Dragons and Ferrets

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I was outside together with Harry and Neville. We were at the side of the Black Lake. Harry was underneath a tree and Neville and I were in the water, studying the water plants that we could find. "Whoaa." Neville exclaimed, while holding the plant up against the light. "Neville you're  doing it again." Harry said, looking away from his book. "Oh. Sorry." Neville mumbled. I giggled and got out of the water, and dried my legs with a towel. As I was putting on my shoes, I heard whispering behind me. I turned my head and saw Ron, Hermoine and Ginny. 

Ron still had his salty look plastered across his face and Hermoine looked extremely irritated. Ron whispered something to Hermoine and she comes marching up towards me and Harry. 

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid's looking for you." Hermoine told us.

"What?" Harry asked, just as confused as I am.

She walked back to Ron and Ron explained to her what she should tell us. She walked back to us and tried again.

"Dean was told by Parvati that.... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." She walked back to Ron.

"Well, you can tell Ronald....." Harry started.

"I'm not an owl!" Hermoine snapped. She walked towards Ron and before they could leave, I drew Ron's attention.

"Ron, don't be a wuss and tell it us yourself next time." I spat. He glared at me and walked away with Ginny and Hermoine.

"He deserved that." Harry mumbled. 

"Let's go to Hagrid." I urged.


It was around midnight and me, Harry and Hagrid walked through the Forbidden Forest.

 "Did you bring the cloaks, like I asked you?" Hagrid asked. I held up my hoodie, showing that I had it.

"Hagrid, where are we going."  I asked.

"You'll see soon enough. Now pay attention, this is important." He instructed. I took a good look at Hagrid and saw that he had combed his hair and that he had a flower on his jacket.

"What's with the flower? Hagrid, have you combed your hair?" Harry asked.

"As a matter of fact, I have. You might like to try the same thing now and again." We stopped by the sound of a strange roar. 

"Hagrid?" Somebody called. A smile cheeped onto Hagrid's face.

"Put the cloaks on." He instructed. I pulled the hoodie over my head and flipped my hood up, while Harry pulled the cloak over his head. We followed Hagrid, who seemed to got to the place the voice came from. Behind a few bushes was Madam Maxime.

"Bonsoir, Olympe." Hagrid greeted her.

"Hagrid. I thought perhaps you weren't coming. I thought perhaps you had..... forgotten me." Maxime stammered.

"Couldn't forget you, Olympe." Hagrid replied. I smiled at the scene. It proved that even the oldest people still can find love. (After the events in the Chamber of Secrets I calculated Hagrid's age. He was 66 when the shenanigans with the Chamber happened.) 

"What is it you wanted to show me? When we spoke earlier, you sounded so exhilarated."

"You'll be glad you came. Trust me." Hagrid walked towards the bushes behind them and pushed the branches down. It revealed a open space with wooden crates. The crates shook harshly and there came plumes of fire out of the sides. People were running around, trying to prevent the things inside the crates to break free. I walked around the bushes and got a good look of what was inside. Each crate held a different species of dragon.

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