Death Eaters

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My father and I had come back to the tent and we were still celebrating about the Irish winning and the boys went completely crazy about Victor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker. 

"There is no one like Krum. He's like a bird how he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete, he's an artist." Ron yelled through the tent. The twins circled around Ron and pretended to be birds. I was standing against a pole, next to Harry.

"I think you're in love, Ron." I said amused. 

"Victor, I love you. Victor I do. When we're apart my heart beats only for you." We sang.

There was a loud bang outside and people screamed. "Sounds like the Irish got their pride on." Fred commented. 

"That are not the Irish. Everyone outside. Now!" My father screamed.

We all rushed outside and the scene was horrific. People were screaming and running in all directions. Children were crying and tents were on fire. A fireball crashed into the tent next to us. 

"Get out. It's the Death Eaters." Somebody screamed. I went completely pale. Memories of the festival when I was 8 came back. Back then, everything was on fire too. People screaming and running. It was exactly the same scene.

"Everyone get back to the Portkey, and stick together!" Arthur yelled over the noise of the screaming. 

We all started running towards the hill where the Portkey was. I looked behind me and a group of masked people with torches marched over the field. They had pointy caps on and masks made out of skulls. They wore long black robes and used their wands to set tents on fire.

I ran with Hermoine, Ron, Harry. I got dragged away from the others by a large group of people who were running the opposite direction. 

The last thing I remembered was being knocked to the ground and a sharp pain in the side of my head.


I woke up by someone shaking me softly. I let out a groan and opened my eyes. I was met with a worried pair of silver eyes and plucks of platinum blond hair.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Draco asked concerned. I nodded and I wrapped my arms around his chest, trying to calm him down. "I was so afraid that it was something bad." He stammered.

"How did you find me and why are you still here?" 

"Me and my parents appareted here. I can't get out without my father and I lost my mother. Father needs to investigate the things that happened." I nodded and I slowly got up, with the help from Draco. I looked around and there was nothing left from the happy ambiance that was here a few hours ago. It now looked like a dump for old, useless things. Most of the wood was still smoking, creating a unsettling atmosphere. It was dark  and the moon was out. The moonlight made the rampage ever worse and scarier. 

"Morsmordre!" Someone screamed. A green flash of light exploded into a ball of light. The light took form and there was now a green skull in sky. The skull opened it's mouth and a snake came gliding out.

I looked around, trying to find where the sound and the light came from. Though the remains of the tents I could see a figure. The figure was staring at the skull, then looked in our direction. He came running towards us and Draco pulled me away from the place. We ran through the burned down tents until someone called my name. It was Samira. The voices from Hermoine and Ron joined in. I looked back a the stranger, who had turned around and was running away. I turned back and Harry, Hermoine, Ron, Daniel and Samira stopped in front of us. 

"We've been looking for you for ages!" Ron exclaimed.

"Draco, what are you doing here?" Harry asked suspicious.

"I went looking for her when I overheard you talking about her missing. And luckily, I found her."

"What is that?" Harry asked, looking in the sky for the first time. I looked at it too and I grabbed my scar. I also, for a strange reason, felt a burning sensation in my left shoulder blade. I remembered that my Dark Mark was there, but it wasn't activated. 

Clouds of smoke surrounded us and people shot spells at us. Draco grabbed me and we duck to the ground and stayed low until somebody stopped them. 

"Stop that is my daughter!"

"And that is my son!"

It was my dad and Arthur who stopped them. "Ron, Harry, Hermoine, Daniel, Samira, (Y/N), are you alright?" My dad asked.

"We came back for (Y/N)." Ron explained. 

"Which of you conjured it?" Someone I didn't know, demanded.

"Crouch, you can't possi-" Arthur got cut off. "Don't lie. You've been discovered in the scene of the crime." Crouch snapped.

"Crime?" Harry asked confused.

"Barty! They're just kids." My father hissed.

"It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's Voldemort's mark." The people around me gasped when I said his name and I just rolled my eyes. 

"Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his  too, aren't they?" He asked. "Yeah, Death Eaters." I answered.

Crouch urged his mans to leave, but I stopped them. "Wait. There was a man. I saw him conjure it. Draco saw him too." Draco nodded and I pointed towards the place we had seen the man. Crouch and the other Aurors walked over to the place I pointed towards. I looked back up at the sky. The burning in my scar was gone, but the Mark on my shoulder blade was still burning.

Why were the Death Eaters here? 

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