The first Task

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The day of the first task had come and I was terrified. It was around 11  in the morning and I was with the other champions in a tent that led directly into the arena, the place where we would fight our dragons. I was sitting on a couch and Harry was pacing behind me. I had thought a lot last night and decided to hypnotize the dragon, if it didn't work I would try to turn it  into stone. I wanted to do it peaceful, but if I there wasn't a choice left I would play dirty. I stood up and stared pacing too, trying to stop myself from freaking out.

 I also visited my basilisk last night, for the second time this year. I wasn't able to see her much, because of all the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students. Yesterday she finally told me what she wanted to be called. She wanted the name Emerald. 

I asked if Emerald wanted to stay around the arena, in case I needed help. She agreed, to my relief.  

I stopped pacing and stood next to the entrance. Somebody from behind the opening tried to get my attention. 

"(Y/N)? Is that you?" It was Draco who was on the other side.

"Yeah." I sighed.

"How are you feeling? Okay?" He asked.

"I'm going to battle a dragon in a few minutes, I feel bloody awful." I told him.

He pulled open the flap and wrapped his arms around me, nuzzling his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him as close as possible. There was a flash and Rita Skeeter stood there with her cameraman. 

"Young love. How.....stirring. If everything goes unfortunately today you two may even make the front page." I gave the woman a hard glare.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends." Krum interfered.

"No matter. We've got what we wanted." Rita stammered. She left the tent as the headmasters and Crouch entered the tent.

"Good day champions. Gather round, please. Now you've waited, you've wondered, and at last the moment has arrived. A moment only five of you can fully appreciate." Dumbledore turned to Draco. "What are you doing here, Mister Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked him. 

"Sorry, I'll just go. Please don't die one me, babe." I gave him a weak smile and he left the tent. "Barty, the bag." We formed a circle around Crouch and he held up a bag. "Miss Delacour, if you will." She stuck her hand into the bag and pulled out a small dragon. 

"The Welsh Green." 

He held up the bag for Krum. He pulled out a small red dragon.

"The Chinese Fireball."

He went over to Cedric. He pulled out a white-blue dragon.

"The Swedish Shortsnout."

Then it was Harry's turn. He could get either the Opaleye or the Vipertooth.

"The Antipodean Opaleye. Which leaves...." Crouch walked over to me. "The Vipertooth." I mumbled. I stuck my hand in the bag and took out a small, blood-red dragon.

"The Peruvian Vipertooth. These represent four very real dragons each of which has been given a golden egg to protect. Your objective is simple: collect the egg. This you must do, for each egg contains a clue without which you cannot hope to proceed to the next task. Any questions?" It stayed silent. 

"Very well. Good luck, champions. Mr. Diggory at the sound of the cannon, you may...." The cannon got fired and Cedric walked out the tent.


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