara, correct?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Immediately, I was giving a blow to the stomach, blood coming out my lips. I looked down to see his quinque through my body.

"Takara is a living person, not an object. SHE is also your daughter, so start acting like the mother you should be." Arima told me, pulling his weapon out of my wound. I fell on the floor, covering my stomach that was slowly healing. Looking up at him, I saw the look in his eyes - the disappointment hidden within them. "And here I thought you wanted to protect Takara.. Your real mother may have not been your life but it doesn't mean for you to do the same with your child.. Act like a mother who would die for their flesh and blood."

[FlashBack Done]

Locking the room up, I had walked out of headquarters, looking at the sky. "Takara is probably asleep. I should get home as soon a possible, considering our situation. Plus, I wouldn't hear the end of it from Haise-sama if I left her alone for too long." I mumbled to myself, walking to my apartment. The wind was hitting my skin gently, causing me to cover up a bit as I passed by stores.

Stopping at my tracks, I had felt my kakugan eye appear, causing me to hide my eye. The surrounding was my own daughter's room. She had her stuffed animal in her arm as she laid down on her bed. That's when I saw a shadow appear on the window.

I suddenly had a deep feeling that caused me to sprint toward the apartment. My body moved on its own, my instincts kicking in as I dodged the civilians who got in my way. Why am I running? Why am I panicking? Everything's fine. Takara's asleep, the Quinxs are coming back - so why.. The more I ran, the more it felt like I was loosing oxygen. I just couldn't help but feel anxious about something. Why..? Why am I fearing something that I can't see? Why couldn't I see that shadow?

The moment I saw the apartment was the moment I started to slow down, reaching the door with shaky hands. Slowly as I can be, I unlocked the door and walked in, feeling completely uneasy. "Takara..?" I called out, knowing my own daughter isn't asleep yet.

Taking off my shoes, I walked around in the apartment, my senses heighten due to the unknown shadow. "Takara, I'm not playing around. Come out." I spoke out, looking into the master bedroom. "Sweetie, Mommy is getting scared.. Please come to Mommy.. Mommy isn't mad - she wants to know if you're okay.." I continued, looking under the bed and closet. The room was clean with no trace of my daughter in the room, but there was traces of a ghoul in the room.

Panicking, I ran towards Takara's room, knocking softly. "Baby..? Are you in there..?" No response.. Only to scent of ghouls lingered strongly from the room. Kicking down the door, I walked in. "Takara?!" My heart dropped, seeing the window broken and investigator's blood on the window frame. I walked towards the window, seeing two dead bodies on the rooftop of a building. Turning around, I saw an envelope on the nightstand. I picked up the envelope and opened it, only to see a picture of Eto and my daughter asleep in her arms.

"If you want to see her again, come to the Luna Eclipse building." I read out. My grip started to become stronger, ripping everything but the picture. After everything that I had to do in those four years.. "Give her back.." I mumbled. All my efforts.. All my struggles that I had to suffer throughout those goddamn years with the CCG.. After all of it.. "Fucking give her back to me.." I felt my kakugan eye come out as kagunes sprouted out uncontrollably as my anger took complete control over my mind and body. I wasted those four fucking years for nothing if I can't protect my own daughter.. Did I really just waste that time and effort for this..? "GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING DAUGHTER, YOU FUCKING BITCH!"

What We Do Now [Threequel to The Queen of Them]Where stories live. Discover now