Quidditch world cup

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Dream pov

I was in a graveyard. It was dark and it looked like the darkness could swallow me every moment. The graves around me were dark and plants climbed up against the tombstones. The grass was wet and overgrown, like nobody had taken care of it in a while. In the middle of all the gravestones stood a gigantic grave with a hooded figure on top of it. It had wings and a scythe. I looked past the statue and I could see the outlines from a house in the distance. 

I suddenly was in the house, walking up a set of stairs. The wood creaked underneath my feet and the black and rotten wallpaper was curling down the walls. I came at the top of the stairs and a door stood on a crack. I saw 2 people inside. I could see Peter Pettigrew and someone I couldn't completely see. The person I couldn't see was laying on a couch, wrapped in a blanket. There was a voice, and it came from the one that I couldn't fully see. The voice was soft, but sinister. It sounded like someone was  scraping their nails against a chalkboard. 

"As I recall, you once called the nearest gutter pipe home. Could it be the task of nursing me has become wearisome for you?" The voice asked.

"No, no, no, no, my Lord Voldemort. If we could just do it without the children." It was Peter who was apparently nursing the voice, and the voice was from Voldemort. 

"No! The children are everything! We just need one, the best is both. And it will be done. Exactly as I said." 

There came a man into view, someone I didn't  recognize . He wore a black leather jacket and had brown hair.

"I will not disappoint you, my Lord. Are you sure one of the children will be chosen?" The man asked.

"Yes, and I have a feeling it's going to be both. But first, gather our own comrades."

I could hear a strange sound and a big snake slid through my legs. It entered the room and went onto the couch where Voldemort lay.

"There is someone outside the door. It's the Muggle caretaker." The snake hissed.

"Nagini tells me the old Muggle caretaker is standing just outside the door." 

The unknown man looked up at me and Peter looked through the crack. 

"Step aside, Wormtail, so I can give our guest a proper greeting. Avada Kadavra."

There was a green light, then everything went black. The only thing I could still hear was a whistling kettle 'whistling'. 

Then I woke up.

(Y/N) pov

I woke up panting and sweating. I felt the scar in my neck burn and I rubbed it carefully. I closed my eyes and tried to remembered my dream. A graveyard, a house, Voldemort and Wormtail. A stranger and a snake. 

"(Y/N), are you alright? You look a bit peaky." I opened my eyes again and Hermoine, Samira and Ginny looked down at me.

"Yeah I am. Just had a nightmare." I pulled the sheets off, walked over to my trunk and got out some fresh clothes. I grabbed the badger pocket-watch from my nightstand and looked at the time. 5 in the morning. I changed quickly and went downstairs with Ginny and Samira, while Hermoine was going to wake the boys. 

After breakfast, we left together with me, Hermoine, Harry, Ron, the twins, Ginny, Samira, Daniel, Arthur and my dad. We walked from the Burrow into the forest, which was besides the house. The forest looked beautiful with the upcoming sun shining through the trees and the mist that was dwelling between the trees. I took in a deep breath and remembered why I loved the forest so much. So much even, that I sometimes would go into the Forbidden Forest. 

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