Voldemort and the Third task

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This is a very long chapter, I wasn't able to split this chapter up in two chapters, so it's very long one. 

It has around the 4500 words. 


It was the day of the third and final task. I was shaking like a leaf and hadn't eaten anything the whole morning. I was standing in front of a maze, the place where the third task would be held. This was to most dangerous task, so a few Auror's were called and my father was one of them. 

My father and Draco where next to me, trying to make me less nervous. Dumbledore asked for silence and everything went silent.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deem within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now, as Mr. Diggory...." People cheered for Cedric. "And Mrs. Hydra...." People cheered now for me. "Are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Potter....." Our friends and a few others cheered for him. "Then Mr. Krum....." The Durmstrangs cheered for Krum. "And Miss Delacour." Then the Beauxbatons cheered. 

"First person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore announced. "I instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. When a champion wishes to redraw from the task, he or she need only to send up red sparks with their wands." Dumbledore explained. 

Dumbledore gathered the 5 of us and spoke. "In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way." He gestures us to get into our start position. 

I stood next to Draco and my father again. Draco held my hand and my father placed his hand on  my shoulder. "If it gets to dangerous, please redraw." Draco begged. I nodded and turned myself around and looked directly into the maze. 

The cannon got fired and I wasted no time. I sprinted into the maze, without looking back. I stopped when I heard the sounds of leaves moving behind me. I turned around and saw the entrance close.

Great now I really can't go back

I took in my surroundings carefully. The maze was dark and misty. There hung a uneasy atmosphere that send shivers up my spine. I slowly proceeded, taking in every sound. I ordered my snakes to stay on full alert at all times. 

At first I walked, then jogged, then ran, then sprinted. I was turning corners like it was nothing, until I bumped into something. I shrieked and pointed my wand at the object, then lowered it when I realized it was Harry I bumped into. We proceeded together, a lot more careful this time.

There was a sudden scream and I looked at Harry. We started sprinting towards the place where the scream came from. We stopped by a left turn and I could hear that someone or something was around the corner. I pushed Harry against the wall and clapped a hand over his mouth.

Krum came walking around the corner. He looked dead and all the color in his eyes and face were gone. There was the sound of a twig snapping and Krum turned towards us. He pointed his lit up wand to our faces and lowered it again. He walked past us and the two of us ran around the corner, only to find Fleur getting pulled into the maze's walls by a lot of roots. I shot up a spark, to signal that we needed help.

A heavy wind and the sound of bushes moving caught our attention. I looked back and saw the walls closing in on each other. I grabbed Harry's arm and ran. I pulled him into another path and the walls closed behind us. 

A small blue light caught my attention and we ran for it, but we stopped when we landed in a fight between Cedric and Krum. Harry and I duck down as Cedric hit Krum with a spell and Krum flew back. Cedric ran up to Krum and Cedric pointed his wand at him, looking like he was about to end Krum's life. Harry and I ran up to him and yelled for him to stop.

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