Chapter 2

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Ad was rescued by the Alpha unit; Soma, Alisa, and Kota. Ad was roaming around the ghetto in search for food and was attacked by a Black Hannibal but the Alpha unit just made it in time to save him. Now the Alpha unit has brought him back to Fenrir headquarters.

When he was brought to the HQ, Dr. Sakaki immediately noticed his right arm. There was the aragami from the God arc he picked up encircled on his wrist like an armlet. Dr. Sakaki asked to have Ad brought to his lab for inspection and then studied the aragami that was in his arm. After the inspection, Ad was then brought tot the infirmary to rest.

A day has passed. A Black Hannibal was reported to be spotted in the city ruins. It was the same Black Hannibal that attacked Ad in the ghetto. The Alpha unit was immediately launched to pursue the aragami.

At the infirmary, a female nurse came to check on Ad. A day has passed and Ad still hasn't awoken yet.

Suddenly, the atmosphere turned red and the alarm was on.

"Alert! An ogretail has breached the HQ. It was spotted near the infirmary. Anyone who is near the vicinity should evacuate. I repeat..."

Ad that was sleeping soundly awoke from the alarm. He sat up from the bed and held his head in pain. He then noticed his right arm. There was something circling around it loke an armlet.

The nurse noticed the he was awake. Normally, they let the patient rest some more to regain their strength but the situation was an emergency. They have to get out of there asap.

"I'm sorry sir but we have to leave now."

The nurse was about approach Ad.


The Ogretail breached through the doors and it hit the nurse. The impact made the nurse hit the wall. The nurse is knocked unconsious and her head was bleeding.

'Just what the hell is happening?'

Ad just woke up sleep and he has no idea what was happening around him.

The Ogretail approaches the nurse and it is about to eat her.

'I gotta save her... but what can I do? I have no God arc I can use against an aragami.'


Ad charges towards the Ogretail.

'F*ck! My body just moved on it's own."

Ad then tried to pounce ove the Ogretail. However, when he tried to jump, he jumped higher that he had expected.

'What's this? My body feels light.'

He successfully lands on top of the Ogretail. He locked his arms on the Ogretail's neck for hold. He is now riding the Ogretail.

The Ogretail's attention shifted from the nurse to Ad. The Ogretail stepped back and hit its side on the wall, trying to get Ad off on top. Ad held on tight. The Ogretail then rolls and jumps to the side to hit its back on the wall. Ad's hold collapses. Ad fell on the floor. He then chokes blood.

The Ogretail then stands and was about to eat Ad. Ad gazes on the unconscious bleeding nurse from the side.

*coughs blood* 'I couldn't even save a single girl.'

Ad noticed that his strange armlet in his wrist was moving. He held it up to have a better look. It was shaking violently.

'What the hell?'

Just when the Ogretail was about to eat Ad, his armlet quickly turns into a devour. It completely devoured the head of the Ogretail. The body then fell down, dead.

God Eater: Ad VancerWhere stories live. Discover now